フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
This game is an expansion pack of the Gunship-III Vietnam War series. Features flyable MIG-17PF, MIG-19 (J-6), MIG-21PFL Fishbed and MIG-21M, players could play against others USAF players online. For more info about the Gunship-III Vietnam War Aircombat series, visit developer's page or at www.gunship3d.com Offline Campaigns: * Intercept U.S.A.F fighters and bombers over Laos (1964) * Intercept U.S.A.F fighters and bombers over HaNoi (1965) Features: * 360 degrees virtual cockpit. * Realistic avionics and weapon systems. * Ful...
[ ゲーム ]
FoxOne: Special Missions is a new release in the Fox One game series with a entirely new campaign, new objectives, new enemies and new sceneries. All that while keeping the original gameplay that consolidated our game as a success with the public, with very high review ratings in all app stores where it has been published. Along with all the features found in our previous games, FoxOne Special Missions contains: ◆ New and highly detailed sceneries, such as the Portstown city with very tall skyscrapers ◆ New paint schemes ("skins...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Melon Playground用のModsは、インターネットを検索したり、保存したり、パッケージを手動でインストールするような手間のかかる作業を必要とせず、Melon用の最新のmodsを簡単かつ自動的にダウンロードできるツールです。 すべてのmodは、モバイルデバイス用に徹底的にテストされ、最適化されています。気に入ったmodをブラウズして、「ダウンロード」をクリックするだけです。また、すべてのプレイヤーが簡単に、迅速に、問題なくmodをインストールできるように、modローダーのインストール方法に関する詳細な説明も提供しています。 Melon Playground用のModsをダウンロード...
[ ゲーム ]
FoxOne: Special Missions is a new release in the Fox One game series with new campaigns, new objectives, new enemies and new sceneries. All that while keeping the original gameplay that consolidated our game as a success with the public, with very high review ratings in all app stores where it has been published. Along with all the features found in our previous games, FoxOne Special Missions contains: ◆ New and highly detailed sceneries, such as the Portstown city and the Giza Pyramids in Egypt. ◆ New paint schemes ("skins"), in...
[ ゲーム ]
(For iPad3 owners, please download Gunship-II HD instead) EXPERIENCE VIETNAM WAR ERA COMBAT HELICOPTERS! Immerse yourself into the mist of the Vietnam war as an US helicopter pilot. Be part of the new air mobility tactic which helicopters are heavily used to insert troops into battles, transport supplies and weapons to the most remote outposts, hover and pickup a downed pilot in cross fires or fly dangerous low level Hunter-Killer mission. Choose from 5 Vietnam War choppers to fly with an intuitive combination of touch-screen...
[ ゲーム ]
The acclaimed F/A-18 Hornet combat flight simulation by Graphsim Entertainment comes to iPhone and iPad in it's best incarnation to date. With unmatched depth and realism, there's nothing else like it on mobile devices! FEATURES • High-fidelity physics-based aircraft flight dynamics. • Realistic HUD, cockpit and weapon systems. • Intense, white-knuckle aerial combat. • Innovative control overlay system for pilot input. • Ruthless AI means skilled enemies and wingmen. • Scoring system with awards and rank promotions. • Full support...
[ ゲーム ]
THIS is the App you guys have been asking for: X-Plane CARRIER. This app is the most realistic aerial combat simulation for any mobile device (by far), and is the most realistic carrier-ops simulation for any mobile device as well. Your ultimate goal is to take off from the carrier, destroy your adversary in the air without being shot down yourself, and return to the carrier for landing. You will receive a score based on your performance. How high how can you score? We have never managed to exceed a 90% here. Catapults, guns, gu...
[ ゲーム ]
『ジェット戦闘機: エアレース』– 新タイプのゲーム: オリジナルな3Dハイスピード飛行機競争。超大勢力双方が最高の戦闘機で競う! 世界は正気を失った。エアラインが正体不明の悪のハッカーにハッキングされ、飛行機はジェット戦闘機が発進中の航路に配置換え。これで我らのジェット戦闘機がレーダー圏外に出たなんてことはなく……敵ジェットがキミを迎撃するために近くの飛行場から緊急発進。敵を空対空ミサイルで撃ち落とすか、それともアフターバーナーで回避するか? その選択はキミの手に! そんな事態が今すぐ発生するのが、最高に楽しいゲーム『ジェット戦闘機: エア...
[ ゲーム ]
Dogfight over Israel! Middle East air-combat game on the go! Fly the P-51 Mustang, F-4 Kurnass, F-15 Baz, F-16 Netz, F-104 Starfighter, Spitfire, Vampire, Meteor, Hunter, Mystere, Super Mystere, Mirage, Nesher, Kfir, MiG-15 'Fagot', MiG-17 'Fresco', MiG-19 'Farmer', MiG-21 'Fishbed', MiG-23 'Flogger', and MiG-25 'Foxbat'! • Fun action-packed combat flight game! • Easy controls using accelerometer (tilt sensor)! • Campaign covering Middle East air combat from 1948 to 1982! • Over 80 types of historically accurate classic jet figh...
[ ゲーム ]
EXPERIENCE VIETNAM WAR ERA COMBAT HELICOPTERS! Immerse yourself into the mist of the Vietnam war as an US helicopter pilot. Be part of the new air mobility tactic which helicopters are heavily used to insert troops into battles, transport supplies and weapons to the most remote outposts, hover and pickup a downed pilot in cross fires or fly dangerous low level Hunter-Killer mission. Choose from 5 Vietnam War choppers to fly with an intuitive combination of touch-screen and accelerometer controls. MISSIONS 5 realistic and de...
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