フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ミュージック ]
App checked for compatibility with latest OS versions - if you are having problems PLEASE update your OS - we experience no problems with the latest OS. Ten more tutorials from Apple Distinguished Educator Joe Moretti - with a focus on some more advanced concepts and answering some requests for tutorials in a number of areas. These ten tutorials total over 68 minutes and cover using external MIDI devices, Audio units, synthesis, detailed effect automation, continuous controller data, composing MIDI loops without a keyboard, saving ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Addicted to Smoking? Beat the Game. Beat your Addiction Brainbuddy is designed to help you rewire your brain, freeing you from nicotine and tobacco cravings so you become stronger, healthier and happier. HOW BRAINBUDDY WORKS Quests From one day to one year, build up your willpower one quest at a time. Escape Take time out during those really tough moments. Escape to the beach, or the rainforest, and more! Rewiring Exercises Depending on your mood, Brainbuddy will often prescribe specialized exercises that destroy addiction ...
[ ファイナンス ]
FEEL BETTER NOW and rewire your brain for prosperity. If you want financial freedom, you have to first free your mind of thoughts of lack and limitation. Get rid of worry and anxiety which contracts your energy and destroys possibilities. Let iPROSPER open you up. The instant you flip a thought from negative to positive, you magnetize yourself for wealth. NIP NEGATIVITY IN THE BUD iProsper short-circuits the negative, defeated thoughts you’ve been running. When the old pessimistic habits creep in, e.g. when you’re paying bills, ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Addicted to Porn and Masturbation? Reboot your brain. Reboot your life. Brainbuddy is designed to help you rewire your brain, freeing you from sexual addiction so you become stronger, smarter and happier. HOW BRAINBUDDY WORKS Check in Each Morning Your daily checkup learns from you and tracks your progress, mood and habits so you reboot fast, effectively and permanently. 24/7 Protection Based on over 3000 hours of patient study, Brainbuddy monitors the factors that lead to dopamine cravings and protects you from porn rela...
[ ファイナンス ]
Affirm-A-Vision™ apps by i-Grasshopper use the most advanced technology and process to integrate everything you love about vision boards, meditation, affirmations, visualization, self-hypnosis and brain entrainment technology, giving you the perfect Law of Attraction tool right in the palm of your hand. ______________________________________________ About This App: To become a millionaire, you must start from the inside out. You must first change your self image and subconscious beliefs. This Millionaire Mindset Affirm-A-Vision™...
[ エンターテインメント ]
About Dr. Yishrayl Stella Utah It’s my job is to help you understand what it means for you to be whole,fellowship with the Creator of all and to show you how to work towards it. Hoverer it’s your job to perform the right actions to become whole. Believe that The Creator is your partner in conscious creation.in your life. Whether or not you believe it now, this powerful truth rests at the heart of all matters.
[ 教育 ]
Your go-to guide for Brandworks University. Now in it’s 24th year, Brandworks University offers MBA-level learning each spring in Madison, Wisconsin, it has become a ‘must attend’ for anyone interested in what’s best and what’s next. Use the official Brandworks University app to navigate the conference with the push of a button. This year, learn how to rewire people's purchase behavior for your brand's advantage.
[ ライフスタイル ]
--Robin Sharma's 8 Forms of Success-- ‘Life Audit’ is an exercise developed by Robin Sharma. He suggests our personal success is measured along 8 dimensions: 1. Inner Life 2. Health 3. Family 4. Career 5. Circle of Genius 6. Financial/Economic 7. Adventure/Lifestyle 8. Influence, Impact & Legacy Visit www.robinsharma.com for more. --Get Started-- For each of the 8 dimensions: 1. Define your 'Ideal State' - what your best self looks like. 2. Rate your current state - on a scale of 10. 3. Define 'One Thing' that you will do to go to...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Me apps contain bite-sized Coaching Meditations that target your specific goal. Looking to lose weight? Me thin will rewire your thinking to automatically make choices that lead to a thinner and healthier you. How to lose weight fast: Our Coaching Meditations unite the best of science with soul to offer you a new and proven tool to succeed in reaching your goal weight as quickly and easily as possible with three different options for your busy, really busy and crazy busy days! Think thin, be thin: In 5 minutes gain the essentia...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
mNexViewHD is the innovative software for viewing the video of plug and play IP Camera on mobile phone. No public IP address is needed for the IP Camera, no port mapping or DDNS is needed for router configuration. It is simply enough to just key in the ID/password of the IP Camera to see the video from your mobile phone anywhere, anytime. Besides the live video viewing, remote video setting upgrade, on-screen pan/tilt control, audio, finger-zooming and snapshot are also supported. The full version has ability to: 1.Record directly ...
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