フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
【ご注意】 このアプリケーションは、現在iOS 8には対応しておりません。 SOULCALIBUR シリーズ最新作、「SOULCALIBUR V」(PlayStation3/Xbox 360) 好評発売中!! 3D武器格闘ゲームの最高峰「SOULCALIBUR」シリーズ最新作「SOULCALIBUR Ⅴ」と共に、その原点となる「SOULCALIBUR」がiOS向けに登場! - 歴史と世界を超え、永遠に語り継がれる剣と魂の物語。ここに再び。 1998年にアーケードゲームとして登場後、翌年家庭用ゲーム機へ移植され高い評価を得た 多彩なアクションと熱い駆け引き、魅力的なキャラクター達はそのままに、RetinaDisplayに対応した高精彩なグラフィッ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
全世界待望の「METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN」(PlayStation 3/PlayStation 4/Xbox One)をさらに楽しむ連動アプリが登場! ---------------------------------- 本ゲーム中の一部のモードは、ご家庭のWi-Fi環境が必要になります。 ---------------------------------- ◆◇アプリ紹介◆◇ 「METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN」ゲーム本体と連動させることで、ゲームの地図を表示したり、支援ヘリを呼んだりできます。また、このアプリだけでも、ゲーム中の音楽を聴くことができます。 ---------------------------------- ■iDROIDモードで快適カーナビ操作 --------...
[ ゲーム ]
全世界待望の「METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES」(PlayStation 3/PlayStation 4/Xbox 360(※1))をさらに楽しむ連動アプリが登場! (※1 Xbox 360では、一部の機能は、別アプリのSmart Glassで行います。詳しくはXbox 360のホームページをご覧ください。) ---------------------------------- 本ゲーム中の一部のモードは、ご家庭のWi-Fi環境が必要になります。 ---------------------------------- ◆◇アプリ紹介◆◇ 「METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROS」ゲーム本体と連動させることで、ゲームの地図を表示したり、支援ヘリを呼んだりできます。また、このアプリだけでも、ゲ...
[ ゲーム ]
XIM APEX provides the highest precision mouse and keyboard (and more) experience on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. Unsurpassed by quality, ease-of-use, and flexibility, XIM APEX is the perfect companion to the even most demanding gamer. XIM APEX empowers gamers with the state-of-the-art without bombarding them with unneeded complexity. Through XIM’s unique Smart Translator technology, XIM APEX is able to provide unparalleled 1-to-1 aiming precision that consistently performs in every game you play. It’s quic...
[ ミュージック ]
The most comprehensive media streaming solution for your iOS device! - directly stream music and photos on your iOS device to other devices - this includes XBox 360, Playstation 3, TVs, Blu-ray players, WDTV Live, DirecTV HD DVR, Windows 7 Media Player, etc. - remote control your digital media renderers - this includes many TVs, XBox 360 in Media Center Extender Mode, WDTV Live, XBMC, etc. - play iOS compatible media formats from your digital media server, with AirPlay support and background audio support. - TV output for vid...
[ ゲーム ]
Bist du bereit für das ContiTireRace? Erlebe mit dem Continental ContiWinterContactTM TS 830, ein noch nie da gewesenes Rennvergnügen. Tauche ein in die Welt der Reifen und erfahre die Performance des TS 830 auf einer abwechslungsreichen Strecke auf deinem iPhone. Worauf wartest du noch? Stürz dich ins Rennen! Ziel ist es, die Strecke in drei Runden so schnell wie möglich mitsamt Beschleunigung und Bremsmanövern auf Schnee, Eis und nasser Straße zu bewältigen. Dabei gilt es, auftauchende Hindernisse zu umfahren, die Kurven auf d...
[ ゲーム ]
The million-selling Backbreaker Football is back with a vengeance - and this time YOU tackle! Backbreaker 2 again raises the bar for graphics, physical animation and pure fun. You spoke, we listened: tackling, trucking, jumping – it’s all here! Take down the ball carrier in Vengeance Mode, or fight your way to the endzone in the classic Tackle Alley mode. Whatever you do - this is the best Backbreaker yet, so enjoy the ride! 148 APPS "You'll absolutely LOVE Backbreaker 2!" SLIDE TO PLAY "The graphics are sensational! A great foll...
[ エンターテインメント ]
This app requires an EA Account and FIFA 16, available on Xbox One, Xbox 360®, PlayStation®4, PlayStation®3, or PC. To use the FIFA Ultimate Team features, you must have a FUT Club. Updated for FIFA 16! Keep the world of football close at hand with the EA SPORTS™ FIFA 16 Companion App! Manage your FUT Club anytime, anywhere. Features and great new additions include: • An all new look and feel for FIFA 16 • FUT Draft: Build a squad from a draw of random players in our new mode. Draft your squad on mobile, and play on con...
[ ニュース ]
PS Deals is a unique PlayStation games price tracker in the official PlayStation Store. With instant price drop notifications! Track prices, buy games cheaper or get them for free with PS Deals app - a must have for any gamer! Even better, access all information in one place - price history, reviews, ratings, cheats, screenshots, what’s inside, release dates for every game and add-on. Still reading? Ok, lets cover the most important features: - All PSN Games & Deals PS Deals contains all available PlayStation Stores games & add-o...
[ ユーティリティ ]
myPSN allows you to access the Playstation Network (PSN) and view your Playstation 3 friends list; including who's online, what game they are playing and how their trophies stack up against yours! Features include: -View your friends list, see who's online and what they're playing -View all of your trophies -View all of your friends trophies -Compare trophies and progress with friends If you need help for any reason please contact me through the website and I will get back to your ASAP, if you leave a review asking for help I hav...
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