フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
This app helps us us to move from stress to joy in 2 to 4 minutes. It is available to members of the Brain Based Health community (for a membership, visit ebt.org). The method is evidence-based and a novel approach to improving all aspects of life by using the transformative powers of the brain. The goal of the method is to use simple emotional techniques to shut off the stress circuits that can cause the up to 90 percent of health problems, and over time, to rewire the brain for resiliency. As stress is the root cause of so man...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Sensaflow’ s wellness training program has been designed to measure brain activity in the prefrontal cortex region. You will learn to precisely activate the brain network that governs positive feelings and creativity. Sensaflow allows you to observe your imaginative mind in real-time and with self-directed neuromodulation training, you will rewire your brain for enhanced daily experiences. You can expect less overthinking and more motivation. You may even impress your co-workers with creative solutions at work. THE APP INCLUDES ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
I am is a well-designed application that shows and reminds positive affirmations. Affirmations help us to build self-empowerment and impregnate positive thoughts into our subconscious mind. And therefore, you gradually empower yourself and focus your energy to achieve your goals and dreams. Try to practice affirmations every single day. If you get stuck in negative thought pattern, daily affirmations help to flip this situation and open you up with more broader opportunities. Key Features: Various Categories: It supports more th...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Gratitude Diary is a new app that helps you practicing gratitude in your life. Gratitude is defined by Psychology Today as “an emotion expressing appreciation for what one has.” According to Robert Emmons, one of the leading gratitude experts, this appreciation consists of two primary elements. One, it reinforces the idea that there is goodness in our lives and in our world – even when things aren’t perfect. Two, it requires us to see that this goodness often derives from sources beyond ourselves. In other words, by expressing gr...
[ ビジネス ]
The Investor Forum is your next step to creating sustainable relationships with global institutional investors actively allocating to infrastructure. Take part in unparalleled networking opportunities across the agenda and hear investors debate the outlook for infrastructure amid ongoing market volatility. Get ready to delve deep into the effects Ukraine, Covid and interest rate rises have had on the market. Discuss the geopolitical implications of the energy transition, including how global independence from its largest energy sou...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Daily affirmations help rewire our brain, build self-esteem and reverse negative thought patterns. Scientifically speaking, changing your thoughts can change your life, create your own future, and take control of your life with consistent repetition of positive thought patterns (affirmations). * Inspire yourself with positive affirmations Positive affirmations not only do they help make major shifts in your mindset, also serve as prompts and daily reminders on what you are truly capable of, making sure you have an amazing day, ev...
[ ライフスタイル ]
One of the main benefits of hypnosis is that it can alter your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states. It is for this reason that it can be used to help your subconscious become open to new and positive suggestions that will rewire it for happiness, fun, passion, excitement, optimism, and more. You will be able to achieve a whole new outlook on your life where you will truly start to live and enjoy your life to the fullest. This life that you will create for yourself will be rooted in gratitude and appreciation. You will...
[ ゲーム ]
Nothing is as important as how you feel and think about yourself. Harness the power of your thoughts and beliefs to change how you feel about yourself. Boost your self-esteem and gain confidence. Rewire your mind to improve the change in perception about yourself. Seize the chance to believe, admire, and respect yourself as the way you want others to treat you. Now there is no need to navigate the world, people, and relationships to search for any bit of evidence to validate your self-beliefs. Here is a unique way to gamify your wa...
[ ライフスタイル ]
"Today I choose to enjoy this day." One of our favorite affirmations in the app! Discover tons more affirmations in the app. We are motivated by your motivation. The only daily affirmation and motivation app that you need. Empower yourself by affirming your goals and dreams. The I Affirm app has got you covered. Choose from the app's many categories and tons of affirmations - updated frequently. Set up your daily reminders and you'll receive affirmations throughout the day, to suit your lifestyle. Customize the design of the aff...
[ ゲーム ]
Have you ever tried to breathe in through your nose while you talk? Exactly. BYRG challenges your brain and reflexes by assigning your fingers two different tasks: Left - Switch. Right - Jump. Match the color of your switcher with the color of the bar and the more you keep switching before scoring, the more points you get. Simple, right? But, would you be able to unlock Insane Mode? Go ahead and try it yourself! - The game offers over 40 unique ways to customize your switcher. Prepare to rewire your brain, challenge your fri...
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