フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 旅行 ]
The German Mobile Dictionary & Common Phrase app is comprehensive and very useful for anyone traveling to German speaking countries or regions or expecting to speak with German speakers! "LISTEN, LEARN, SAY IT AS IT READS, SEARCH, ASK A NATIVE!" * Full audio for pronunciation of phrases in need-to-know categories: basics, food, health, shopping, travel, & proverbs! * Over 1700 searchable English-to-German and German-to-English translations. * Search by word, by part of speech or categories like 'funny', travel', 'social', 'food'...
[ ニュース ]
Vi tyckte det saknades ett snabbt och överskådligt sätt att få uppdateringar kring den nuvarande opinionen och se aktuella opinionsundersökningar direkt i mobilen. Därför skapade vi Opinionsbarometern. Vi är politisk obundna och presenterar undersökningar från de största instituten: - Ipsos - Demoskop - Sifo - Novus - SCB - Skop - YouGov - Sentio Vi presenterar dessutom vår egen sammanslagning av dessa som ger ett medel av samtliga! Frågeställningen respondenterna svarar på varierar mellan instituten men är i stil med "Vilket pa...
[ 旅行 ]
The Brazilian Portuguese Dictionary & Common Phrase app is comprehensive and very useful for anyone traveling to Brazil or expecting to speak with Portuguese speakers! "LISTEN, LEARN, SAY IT AS IT READS, SEARCH, ASK A NATIVE!" * Full audio for pronunciation of phrases in need-to-know categories: basics, food, health, shopping, travel, & proverbs! * Over 1700 searchable English-to-Portuguese and Portuguese-to-English translations. * Search by word, by part of speech or categories like 'funny', travel', 'social', 'food', 'busines...
[ 旅行 ]
The Russian Mobile Dictionary & Common Phrase app is comprehensive and very useful for anyone traveling to Russian speaking countries or regions or expecting to speak with Russian speakers! "LISTEN, LEARN, SAY IT AS IT READS, SEARCH, ASK A NATIVE!" * All Russian words and phrases spelled in both English and in Russian script allowing user to "say it as it reads" * Full audio for pronunciation of phrases in need-to-know categories: basics, food, health, shopping, travel, & proverbs! * Over 1700 searchable English-to-Russian and Russ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
CREATE CHARMING GREETING CARDS ON THE FLY OR FROM AN EXISTING PHOTO! Love Shake lets you express your deepest love for someone, or maybe just say hi. Celebrate those special occasions by capturing the moment! Personalize lasting images that can be sentimental, romantic, and fun. You can share, save, and even post them on Facebook! •Fun & easy to use •Graphically appealing & entertaining •Choose from over 120 fun heart messages •Shake your phone for exciting animation. •Touch, drag, play & lock mini hearts •Sexy background music
[ 教育 ]
App del proyecto Novus, Tec de Monterrey. Te permite consumir contenidos educativos en 360º Administra diferentes elementos 360 y enlaza a un cuestionario de validación de conocimientos. Etapa 2019
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Les données en français et en latin sont préchargées. Les œuvres en anglais, espagnol, allemand et en turc peuvent être téléchargées dans l'app. L'app iPieta LTE est similaire mais beaucoup plus léger puisque toutes les données sont téléchargeables et aucune donnée n'est préchargée. Contenu : • Les prières et les dévotions. • Les Bibles : la Bible de Crampon et la Vulgate Clémentine (Latin). • L'ordinaire (Novus Ordo) et les calendriers extraordinaires (Rite Tridentin) avec accès à l'Evangile et les lectures obtenues de la journée...
[ 教育 ]
再生Lil'BuddyはYouTubeの動画をあなたのiPhoneまたはiPodのためのモバイルアプリケーションを介してあなたの幼児することによって承認を提供ポータブルビデオチャネルを制御する最初の親です。 あなたの子供はグース、色、動物、アルファベットと数字を学んでいきましょう...車でもインチゆっくりと小康状態あなたの子供が就寝時最高の子守唄のビデオの1つまたは複数のスリープ状態に。あなたの幼児は、これらおよびその他の日常活動を行う他の子供たちの面白い動画を参照してくださいさせることで時間、入浴時間や食事の時間をだれにでも簡単な昼寝をしてください。そして、...
[ 旅行 ]
The Spanish Mobile Dictionary & Common Phrase app is comprehensive and very useful for anyone traveling to Spanish speaking countries or regions or expecting to speak with Spanish speakers! "LISTEN, LEARN, SAY IT AS IT READS, SEARCH, ASK A NATIVE!" * Full audio for pronunciation of phrases in need-to-know categories: basics, food, health, shopping, travel, money & proverbs! * Over 1700 searchable English-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-English translations. * Search by word, by part of speech or categories like 'funny', travel', 'soc...
[ ゲーム ]
Novus Ordo Seclorum E Pluribus Unum Pulsanti Operietur! 7 14 1 You know what to do. *this game is for entertainment only and it has to relation to reality at all. All of the numbers are made up and it has no secret meaning. Enjoy. Or is it? ∆
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