フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ファイナンス ]
С помощью данного приложения Вы можете застраховать свой автомобиль, недвижимость и здоровье в СК Nomad Insurance. Также вы можете получать актуальную информацию об акциях и новостях компании.
Если вы попали в ДТП или наступил любой другой страховой случай, приложение поможет Вам максимально быстро связаться с сотрудниками Nomad и получить квалифицированную помощь и инструкции.
В качестве дополнительных функций приложение позволяет находить ближайшие объекты:
- Шиномонтаж
- Автомойки
- Запчасти
- Офисы Nomad Insurance.
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[ 教育 ]
L'App è gratuita! Ti aiuterà a conquistare il tuo DIPLOMA: Liceo, ma anche Istituti Tecnici e Professionali per alcune materie
- LICEO : Tutti i tipi di liceo (materie comuni dell'ultimo anno)
Con Nomad Education puoi ripassare dove e quando vuoi… gratuitamente et senza necessità di connessione ! Tutti i contenuti sono studiati e scritti da professori esperti.
Hai quello che ti serve per superare l'ultimo anno scolastico :
+ di 100 mini-lezioni
+ dI 500 QUIZ
Tutto per esercitarti e migliorare la tua preparazione
NOVITA' 201...
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[ ゲーム ]
Star Nomad is an arcade top-down 2D sandbox space-adventure-sim. It was created as a tribute to classic spacesims of old such as Elite, Wing Commander Privateer, Escape Velocity and Freelancer. If you are a fan of these games, then you're in for a nostalgic ride!
[Key Features]
* Simple one-touch intuitive UI, no digital joysticks, just smooth easy flight & fight with one-touch!
* Be a Cargo runner.
* Be a Mercenary unleashing firepower for wealth!
* Be a Miner seeking rare ores.
* Be a Merchant trading in goods!
* Be a Smu...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
Nomad para ISION IP.
Na atual velocidade do mercado, comunicação é sinônimo de sucesso. Alcançar pessoas e ser alcançado pode ser a chave para fechar bons negócios.
Com o Nomad seus clientes e colegas de trabalho não terão dúvidas em como estabelecer contato com você. Além disto, você irá dispor de uma ferramenta ágil e econômica para contatar qualquer pessoa, esteja ela dentro ou fora da sua empresa.
Através do Nomad você se comunica independente do lugar onde você estiver, utilizando apenas a cobertura GSM/GPRS da sua operador...
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[ ビジネス ]
Nomad is designed to meet the needs of merchants seeking PCI and EMV-approved mobile commerce devices that support both Chip & PIN and mag-stripe card readers. The demand for Nomad is continuing to grow as more global markets adopt EMV Chip & PIN readers.
With the help of Nomad Pay, merchants can lower payment acceptance costs, by using Nomad’s embedded card reader that expands their ability to process card-present transactions from temporary or remote locations. Merchants can use Nomad for retail line-busting to expand checkout ...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
Nomad is the first of its kind – a truly global tablet-only publication, with editors
stationed in over fifteen cities worldwide – brimming with forward-thinking content
on culture, music, fashion, art, design, business, war and politics.
Unlike so many others - it is neither the generic tablet version of a print magazine,
or a cluttered, digital publication in its own right. Slick, immersive and rich in video
content, Nomad is elevating the experience of reading a traditional magazine onto
a new digital landscape, without compromi...
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[ カタログ ]
Nomad is a dialogue driven sales and presentation tool with a very non-linear approach. A Nomadic approach. The Nomad structure allows you, with your customer to freely wander from point to point. From one topic to another, answering one question and then jumping back to answer another. Putting you in full control as and when new challenges and business opportunities arise. Nomad – developed for iPad and computer.
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[ ゲーム ]
モバイル端末で革命期のパリを体験し、Assassin's Creed® Unityをさらに楽しもう。このコンパニオンアプリで、様々なアクティビティと戦略的情報を満載した究極のサブ画面がその手に。パリのランドマークに隠された刻印のパズルを解き、Nomad教団を管理して、Assassin's Creed® Unityの限定ミッションと報酬をアンロックしよう!
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[ ライフスタイル ]
Time Nomad is a professional level astrology app and perhaps the most advanced astrology app available on iPhone and iPad.
Time Nomad is an advanced planetary positions calculator software that ensures accurate birth chart calculations. The app can also build precise astrological charts for any given date within several centuries around current date. Calculations are done on device for maximum speed and independence from internet connection.
Time Nomad software is unique in its ability to calculate both tropical and sidereal zodi...
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