フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ミュージック ]
Experience the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Song Creation and Music Making! Introducing Mozart AI, a cutting-edge app that uses advanced AI technology to transform your photos into unique songs. Whether you're an aspiring artist, seasoned musician, or simply curious about the blend of art and technology, Mozart AI offers an experience like no other. Create musical masterpieces effortlessly and let your creativity take the lead with Mozart AI. Why Choose Mozart AI? To discover endless possibilities for creating songs and ly...
[ 教育 ]
Entdecken Sie die faszinierende Welt von Wolfgang Amadé Mozart mit dieser App, die den Mozart-Museen der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum in Salzburg, Österreich, gewidmet ist (Mozarts Geburtshaus und Mozarts Wohnhaus). Die von musikalischen Highlights begleitete App ist Ihr digitaler Führer durch die weltberühmten Sammlungen der Mozart-Museen. Die App bietet alle Informationen für Ihren Museumsbesuch - von Informationen über Sonderausstellungen bis zu Eintrittspreisen, Lageplänen und Öffnungszeiten. Diese App ist für alle Mozart...
[ ミュージック ]
This application is based on a musical dice game, or "Musikalisches Würfelspiel", attributed to composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, published in 1792, one year after the composer's death. The game lets you create a musical piece, consisting of a minuet and trio, out of 272 different musical measures, in the style of Mozart! The idea is to roll two six-sided dice for each measure in the minuet, adding the numbers on the dice together, and using the resulting number to select a measure from a table. The same goes for the trio, but here...
[ ミュージック ]
The concept of Radio Mozart is original, unique and very simple: Mozart and nothing but Mozart. All of Mozart's works are available in our carefully dosed program, which combines all genres (symphonies, concertos, serenades, religious music, opera...). We propose the most famous compositions of the divine Mozart, such as Symphony No. 40, Eine kleine Nachtmusik and his most popular operas, but also many overlooked pieces to discover. This application is the official, exclusive application for Radio Mozart under an agreement betwee...
[ 旅行 ]
Mozart's birthplace The house in which Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on the January 27, 1756 is now one of the most frequently visited museums in the world. No other place makes the person behind the artist Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his music as palpable as his birthplace. The App accompanies you with texts and images on your tour through the museum.
[ ミュージック ]
Mozart Music App Experience the Genius of Mozart Anytime, Anywhere Key Features: Fast Loading: Get to your favorite tracks quickly. No Registration Required: Enjoy music without any hassle. iPad Ready: Optimized for both iPhone and iPad. High-Quality Sound: Crystal clear audio for an immersive experience. User-Friendly Interface: Simple, fast, and easy to navigate. Tracklist Includes: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Movt 1 Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Movt 2 Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Movt 3 Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Movt 4 Symphony No. 35 "Haffner S...
[ ミュージック ]
このアプリに新バージョンがあります: http://bit.ly/1mqzizJ ゲーム感覚で楽譜の読み方を学びましょう。空き時間に読んでいるうちにみるみる上達すること間違いありません。 Mozartは楽譜の読み方をゲーム感覚で学べるようにデザインされたアプリケーションです。ツールバーよりゲームをスタートさせると画面の右側に音符のストリーミングが表示されます。選択した楽器で表示される順に音符を読んでいきましょう(例:ピアノの譜)。画面左の音符記号に出題された問題が近づきすぎるとその問題は蒸気の中に消え、残気数が一つ減ります。時間内に回答できれば1ポイント獲得し...
[ ゲーム ]
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart è nato a Salisburgo il 27 gennaio 1756 ed è morto a Vienna il 5 dicembre 1791. E' stato uno dei più grandi musicisti di tutti i tempi. Nel 1791, anno della sua morte, compone forse la sua opera più importante, il Requiem. Il gioco si basa sulla capacita' percettiva uditiva e sulla memoria visuale. Superando i 4 livelli di cui è composto il game potrai ascoltare l'intera composizione e potrai leggere alcune sue significative lettere attraverso le quali potrai ricostruire la sua personalità e la sua vita. Ci...
[ ミュージック ]
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791), was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical era. He composed over 600 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, operatic, and choral music. He is among the most enduringly popular of classical composers. Mozart showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty. At 17, he was engaged as a court musician in Salzbur...
[ ミュージック ]
Tombooks révolutionne la partition et propose aux pianistes une expérience unique : Jouer le deuxième mouvement du Concerto pour flûte et harpe de Mozart accompagné par un orchestre, comme dans une salle de concert ! LE STUDIO vous permet d'apprendre le morceau de manière efficace et rapide. Que vous soyez flûtiste ou harpiste amateur ou chevronné, vous avez la possibilité d'être accompagné par un orchestre complet enregistré en live et avec un son de haute qualité. Vous pouvez notamment accélérer ou ralentir le rythme de l'or...
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