フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Scarica la nuova App Albano: il marchio top della fashion industry subito sul tuo iPhone.
Da oggi Albano è anche applicazione per iPhone e iPad: scaricala subito per guardare in ogni luogo le nuove collezioni e scegliere il punto vendita più vicino a casa tua.
Albano è presente da un secolo nella fashion industry, segno inconfondibile di classe e stile, il manifesto del Made in Italy senza tempo, icona del prêt a porter mondiale.
Con la nuova App per iPhone Albano potrai accedere ad un nuovo modo di vedere e di concepire un nego...
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[ ニュース ]
?????? OFFERTA LANCIO ?????????????????? O.79€ INVECE DI 2.39€??????????????????
"Quotidiani Italiani - Prime Pagine" è una fantastica applicazione che ti permette di consultare ben 16 prime pagine dei principali quotidiani italiani e hai anche la possibilità di consultare il televideo in modo rapido e veloce.
L'applicazione permette anche di eseguire lo Zoom su ogni prima pagina in modo da poter le...
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[ ブック ]
The work of one of the greatest poets of the nineteenth century, "poète maudit", a brilliant innovator who has broken the traditional aesthetic criteria to dictate new rules in the expression of the concept of beauty and the whole poetic art.
His major work, “Les Fleurs du Mal" is, without doubt, one of the most incisive creations of modern literature and can be considered a true manifesto of Symbolism.
This is another annoteBook by Dathlon for iPad, with a new version optimized for the “magic” tablet. The reader has been redesig...
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[ ブック ]
Featured in recent front page story of the NEW YORK TIMES
"Atheist Pocket Debater is an excellent and useful tool for Atheists and Skeptics." - Michael Shermer, Skeptic Magazine
** Jason Hagen interviewed by Dan Barker (FFRF.org) on FREETHOUGHT RADIO Podcast. **
**ON TOP 25 LIST out of 27,000 apps in BOOK CATEGORY**
**"Well thought out and organized.... highly recommended to anyone wanting to learn more about the mentioned topics, or anyone looking to broaden their horizons." - APP MODO
ATHEIST POCKET DEBATER contains old a...
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[ ブック ]
Allama Dr.Muhammad Iqbal was a poet, philosopher and politician in British-ruled sub-continent. He is well-known for his scholarly works on politics, economics, history, philosophy and religion. But he is best known for his poetic works in Urdu and Persian languages. He was a strong advocate of political and spiritual revival of Islamic civilisation across the world, specifically in South Asia. Zarb-e-Kaleem is Iqbal's third collection of Urdu poems. It has been described as his political manifesto.
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[ ブック ]
Please go to APP Store to search "Loudreader" to check out many more great works:
Charles Dickens Collection (16 books)
Confucius Collection (Analects,
Doctrine of the mean, The great learning)
D.H. Lawrence Collection (14 books)
H.G. Wells Library (26 books)
Jules Verne Collection
H.P. LoveCraft Collection
Sherlock Holmes Collection
Homer Collection
Jane Austen Collection
Bronte Collection
Bible (in 10+ languages)
This library contains the following 30 books:
* Politics by Aristotle
* Art of War (by Sun Tz...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
ARpolitik è un nuovo progetto di comunicazione digital e social rivolto a tutti coloro i quali si occupano di propaganda elettorale (agenzie di comunicazione, segreterie di partito, singoli candidati, etc.).
Si tratta di un’APP in realtà aumentata per smartphone che riconoscendo l’immagine (volantino, manifesto elettorale, etc.) aggiunge contenuti multimediali (audio, video, animazione, 3D, links dei social, etc.).
Così facendo il candidato potrà comunicare, informare ed emozionare coinvolgendo e suscitando curiosità anche tra i p...
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[ 旅行 ]
Open Places is a free app that makes it simple for you to find great places nearby.
But more than that, it's a bold new experiment that blends editorial vision and the collective creativity and wisdom of thousands of smart people like you—a place where you collaborate with editors to scout out, photograph, and cover the places you love best.
Through the Trazzler Open Places project, all of our editorially selected and vetted content (20,000+ places and counting) is available free to nonprofits, public radio stations, parks, scho...
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[ ミュージック ]
Industrial Drums - This Isn't Your Usual Drum Kit!
Industrial Music is difficult to explain but it has a lot to do with experimentation, improvisation, and noise. It's about programing hard noisy sounds on samplers, scratching the guitar strings by adding distortion and phaser, hitting hard on metallic devices, and screaming or talk loud on a voice machine.
Basically Industrial is dark experimental electronic music with a hard edge.
Popular Industrial Artists include: Nitzer Ebb, Parade Ground, Severed Heads, Front 242, Non, Sk...
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