フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ミュージック ]
Amazing Sleeping Musics HD, let you have a sweet dream. For people who can not sleep in the night, these songs may help you! key features: -All these songs are high definition and professional quality, lossless recordings. Whether using your headphones or plugging into your home stereo system, will sound great. -Easy use, you can scroll to different page to hear different sleep songs. -3 types of flower, bring you an amazing experience. Amazing Sleeping Musics HD let you have a sweet dream. For people who can not sleep in the ni...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
DreamZook is the collaborative online platform for goal-setting, goal-sharing, mentoring/coaching and effective goal-realization.
[ ブック ]
Dedi was a little lion cub. One day, he decided he would be like his father, King of the Forest. Dedi would roar like a lion – Rah! Rah! Rah! An unexpected awkward turn of events led Dedi to the realization that it takes more than being frightful and loud to be a great leader. So how does one earn admiration? Join Dedi on his quest to discovering what true strength really is. Roar Like a Lion can be an excellent parent-child conversion topic – where a child’s understanding of the world and good character development can be built t...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Advanced Bedtime Rhythm let you have a sweet dream. For people who can not sleep in the night, these songs may help you! key features: -All these songs are high definition and professional quality, lossless recordings. Whether using your headphones or plugging into your home stereo system, will sound great. -Easy use, you can scroll to different page to hear different sleep songs. -3 types of flower, bring you an amazing experience. Advanced Bedtime Rhythm give you a sweet sleeping night Advanced Bedtime Rhythm offers 12 STUDIO ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Zen is a form of Buddhism that avoids theoretical knowledge and academia in favor of direct, experiential realization through meditation and practice. Zen maintains that all beings have Buddha-nature, wisdom and virtue. Zen emphasizes that Buddha-nature is the nature of the mind itself. The purpose of Zen is to expand this Buddha-nature through meditation and mindfulness of daily experiences. Zen practitioners believe that this provides new perspectives and insights on existence, leading to enlightenment. "Zen Koans", provides the ...
[ ゲーム ]
Leela Game is a collection of 1008 excerpts from the talks of the founder of Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. It is believed that when you don't know what choice to make in a specific situation, Leela game can give you a hint. The program will extract one excerpt at random and present it to you. Sahaja Yoga is a form of meditation that allows you to experience inner peace and silence. Meditation occurs spontaneously when the Kundalini energy at the base of the spine has been awakened in a process called Self-realization....
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Amazing Bedtime Songs Pro let you have a sweet dream. For people who can not sleep in the night, these songs may help you! key features: -All these songs are high definition and professional quality, lossless recordings. Whether using your headphones or plugging into your home stereo system, will sound great. -Easy use, you can scroll to different page to hear different sleep songs. -3 types of flower, bring you an amazing experience. Amazing Bedtime Songs Pro give you a sweet sleeping night Amazing Bedtime Songs Pro offers 12...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Voici une application iPhone très pratique pour obtenir votre Réalisation du Soi suivant la technique de la Méditation Sahaja Yoga. Cette application vous aidera à éveiller l'énergie en sommeil dans votre sacrum. Cette technique de méditation a aidé de nombreuses personnes à travers le monde et elle continuera à en aider beaucoup d'autres dans les années à venir. **English** An iPhone application now in French, to get your self realization following the SahajMeditation Technique. This app will help you awaken the dormant divine en...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Advance Sleeping Songs Pro let you have a sweet dream. For people who can not sleep in the night, these songs may help you! key features: -All these songs are high definition and professional quality, lossless recordings. Whether using your headphones or plugging into your home stereo system, will sound great. -Easy use, you can scroll to different page to hear different sleep songs. -3 types of flower, bring you an amazing experience. Advance Sleeping Songs Pro give you a sweet sleeping night Advance Sleeping Songs Pro offers 1...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Advance Slience Bedtime Music let you have a sweet dream. For people who can not sleep in the night, these songs may help you! key features: -All these songs are high definition and professional quality, lossless recordings. Whether using your headphones or plugging into your home stereo system, will sound great. -Easy use, you can scroll to different page to hear different sleep songs. -3 types of flower, bring you an amazing experience. Advance Slience Bedtime Music give you a sweet sleeping night Advance Slience Bedtime Mus...
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