フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
The story of ‘The Rainy Day 2’ is continued to the next day. Mr. Skinny, who returned home from work after a hard work of dodging the rain, found out about his special ability. However he did not show that off to others due to his typical timid personality. In the next morning, which is like any other, Mr. Skinny overslept again because of the hard work of returning home from work yesterday. He rushed to get ready to go to work but made sure he checked the weather forecast as a lesson from yesterday despite running late today. It...
[ ゲーム ]
To do this, a player must match like-colored eggs by firing from a cannon at the bottom. Players are rewarded extra points for increased eggs above the minimum number to match, as well as collateral damage by disconnecting other eggs from the main block (if an egg is not connected to the main egg pile, it is automatically destroyed regardless of whether or not it was matched). Sticks of dynamite are also present amongst the eggs, which indicate available matches to be destroyed for the player. EggShoot Deluxe has three game modes, ...
[ ビジネス ]
TPR2は建設の現場で、杭の施工管理を支援するアプリです。 杭の施工に合わせて、実績データの入力や、写真の撮影を行えます。TPR2では、電子黒板や、キャリブレーションの機能が追加になりました。また、管理項目も部分杭に対応するなどの変更が加わっています。 旧T-Pile Recorderとは互換性がありませんので、Web版T-Pile Recorderシステムも同じバージョン2をご利用ください。 ※ご利用になるには、Web版T-Pile Recorderシステムの契約が必要になります。
[ ゲーム ]
If you like Solitaire then this is the game for you! Both Klondike 1 and Klondike 3 are included and you can move by tap and drag, tap and then tap or double tap to move up to top. Our natural movement system lets you play the way you like. Now with multiple backgrounds and card backs including special Christmas theme! Taking a standard 52-card deck of playing cards (without Jokers), one upturned card is dealt on the left of the playing area, then six downturned cards (from left to right). On top of the downturned cards, an uptu...
[ 教育 ]
いつでもどこでも。手のひらでプログラミングを学ぼう。 PILE(パイル)は、学習負担を極限まで減らした学習アプリです。 どなたでも挫折することなく、継続できるように工夫してつくられました。 初級者から中級者まで幅広いコンテンツを学べます。 # 学習までの流れ 1つのセクションは5分ほどで学べるものとなっており、解説→3択問題→穴埋め問題の流れでゲーム感覚でサクサク学べます。スマートフォンでも学びやすいように、すべて選択式となっており、キーボードを使って入力するストレスを軽減しています。解けた!プログラミングって楽しい!と思ってもらえるものを目指...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Make your ipad or iphone a world of building blocks! Toy Block is specially designed for who want to pile up building blocks on ipad or iphone. If you are young, You could finish unexpect amazing block products by yourself. If you are parents, you could instruct children about shapes, mathematics, colors, while training their manipulative abilities and spatial thinking abilities. No mater who you are, you will get fun of it! ********************************************* Toyblock Features: **Infinite space** Don’t worry abo...
[ ゲーム ]
Arcade Watch Games is a collection of 12 games for the Apple Watch and iPhone. Enjoy hours of endless entertainment all Ad free!  Plus we’ll add more games FOR FREE! List of currently available games: • FLAK ATTACK Use your cannon to fight off an air attack of aircraft, bombers and paratroopers. • INCOMING MISSILE Steer your spaceship avoiding asteroids and missiles. • ALLEY BALL Roll down the changing alley ways using the watch crown to manoeuvre through. Roll on! • BOAT RUN High speed action, navigating your boat using the...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Create stunning picture collages on your iPhone. Setup a collage with a prominent center picture, arrange pictures in a regular grid, or create a random picture pile. Tie fond memories together into gorgeous picture mosaics. With an intuitive interface, TurboCollage gives you complete control over your collage design. Simply start by adding a few pictures to your collage. Choose a collage style from six exciting variants. Select from a range of aspect ratios. Select Landscape or Portrait orientation. Exchange pictures by dragging...
[ エンターテインメント ]
▼大人気パチスロ「シンデレラブレイド」原作の恋愛シミュレーションゲーム ▼ラブライブ!で大人気の声優アーティスト「Pile」の新規録り下ろしボイスを多数収録! ▼自分だけのキャラクターをカスタマイズ出来る着せ替えシステム搭載! ▼ダウンロードは無料!プロローグ&1話も無料で試し読み出来るよ! ーー武闘会で優勝出来なければ…即破門…!? 大人気パチスロ「シンデレラブレイド」の世界観をそのままに、キャラクターたちと一緒に武闘会で優勝を目指そう!ドキドキシチュエーションの恋愛シミュレーションゲームアプリがついに登場!彼女たちとのドキドキの冒険活劇をお楽...
[ ゲーム ]
Puzzly Words is a fun and exciting word game that will boost your brain health and concentration. Game is easy to learn, it’s competitive, it’s addictive, and best of all Puzzly Words train your brain! Play against the clock and three other people to unscramble the letters and find the words with the highest score by pushing your vocabulary to the limit! If you like word games you will love the challenge of Puzzly Words. Be word master and take victory over 3 other people to be the champion wordsmith in this fast-paced game of v...
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