フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ニュース ]
Masarykova univerzita, věda a výzkum, studentský život a akademický sport. To jsou jen některá z témat, o kterých si můžete každý měsíc zdarma přečíst ve vašem iPadu s aplikací Muni. Kromě článků, reportáží a rozhovorů přinášíme i videa a interaktivní obsah.
[ 旅行 ]
♦ KEY FEATURES ● Designed for the first time visitor and experienced commuter. ● Simple, fast and intuitive to use. ● Full offline map and routing, works underground, no internet connection required. ● Animates the route and allows tracking of the journey using GPS ● Instantly see the route of any transport service drawn on the map. ● Save and recall favourite and recent journeys. ● Take me home feature. ● Unique “Minute Map” feature allows quick view of all journey times from a start location. ● Services can be turned on or off, r...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Never miss a bus again, with background notifications! Nextime’s unique TransitTrack feature tracks your bus behind the scenes, notifying you when it’s time to head to the stop. Nextime automatically calculates your walking distance from the bus stop, pushing a notification to you at the moment you need to go catch the bus. Quickly check nearby stops, favorites, or search for any stop in your transit agency. Buses are shown with a simple icon: wait, walk, or run to catch the bus. If your bus isn't arriving for a while, Nextime ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
「釈迦」は釈迦牟尼(しゃかむに、シャーキャ・ムニ शाक्यमुनि [zaakya-muni](Śākyamuni))の略である。釈迦は彼の部族名もしくは国名で、牟尼は聖者・修行者の意味。つまり釈迦牟尼は、「釈迦族の聖者」という意味の尊称である。なお、釈迦族とは、様々な民族に経典を翻訳して伝える際に、注釈を加えてわかり易く説法する世襲制の祭司族または書記族の意味。 釈迦は現在のネパール国境付近(インド説も)のカピラヴァストゥ(kapila-vastu、迦毘羅衛 パーリ語:カピラヴァッツ)で、国家を形成していた釈迦族の出身である。釈迦の故郷であるこのカピラヴァストゥは今のネパー...
[ ファイナンス ]
Are you paying per month for rides you don't use? Do you ride often enough to buy an unlimited pass? MetroCost is designed to answer these questions for you. You track your subway and bus rides with MetroCost, and it determines which is best for you: an Unlimited Ride or a Pay Per Ride MetroCard. Each time you ride, launch MetroCost and swipe a finger along the black strip to record it. When it's time to buy a new card, launch MetroCost to see which is the best deal for you, based on your recorded riding patterns. After only a ...
[ 旅行 ]
"Catch the BUS right Now!! Latest Transit app is here to find the nearest bus stop around you & also to find the available transits & it's schedule. This App is using Live data from NextBus, you will have upto date info. By using this app you will never miss a bus. The app's user interface is designed to be very simple and intuitive. There is nothing extra: you select your bus route, whether you are going inbound or outbound, and your bus stop. The app will provide approx arrival time for up to four incoming vehicles and you c...
[ ナビゲーション ]
***Best Commuter Transit App*** iTransitBuddy is FREE! Whether you're a daily commuter or a weekend visitor iTransitBuddy is for you! Features Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Francisco, and many more cities and regions! Don't buy multiple applications for schedules when iTransitBuddy has them all! iTransitBuddy works on the iPhone, iPhone 5, iPad, iPad Mini, and iPod Touch! iTransitBuddy saves you time by allowing you to quickly find your next train, how much time you have until you...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Transporter is an award-winning public transit app designed specifically for San Francisco and East Bay riders. It supports: ✓ SF MUNI, ✓ BART ✓ AC Transit Transporter supports many features you might find in other apps, like finding out real-time arrivals of the buses and trains you ride. But, once you're on board Transporter lets you find out when you'll arrive at your destination! Say you're standing at a stop and want to know when the next bus is coming. All it takes is two taps to find that out. Once you're on your way, it...
[ ライフスタイル ]
With this application, you can register as a volunteer and help people or organizations which truly need it. You can select from current request for help and register for them. - Find a request for help - Register for a volunteer activity - Let us know how your volunteering is going - Collect volunteer achievements - Get involved in the community - Read news from the volunteer center - Share the application, get those around you involved in volunteering!
[ ライフスタイル ]
Skrze tuto aplikaci se můžete registrovat jako dobrovolník a pomáhat lidem nebo organizacím, které to opravdu potřebují. Můžete si vybrat z aktuálních žádostí o pomoc a přihlásit se k nim. - Vyplňte svůj profil, ať vám můžeme posílat žádosti vhodné přímo pro vás - Najděte žádost o pomoc - Přihlaste se k dobrovolnické činnosti - Dejte nám vědět, jak vaše dobrovolnictví probíhá - Čtěte novinky z dobrovolnického centra
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