フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Another great educational game from EduFunApps! How familiar are you with the sea life in Monterey Bay? Featuring over 200 species, take this challenge in a fun and entertaining way! You will be presented with 5 random sea creatures seen in the bay. Select the best choice at the bottom of the screen for each of the 5 categories: Common Name, Classification, Habitat, Longevity and Maximum Size. The timer reflects your score, so speed counts! ***** Great little app, good for 10+. Packs a lot of info into quick little game formats.
[ ショッピング ]
The application contains technical information that will help you in the repair and maintenance of your car. Data is divided into categories: general information, chassis, tightening torques of bolts and nuts, fuel system, brake system, lighting lamps, a replacement intervals and volumes of technical fluids. Technical data of repair, adjustments, volumes of fluids, service intervals, etc. - comply with the recommendations of the automaker and can’t be the same with your personal opinion, so it’s only for informational purposes. F...
[ ビジネス ]
Welcome to the official mobile app for the Monterey Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, the predominant membership organization that takes a serious role in networking and advocacy. Check out the buttons below to browse upcoming Chamber events, view our photo gallery, and more!
[ エンターテインメント ]
Watercolor works by Tamara Selyangina I am a member of Valley Art Gallery in Salinas, CA, and the Monterey and Pacific Grove Art Associations. I am Russian by origin and grew up in the Eastern Siberia near Lake Baikal. Prior to moving to California my husband and I lived in Europe for almost ten years. Traveling through Europe provided me with constant inspiration for my watercolors. My European watercolors are primarily cityscape of the picturesque cities and small towns we lived in and visited. The fresh subject matter in Mont...
[ ビジネス ]
Welcome to Padre Oaks Inn, an excellent choice of hotels in Monterey, California for both business and pleasure travelers. When you stay with us, you`re staying near the Cabrillo Highway and just 4 minutes by car from downtown Monterey. Plus, we`re just a 10-minute drive from the famed Monterey Bay Aquarium. Our rooms feature microwaves and refrigerators as well as television with cable service and all your favorite channels. We provide hair dryers and coffee makers too. Enjoy sitting out on your first floor patio or second floor...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Viva a experiencia de conhecer em realidade aumentada o Empreendimento Monterey, localizado na Região do Olhos D’agua, em Ribeirão Preto. Você conseguirá visualizar tanto a área interna do apartamento quanto a área externa. Acesse e se surpreenda!
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Now you can connect with First Baptist Church of Monterey like never before. View latest posts, interact with leadership and other members, listen to messages, and more.
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Sorted³は、130以上の地域で、[App Of The Day]、[Apps We Love Right Now]、[Get StuffDone]としてAppleに紹介されています。 1つの場所から一日をハイパースケジュールするのがさらに簡単に(そしてもっと楽しく)なるように、アプリをゼロから再構築しました。 Sorted³を毎日のワークフローに統合し始めると、3つの基本的な利点に気付くでしょう。 ● 一元化タイムライン Sorted³は、カレンダーのイベントとタスクを1つのタイムラインにシームレスに統合するため、1日を1か所から管理できます。 物事をさらに楽しくするために、アプリ内のイベントとタスクの両方で、フォ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
【goo辞書が作った文章作成アプリ- idraft by goo】 ◆類語や誤字脱字、表記ゆれをワンタップでチェック ◆書きながらgoo辞書が引け、執筆に集中できる ◆執筆がはかどる多彩な機能(ダークモード、文字数カウント等) ◆クラウド同期でいつでもどこでも書ける ◆月間5000万ページビューの「goo辞書」が提供 ◆安心のNTTグループが運営 【idraft by goo(アイドラフトバイグー)とは】 ・『idraft by goo』は goo辞書が作った文章作成アプリです。 ・文章作成に便利な「辞書」「校正」「類語」「テキストエディタ」「文字数カウント」の機能がひとつに。 ・小説やコラム、エッセイな...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Seafood Watch recommendations help you choose ocean-friendly seafood at your favorite restaurants and stores. Our redesigned app makes it easier than ever to get the latest recommendations for seafood and sushi, learn more about the seafood you eat, and locate or share businesses that serve sustainable seafood. Features - Get free, up-to-date seafood recommendations - Search for seafood quickly and easily by common market name - Search for sushi by Japanese name as well as common market name - Locate restaurants and stores that ...
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