フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ライフスタイル ]
“PROJECT is truly revolutionary.” C.N.N.
 “By far the most innovative magazine app in the market.” The Guardian 
 Purpose-built for your iPad, PROJECT magazine is packed with interactive features, videos, music and all the international culture, business and design you can handle. 

Download the reader app for free, before tapping the BUY tab to download Issue 12 (or save some money and subscribe). Then feast your happy eyes on:

 PROJECT features videos, galleries, music and particle accelerators. http://www.otheredition.com ...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Whether you’d like to be heard or be the listener, you can now interact with like-minded individuals in a safe environment that is Experience Project (EP). EP is dedicated to bringing people closer through similar experiences and interests so finding your best friend or soul mate is just a few clicks away. “I think everyone can take something away from the experiences on here" "It's a wonderful community. You could find anything from friends to love." EP is home to tens of millions of users, with countless accounts of how it has...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Combine your videos together with Video Fusion Project! A simple and powerful video editor. Select the videos you want to fuse together. Trim out the unwanted parts. Add some text to tell your story. Choose from one of many awesome fonts. Use the Timeline feature in Video Project Pro to decide exactly where text appears. Video Fusion Project is the best way to make great movies. Add music to your movie with Video Fusion Project Pro! Share your creation on Instagram. Get started and download Video Fusion Project today!
[ 教育 ]
The Human Project app is an intellectual adventure into the future of our species and an invitation to reach for the stars. Literally. Think of the ongoing human project as an inter-generational relay. How is our generation—all of us living at the beginning of the 21st century—doing in our leg of the journey? Today we can’t give a good answer. We are just making it up as we go. It’s time to get organized. Let's start with a big picture. Let’s look as far into the future as our knowledge allows. Lay out the known challenges to ou...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Potential Project app is the companion of your journey towards more focus, well-being and compassion in your daily life. If you are struggling with achieving effectiveness at work and have difficulty focusing - or are aiming to feel less stressed or emotionally depleted - this app is designed to help you. You will find research-backed practices that are customized specifically to your identified needs. The sessions are practical and immediately applicable, designed to help you succeed in developing specific traits such as resilie...
[ ビジネス ]
Der people4project Freelancer-Ticker. Sie suchen als Freelancer, freiberufliche IT Fachkraft oder als Angestellter einer Unternehmensberatung ein neues Projekt? Mit unserer Projektbörse für IT Fachkräfte haben Sie immer die aktuellesten Projektangebote in Ihrem Handy. Features: - aktuelle Projektangebote der people4project - Hinterlegen Sie Ihren persönlichen Suchfilter, um nur für Sie relevante Angebote zu sehen - Ihre persönlichen Daten können Sie lokal in Ihrem Handy speichern, damit Sie bei Rückmeldungen nicht immer Ihre D...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Bienvenidos a la App Oficial de Festivales The Project Music Company S.L. Gracias a esta app, podréis conocer de primera mano toda la información, las fechas, los artistas y las salas donde se celebran De Cajón! Festival de Flamenco de Barcelona, el Festival de Guitarra de Barcelona y los demás festivales organizados por The Project. La app te dará acceso a premios y promociones y te mantendrá unido, siempre y en todo lugar, con el mundo de la mejor música en Barcelona. ¡Aprovéchala, disfrútala y compártela!
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Designed to support consumers right to know what is in our food and in avoiding GMOs, this app features a list of the brands and products that have been verified through the Non-GMO Project’s Product Verification Program. The Non-GMO Project’s program is the ONLY third-party non-GMO verification program in North America, and “Non-GMO Project Verified” is the only non-GMO claim backed by transparent and rigorous standards. The Non-GMO Project is a non-profit organization originally founded by retailers committed to providing consume...
[ ビジネス ]
The Rubicon Project Marketplace Report mobile application provides interactive data visualization of insightful global real-time bidding (RTB) trends in buying and selling of digital advertising on REVV, Rubicon Project’s advertising technology platform. This app invites you to explore, interact with and share data, with up-to-date, monthly and quarterly data feeds, dynamic filters and views, and more.
[ ミュージック ]
• Interactive Chopin music player • 50 Chopin titles EXPANDING WEEKLY to more than 225 titles • Favorites and Rarities (and some rare editions) • Playlists by alpha, genre, key and date of composition • Easy to use search and sort features • Background Play • Share function • Exclusive New Recordings by International Prize Winners • Nearly 4 hours of music (growing to 14 hours) • Superb Audio Quality • Limited-time $0.00 Pricing • Have Chopin in your pocket!! Newest releases in a growing discography of exclusive studio recording...
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