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[ グラフィック/デザイン ]
ARKitを使ったフェイストラッキング、ポジショントラッキング用アプリです。 フロントカメラ、バックカメラの両方を同時に使用します。 VRMに対応しており、表示する3Dアバターを変更することもできます。 また、PC用アプリ「Emmv Studio」と連携することで、以下のことが可能になります。 ・Emmv Faceでトラッキングした表情をEmmv Studio内のキャラクターに表情を転送できます。 ・iOS端末の動きをカメラの動きとしてEmmv Studio内で利用できます。 使い方については、以下のURLをご覧ください。 https://github.com/booooooh522/EmmvFace/blob/main/README.md
[ 開発ツール ]
Brain***k IDE is an esoteric programming language created in 1993 by Urban Müller, and is notable for its extreme minimalism. The language consists of only eight simple commands and an instruction pointer. While it is fully Turing complete, it is not intended for practical use, but to challenge and amuse programmers. Brain***k simply requires one to break commands into microscopic steps. The language's name is a reference to the slang term Brain***k, which refers to things so complicated or unusual that they exceed the limits of ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
********* Promo price: 50% off ********* **********LIMITED TIME ONLY*********** Remote Winamp controller for iPhone/iPod/iPad Control your media in comfort of Your home wireless network. **THE MOST POPULAR WINAMP REMOTE APP ON STORE** **THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT** YouTube link: http://youtu.be/nTUTjxxZuZA INTRODUCTION Wmote application lets You control media files on Your PC computer runing "Winamp" remotely. All You need is to download free "WmoteServer" application from http://wmoteserver.com, and have "Winamp" (2.1x or abov...
[ 教育 ]
S2AR(Scratch2ARKit)は Scratch*(ScratchX)と ARKit を接続します。Scratch プログラミングで、拡張現実にブロックを積み上げて、仮想オブジェクトを作成できます。 *Scratch はMITメディアラボ(MIT Media Lab)のライフロング・キンダーガーデン(Lifelong Kindergarten Group)により開発されました。参照: http://scratch.mit.edu == 使用法(基本)== 1. iOSデバイス(iPhone、iPad)で S2AR を起動します。アプリの中央下に表示される ID(接続 ID)を確認しておきます。 2. PC(Mac、Widows)でインターネットブラウザ(Chrome ブラウザを推奨)を開き、Scratch...
[ ビジネス ]
PowerPoint、PDF等のファイルを、wiviaに接続したプロジェクター、ディスプレイ等へ簡単に投影できます。 機能 - 対応ファイル形式: Word (doc/docx)、Excel (xls/xlsx)、PowerPoint (ppt/pptx)、PDF - 対応wiviaファームウェア:以降 使い方 1. 投影先のwiviaをリストから選択します。 - wiviaへ投影せず、ローカルでプレビューすることも可能です。 2. 投影するファイルをリストから選択します。 - Safari、メール等のアプリで開いているファイルをwivia Docsで投影することも可能です。詳しくはアプリ付属のReadmeドキュメントをご確認ください。 3. 投影が開始され...
[ ゲーム ]
* It is a innovative Reversi game. It adds three kinds of bombs and methods of playing in the normal Reversi game, which are not only entertaining but also helps stimulate constructive mental skills. * The three bombs are “Real-time Bomb”, “Remote-controlled Bomb” and “Time Bomb”. They have different exploding methods and explosive ranges. * If the bombs have exploded, your opponent's pieces in the explosive range turn over and all reversed pieces now show your color. * All kinds of bombs move as normal piece (They can turn over...
[ ゲーム ]
* It is a 12x12 Reversi game. It provides Game Center Network Battle. * The icon below the word "NOW" shows whose turn and the piece used. * To provide the diversified playing methods and different settings below: -Computer- Your opponent is the computer. This is a practice for you. -2 Players- Your opponent is another person. The black player makes the first move. -Network- Game Center matches the two players and computer decides the colors. You can play with all players of the world. (Please join Game Center at first.) -L...
[ ユーティリティ ]
* This App can offline browse web pages (HTML files). * The user can offline brose the downloaded whole web site or web pages. * The user can use the computer to download the whole web site or web pages, and then transfer to iPhone or iPad. Afterwards the user can browse the whole web site or web pages offline. * The user can transfer the files to iPhone or iPad via iTunes or iTools. (The user should transfer the folders via iTools, etc., because iTune can’t transfer the folders.) * The App can decompress the ZIP files; th...
[ ゲーム ]
* It is a normal Reversi game. It provides Game Center Network Battle. * The icon below the word "NOW" shows whose turn and the piece used. * To provide the diversified playing methods and different settings below: -Computer- Your opponent is the computer. This is a practice for you. -2 Players- Your opponent is another person. The black player makes the first move. -Network- Game Center matches the two players and computer decides the colors. You can play with all players of the world. (Please join Game Center at first.) -...
[ ゲーム ]
* Background of the story : The expedition member, Wilson, found the legendary mazes, but unknowingly he got lost and was unable to find the exit. A burst of ox bellows from the depths of the mazes, how should terrified Wilson escape from the mazes safely? * Brief introduction : The player must lead Wilson to get away from dangers and escape from the many scenes of mazes. * Tools : There are red smoke grenade, invisible cloak presently. * The more explanations please refer to the Readme of the app or APP Support.
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