フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ビジネス ]
Meta Village(メタヴィレッジ) で、いつでもどこでも、メタバースの世界へ ! バーチャル空間で新しい世界を探索しましょう! ◆教育からエンタメなど多数ジャンルのワールドが!! 実際に会場に行った様な没入感を得られます ◆日常にない出会いがたくさん! ボイスチャットでたくさん話そう! ◆イベントに参加して新しい発見を! 自分にあったイベントを見つけよう! ワールドやコンテンツを続々と拡充していきます。
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Browse, search & view your and public Flickr photos and videos Features: + Provide both vertical and horizontal photo thumbnail layout, which can be changed dynamically + Has external display slideshow option when connected with a secondary display - View Flickr daily interestingness photos/videos archive by date ** Daily interestingness photos/video lists are cached are cached locally. When combined with slide show to cache full screen photos, you can view those photos off-line - Share photo set, gallery, group and collecti...
[ ライフスタイル ]
一緒にテクノロジーの未来を築きましょう • ポイントや報酬を獲得 - アンケート、タスク、リサーチなどのプログラムに参加して報酬を獲得できます。 • 自分で判断できる - プログラムに参加する前に、プログラムで収集されるデータとその使用方法が説明されるため、十分な情報に基づいて判断できます。 • 大きな効果を生み出すインサイトを一緒に築き上げましょう - ビューポイントで収集されるデータは、さらに優れたアプリやサービスの開発に役立てられ、コミュニティにもメリットがあります。 ビューポイントアプリをさっそくインストールしてアカウントを作成してくださ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
O aplicativo Metas de Vida tem como objetivo ajudar você a ter metas saudáveis e o mais importante, a cumprí-las! Seja emagrecer, fazer exercícios ou beber mais água, sua meta é nossa meta! Com a correria do dia a dia acabamos não dando a atenção merecida a nossa saúde e bem-estar prejudicando nossa qualidade de vida. Chega de apenas promessas não cumpridas, com o Metas de Vida você vai cumprir seus objetivos e ter uma vida mais saudável. E o melhor, os horários dos alertas podem ser ajustados por você. ;) Principais metas: 1. ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
The MetaWatch Manager app (MWM) connects your MetaWatch Frame or Strata to your iPhone 4s and iOS 7+ via Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology. For the new META M1 app, go to http://www.m3ta.me/m1app **Email: support@metawatch.com with any questions **Sign up to our mailing list (http://eepurl.com/drA4z) to be notified when new features are released. **Latest firmware is here: http://tiny.cc/mw-update Any notification on your phone now seamlessly extends to your MetaWatch. View your caller-id, iMessages & SMS, even your social m...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
eXtra Voice Recorder is a combination of a powerful high-quality audio recorder and an easy-to-use audio files manager. This handy tool is always with you, so all you need to start recording is to hit a hotkey. You can add a detailed description to each recording and mark the most important parts with comments. A built-in search tool will help you quickly find the necessary recording or its fragment, while the Split function will facilitate splitting recordings in your collection (only in full version). - Organize your recordings...
[ ゲーム ]
PVP IV is the must-have companion app for Pokemon Go PVP battles, created and tested by Rank 24 players. Use it on your own climb to Rank 24 in the Go Battle League! - An IV Analyzer to find the best IVs for each Pokemon/league - Pokemon rankings to help you pick the strongest Pokemon in each league - A battle simulator to learn how to play each matchup - A team builder to help you build the best team - Customizable metas for advanced analysis --- BATTLE SIMULATOR --- Simulate a 1 vs 1 battle between any two Pokemon! Unlike othe...
[ ゲーム ]
Disclaimer: This is NOT a kids game! Tusker’s Number Adventure is a unique meta adventure/puzzle game experience - featuring simulated software glitches, bugs, malware alerts and unauthorised file transfers as part of the story. Starting out as a cutesy educational game for kids, things quickly take a turn for the worse. Simple counting tasks take a sinister twist - with your data and security soon put at risk! Is this a virus? Have you been hacked? Who is behind these tasks, and what do they really want? NOTE: All software glit...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Browse, view, upload and manage SmugMug photos and videos Warning to iOS 8.0 - 8.3 users: Due to an unknown bug, the app can't login to your account. In order to fix the issue, update to iOS 8.4 or greater. Features - Upload photos and videos to an existing or new gallery - Cache gallery list - Gallery search - Edit/delete an existing gallery - Remove photos from an existing gallery - Edit an existing photo's meta info - View galleries of your friends, family and fans - Manage your friends and family - View all-time popular photo...
[ ファイナンス ]
Hawkは米国株トレーダー、暗号通貨トレーダー向けの、複数のWebサイトを横断検索ができる便利なアプリです。 調査したい銘柄を複数のサイトを横断検索できるので、効率的に情報を収集することができます。 現在は、米国株(NYSE、NASDAQ、AMEX)、暗号通貨のシンボルに対応しています。 今後他のシンボルも随時追加予定です。 ■Hawkのおすすめポイント 【複数のWebサイトを横断検索ができる】 銘柄の情報を複数のWebサイトを横断的に検索できます。 Hawkを使えば、Youtubeを開いて検索、次にTwitterを開いて検索など複数のWebサイトを検索し直す面倒な動作をする必要はもうあ...
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「iPhone & iPad アプリランキング」は、最新かつ詳細なアプリ情報をご紹介しているサイトです。 お探しのアプリに出会えるように様々な切り口でページをご用意しております。

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