フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ユーティリティ ]
[対応機種] SPF-030 タクティカルアサルトコマンダー -メカニカルキーパッド- for PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, PC "HORI タクティカルアサルトコマンダー -メカニカルキーパッド for PS5™"の設定を編集することができるアプリケーションです。 このアプリケーションを使用して、キー機能のカスタマイズ、 バックライトのON/OFF、プロファイルの複数設定などが可能です。 デベロッパーの連絡先に記載されているメールアドレスへご連絡頂いても返信する事は出来ません。 お手数ですがお問い合わせ等は、下記URLの当社ホームページの「製品サポート」からお願い致します。 htt...
[ ユーティリティ ]
This Minecraft guide supports ALL popular Minecraft versions. PC, Pocket Edition, Playstation AND Minecraft Xbox! Over 1.5 million users of the best Minecraft guide around. And it's free and no ads! From Seejaykay, makers of Skin Creator for Minecraft comes the ultimate guide for Minecraft. Crafting recipes, Mobs, items, wiki information, achievements, and more! 
Features Include:
 - New player guides available!
- Support for all four major Minecraft versions. PC, Pocket Edition, Playstation and Xbox - All Mobs, Recipes, Ite...
[ ミュージック ]
PlaystationMusicはpsfミュージックファイル用の音楽プレイヤー Game boy advance (gsf), famicom(nsf, nfse)、 super famicom(rsn) Megadrive(vgm)、 PC-engine(hes)、 Gameboy(gbs)、 Game Gear(vgm)、 Master System(vgm) のミュージックファイルもAppを購入すると再生可能。 PlaystationMusicは超便利!!Playstationミュージックを、Playstationを持ち運ばなくても、どこでも聴ける! iTunesのファイル共有機能で簡単にrsnファイルを追加でき、 また、サファリからrsnファイルをダウンロードする時も、PlaystationMusicだと自動で再生してくれます! http://suppo...
[ ユーティリティ ]
XIM MATRIX Manager is the configuration companion app for XIM MATRIX. XIM MATRIX is our ultimate multi-input adapter that unlocks your true potential in the shooters you play on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC! Supports mice, keyboards, gyro controllers, cross console controller use, and any combination thereof. Features our proprietary Smart Translator precision aim system and our Smart Actions advanced macro engine. Unsurpassed by quality, ease-of-use, and flexibility, XIM is the perfect companion...
[ スポーツ ]
Run your team like a superstar with the EA SPORTS™ Madden NFL 25 Companion app! Access your Madden NFL 25 Ultimate Team and Franchise quickly, and stay connected to the action! Get the latest news and updates from the Madden team. MANAGE YOUR ULTIMATE TEAM AUCTIONS Connect to the Auction House anytime, anywhere. Bid on items, access your Binder, and post items for auction at the optimal price, utilizing recent sales data from across the Ultimate Team community. It's even easier to manage your Ultimate Team on the go with all-new f...
[ エンターテインメント ]
A PLAY Games é uma publicação mensal que concentra - há mais de dez anos - as maiores novidades, lançamentos, análises, dicas e curiosidades deste segmento. Sua especialidade são detonados, roteiros completos e minuciosos dos jogos mais populares da geração PlayStation. Faça o download grátis da PLAY Games e compre edições avulsas ou assine diretamente do seu iPad, iPhone ou iPod Touch. • Assinatura auto-renovável PlayStation - Revista Oficial • Duração da assinatura e quantidade de edições enviadas durante a assinatura: • As...
[ ゲーム ]
A companion dashboard app for the F1 22, F1 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, Gran Turismo Sport, Gran Turismo 7, Project CARS, Project CARS 2, Forza Motorsport 7, Forza Horizon 4, Forza Horizon 5 and Assetto Corsa games which recreates a race car dash and displays live telemetry data from the game to add depth and realism to your sim racing. This second-screen app adds to your immersion in the game. Display key data such as speed, gear, RPM, fuel level, ERS, laptime and lap delta. The RPM lights are customisable to suit your pr...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Your PlayStation 3 console has been craving the media on your Mac. Finally, complete Macintosh and Playstation 3 integration is upon us. Enjoying your media through the PlayStation 3 has never been this easy, on any platform -- and the Mac isn't just any platform. Its our favorite platform, so we've taken great care to create a seamless solution. With MediaLink's flawless iTunes integration, getting to your songs on your PlayStation 3 is just as easy as it is on your Mac. Find any song, album or artist with ease in the Mac-like n...
[ ニュース ]
The best way to display, hunt, sort, filter and find guides for your PlayStation trophies. Area X allows you to connect all your gaming accounts together so you can easily track, share and brag about your statistics, achievements, trophies, completed games and more with both your friends and the rest of the world. Area X allows you to see yours and your friends gaming stats all in one place. From PlayStation trophies to Xbox achievements to gaming news, Area X has it all. Area X includes all of these features… • Link and view y...
[ ゲーム ]
CONNECT MORE THAN JUST CITIES Hop on a train with your friends and family and set off to conquer the railways in Ticket to Ride on PlayStation®4! Discover Ticket to Ride, and hop on board for accessible and strategic gameplay perfect for your first boardgame journeys together. Explore the various strategies in this iconic board game and get ready to connect more than cities! Go about the construction of your routes with care, and don't let your opponents thwart your plans! Be the first to control the best railways and try to de...
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