フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
「脱出ゲーム なにかいるプールからの脱出 ふしぎな夏の物語」 なにかがいると噂のプールに閉じ込められた!? 数々の謎を解きながらちょっとふしぎな学校のプールからの脱出方法を見つけよう! ユニークな学校のプールでのミステリアスな脱出ゲーム 【特徴】 ・ちょっとふしぎな学校のプールを舞台としたボリュームのある脱出ゲームです。 ・このゲームでは学校のプールの色々な場所に入って探索することができます。 ・難易度は初級~中級程度なので、脱出ゲームが苦手な人でも気軽に遊んでいただけます。 ・操作は全てタップするだけの簡単操作ですが、初めて遊んでいただ...
[ ゲーム ]
Download Epic Truck for big jumps, awesome shocks and crazy impacts and go off-road at scenic and dangerous locations including Desert Ridge, Snowy Peak, and the newest location Magma Mountain! Epic Truck now has over 2 million players! Controls: •GAS- touch right side for gas, down for speed •BRAKE- touch left side for brake •REVERSE- hold brake to back up •TILT- Tilting the screen Left/Right makes the truck lean Forward/Back. Tilt works in the air and affects grip •RESET- Reset if you flip or drive into an abyss. Features:...
[ 教育 ]
有機化学は、まず構造式を全て覚えてください。そこを乗り越えたら有機化学の勉強が楽になります。 日常学習から共通テスト(センター試験)、難関大入試をカバーできるように必要な化学物質を選び化学式や構造式、イメージ図などを入れました。 難しめの入試問題もカバーされています。 分子内水素結合を示してサリチル酸の構造式を書かせる(大阪大) 分子間水素結合によるカルボン酸の二量体の構造式を書かせる(出題大学多数) 乳酸、リンゴ酸の構造式を書かせ不斉炭素原子を記させる(名古屋大) 麦芽糖、トリアセチルセルロースの構造式(京都大) β-ガラクトース、スクロ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
!!! TO ALL NEW USERS - READ BEFORE PURCHASE !!! Do NOT download this app (Carly for BMW Old Vers.) as a new user. We recommend the CARLY FOR BMW FULL VERSION to all our new customers. You can find this in our "Carly for BMW (New Version)" app. (Scroll down) ----------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR CARLY BMW PRO OWNERS BEFORE MARCH 19 2018. GOOD NEWS -> YOU ARE ENTITLED TO THE FULL-VERSION FREE OF CHARGE -> www.mycarly.com/migration
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Inner Balance™ gets your heart, mind and emotions in sync to improve health, well-being and performance. HEARTMATH® SENSOR REQUIRED: This is the companion app to the Inner Balance sensor. This app requires any of the HeartMath Inner Balance sensors such as Bluetooth® or the Inner Balance Lightning sensor which connects to your phone and clips to your earlobe to measure your heart rhythms. Inner Balance™ is based on years of scientific research and designed to teach you how to shift your emotional state in the moment – so you fee...
[ ファイナンス ]
The HSBC Vietnam mobile banking app has been built with reliability at its heart. With the app designed specifically for our customers in Vietnam, you can now enjoy a secure and convenient mobile banking experience. Key features: • Generate a security code for Online banking - quickly and securely without having to carry a physical Security Device • Secure and easy log on with biometrics or 6-digit PIN • View your accounts at a glance • Send money conveniently - make local currency transfers between your own HSBC accounts or to re...
[ ファイナンス ]
7/27/2010 1.0.5 Update: iTrade is now fully iOS4 and Retina Display Compatible. Would you like to enhance your knowledge of the stock market? Do you want to learn without fear of failure? Try iTrade, a stock trading simulator platform based on NerdTrade.com. iTrade is a realistic stock trading simulator for the iPhone. The only difference is you won't risk real money, even iTrade is FREE. With iTrade you can: * Manage a $100K virtual stock portfolio * Compete with up-to-date information about other members * Directly compete i...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Manage users, groups, devices, reset passwords & receive critical notifications. The Microsoft 365 Admin App enables you to be productive from anywhere. The app allows you to receive critical notifications, add users, reset passwords, manage devices, create support requests, and more—all while you’re on the go. Who should use this app? People with an admin role to a Microsoft 365 or Office 365 enterprise or business subscription. What can I do with this app? - Add, edit, block, or delete users, reset passwords, assign roles...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
OBD Auto Doctor is the leading OBD2 car diagnostics tool for everyone! Ever wonder why the check engine light keeps going on? Read the OBD2 diagnostic trouble codes and reset the Check Engine Light. With this car diagnostic app for ELM 327, you can quickly and easily communicate with your car's OBD-II system and turn your mobile into an automotive car scanner. ▸ This OBD-2 car scanner app is ideal for everyone interested in knowing their car better. Whether you want to monitor vehicle data in real-time or track car performance, ...
[ ゲーム ]
With 20 millions of downloads worldwide Real Drift Car Racing is the most realistic drift game on mobile devices, and yet easy to control and fun to play thanks to an innovative drift helper. Get ready to drive high performance cars (turbo or naturally aspirated) and make them drift at high speed in tracks designed specifically for drift racing. Improve your racing and drifting skills and earn virtual money to tune and customize your car. Race to battle the world record of the leaderboard or just for fun in the freeride mode. FEAT...
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