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[ ゲーム ]
It's a chance to get rich for the stickman thief! The five most valuable pieces(the most expensive ring,diamond and some Chinese antiques) are currently on display at the Center Museum. Show your escape skill to steal them from the museum. Be careful,the museum is full of laser rays and pltfalls,any move,once it's detected, sets off the alarm. Help the thief to avoid them and escape out of the museum.
[ 教育 ]
Enjoy an audio tour featuring three special exhibitions on view at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco during the spring of 2016: "Pearls on a String: Artists, Patrons, and Poets at the Great Islamic Courts;" "Hidden Gold: Mining Its Meaning in Asian Art;" and "China at the Center: Rare Ricci and Verbiest World Maps." Museum curators Qamar Adamjee, Jeffrey Durham, and Natasha Reichle will be your personal guides. The tour begins with "Pearls on a String," which asks, “Who’s behind the art?” Go on a journey spanning the 16th thr...
[ エンターテインメント ]
(English followed by Hebrew and Arabic) The Israel Museum is the largest cultural institution in Israel and is ranked among the leading art and archaeology museums in the world. It includes the Shrine of the Book, an architectural icon, which is home to the renowned Dead Sea Scrolls, representing the oldest surviving copies of biblical texts. The Shrine complex also incorporates a large-scale model of Jerusalem in the Second Temple period. מוזיאון ישראל הוא מוסד התרבות הגדול ביותר במדינת ישראל ונמנה עם המוזיאונים לאמנות ולארכאו...
[ ライフスタイル ]
The UF Harn Museum of Art Digital Member Card app, produced by Echo Interaction Group, is one of the first of its kind to issue museum membership cards digitally to its members. The app also contains a complete interactive list of the North American Reciprocal Membership (NARM), Reciprocal Organization of Associated Museums (ROAM), and College & University Art Museum Reciprocal (CUAM) Networks, along with general information about the Harn Museum. IMPORTANT FEATURES OF THE APP 1. Information Page – The Information Page is specifi...
[ 教育 ]
With H-Mapp (the Harn Museum App), you can plan your visit before you come to the museum, and take your own tour when you get here. Audio and text content illuminates art and exhibitions, while the calendar of events allows you to discover a world of entertainment and learning opportunities. Note: This app requires an Internet connection. Use our free public WiFi when you visit the Harn.
[ 旅行 ]
he story of the Museum of Literature and Performing Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina begins back in 1961. This institution was originally established as the Museum of Literature of Bosnia and Herzegovina and in 1977 it got its present name. The Museum now houses 67 literary and 30 performing art collections with more that twenty thousand artifacts. It showcases lives and works of Bosnian authors of all ethnicity and confessions and it tells a story about a versatile and vibrant life, full of terrible and heavy blows, but also about a...
[ 旅行 ]
Prijepolje Museum was opened in 1990 with a complex museum collection. In 1995, it was granted the status of a regional museum covering the territories of the municipalities of Prijepolje and Priboj. For 30 years the Prijepolje Museum has conducted major projects for the reconstruction of demolished medieval monasteries, reconstruction and protection of Islamic monuments, scientific research and reconnaissance of terrains, scientific meetings, lectures, museum exhibitions in the country and abroad and major visual arts projects....
[ 教育 ]
Die offizielle App zum Gustav-Lübcke-Museum Hamm informiert Sie zu allen Belangen rund um den Besuch des Museums. Die App bietet zudem kostenfrei den Audioguide zur Ausstellung: Fließende Welten – Wasser im Alten Ägypten 26.03.-03.09.2023 Wasser ist die Grundlage allen Lebens, allgegenwärtig, eine begrenzte Ressource, in Massen auch zerstörerisch und für viele (k)eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Wie aber sah das im alten Ägypten aus? In welchen Kontexten spielte Wasser damals eine Rolle? Und zu guter Letzt: Können wir etwas aus...
[ 教育 ]
Mit dieser APP bereichern Sie Ihren Besuch im Zeughaus. Erfahren Sie spannende Details und Hintergründe zu den ausgestellten Exponaten. Im ehemaligen Zeughaus Kaiser Maximilians I. befindet sich heute ein Museum zur Kulturgeschichte Tirols. Der Rundgang thematisiert zu Beginn Geologie und Mineralogie des Landes. In den folgenden Stationen wird Typisches aus verschiedenen historischen Epochen dargestellt: Bergbau, Religion, die Napoleonische Ära, das 19. Jahrhundert mit dem aufkommenden Tourismus und die Weltkriege. Highlights sin...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Mullin Automotive Museum app displays images and information about the cars and various Art Deco collections housed in the Mullin Automotive Museum in Oxnard, California. • Automobile Collection • Lalique Mascot Collection • Objets d'Art Décoratifs • Automotive Fine Art The museum's automobile collection contains over 200 French cars representing over 25 car makers. The apps collection can be conveniently sorted and searched. Extensive information about the automobiles, their manufacturer, provenance, individual ownership...
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