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[ ショッピング ]
OLIVE des OLIVE公式アプリです。 FRIEND CLUBへの登録が可能になりました。 登録により会員限定のクーポンがもらえます。 最新のコーディネート、店舗案内、お買い物などの情報が満載! ポイント機能も追加! 【アプリの特徴について】 ▼HOME 現ポイントの確認とポイント付与するためのバーコードの表示をします! ▼COORDINATE STAFFコーディネートなどブランドの最新ファッションをチェックできます! ▼SHOP LIST 全国のショップを現在地から近い店舗順で表示します! ▼TOPIC 最新情報や・お得なSALL情報を一覧CHECKできます! ▼POINT ポイント履歴を表示します! ...
[ ビジネス ]
You are able to stay connected with the latest information at the touch of a button. See what is happening in the industry as it happens. Never before have you had this much information at your finger tips. See a directory of industry contacts or access a chemical permits right from your ios device. Whether you are an Olive Grower, Olive Processor or looking to get into the industry, check out The Olive Centre App.
[ ミュージック ]
Control your Olive ONE smart music system conveniently from your iPhone. Browse your music library, create playlists and play thousands of internet radio stations. This app will automatically find all ONEs in the same network for simple one-click connectivity. And, as your Olive ONE, this app will be able to: - Browse and play music from the built-in hard drive and playlists - Browse and play music directly from the Albums cover - Edit the metadata of your music. - Search music via the SEARCH MASK (local HDD only) - Sort you...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Find your local producer for olives and olive oil, oleotourism, olive skincare.
[ 教育 ]
Welcome to the University of Mount Olive official campus tour app! You can use this app as a supplement of your on-campus tour, for additional facts and information about our campus and facilities, or from anywhere as a virtual tour of the University of Mount Olive. Featuring: - GPS-guided walking tour with campus map - Photos and information about University of Mount Olive points of interest - Helpful information if you are visiting the area - Customizable postcard to share with your friends Download today and experience th...
[ ミュージック ]
Olive introduces the Olive App™ application for your iPhone™ or iPod® giving you the easiest way to control your Opus Hi-Fi digital stereo from anywhere in your home. From your kitchen, bedroom or favorite spot on the living room couch, Olive App™ gives you portable access to the touchscreen navigation that you love on your Olive Opus. Get instant access to your complete music collection, up to 6,000 CDs, stored on your Opus in lossless quality. Find your music quickly and select by genre, artist or album or tap a few letters and s...
[ ミュージック ]
Olive introduces the Olive App™ application for your iPad™ giving you the easiest way to control your Opus Hi-Fi digital stereo from anywhere in your home. From your kitchen, bedroom or favorite spot on the living room couch, Olive App™ gives you portable access to the touchscreen navigation that you love on your Olive Opus. Get instant access to your complete music collection, up to 6,000 CDs, stored on your Opus in lossless quality. Find your music quickly and select by genre, artist or album or tap a few letters and search by na...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
READ Immerse yourself in God’s Word with your favorite Bible translation downloaded to your device. Use 5 of the most popular Bible translations for free along with many other free resources. Trying to get back into the Word? There are tons of devotional reading plans, from one week to a year to get you deep into scripture. STUDY With thousands of titles available to purchase on the Olive Tree store you can be confident in building yourself a solid library of study resources to keep you studying God’s word for years to come! Not...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
WE’VE MOVED! We are in the process of consolidating our apps, moving everyone to our free Bible by Olive Tree app to give you the best Bible study experience. So, move with us! By choosing our free app, you will receive: - A discount on the Olive Tree Bible Maps as an in-app purchase -Continued access to notes, highlights, and resources -App updates -Support -Visual Verse of the Day NEW! -Upgraded Study Center NEW! JOIN US! Search for “Bible by Olive Tree.” NOTE: THE BIBLE MAPS BY OLIVE TREE APP WILL NOT BE RECEIVING FURTHER UPD...
[ ショッピング ]
韓国でもっとも有名なヘルス&ビューティーストアー、OLIVE YOUNG OLIVE YOUNGでは韓国の様々なビューディーブランドや商品を提供しております。 - OLIVE YOUNGでだけ買える商品を紹介します。 - 今人気のアイテムやブランドを一目で確認できます。 - 会員登録したら様々な特典やプロモーション、イベント情報がもらえます。   OLIVE YOUNGアプリを正常稼働するために、次のサービスにアクセス権限を許可してください。   [必須権限] インストールおよびアプリ登録 - アプリは、サービス利用の最適化のためデバイスのOSとアプリのバージョン情報を収集します。   [選択的アクセ...
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「iPhone & iPad アプリランキング」は、最新かつ詳細なアプリ情報をご紹介しているサイトです。 お探しのアプリに出会えるように様々な切り口でページをご用意しております。

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