フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
MIYA -- 是年輕人愛玩的多人語音派對APP。衆多女神男神聚集,有趣直播、在線派對、休閑桌遊、K歌聼歌,爲你帶來精彩24小時無間斷娛樂,玩MIYA 好玩又有趣! 【即時語音連線互動】: 多人在線實時語音聊天,讓你隨時隨地與好友互動暢玩,來MIYA 擴大你的社交圈子! 【精彩有趣互動直播】: 24小時全天候線上派對,唱歌、才藝、搞笑、遊戲、命理等多才多藝的主播聚在MIYA,有趣的靈魂、才貌雙全的女神男神盡在MIYA! 【K歌房嗨唱 海量歌庫】: 音樂達人摯愛直播平台之一,衆多實力唱將、新起之秀集結MIYA。海量歌庫、即點即唱:流行抒情、治愈天籟、饒舌Rap、 浪漫R&B、高昂搖滾...
[ 旅行 ]
This is Miya’s official mobile app for water utilities. As an integral part of Miya’s comprehensive water efficiency program, Miya implements innovative technologies to significantly improve water services. This app is part of that jump forward, programmed and designed by CTconnect. Miya encourages utilities to connect directly with their community through social media. This app is the tool to tell utilities how they can make water services better! Just some of the functions this app offers: • Report leaks and issues throughout ...
[ 教育 ]
The Miya Model™ app is a support tool for the 3D Miya Model™, the premier pelvic surgery training model. You will find videos explaining how to use the model with the technical steps needed to perform vaginal hysterectomy, retropubic slings, transobturator slings, and anterior and posterior colporrhaphy. The Miya Model™ app contains Assessment questionnaires for the sea procedures, all of them adapted from ACOG Simulations Consortium. It also contains an evaluation of the 3D Miya Model™ to help us to improve the quality of the pelv...
[ ショッピング ]
隨時隨地購買Miya's Works護膚產品!! Miya's Works手工天然護膚品 - 手工皂 面霜 爽膚水 面膜 香港專業手工皂師全人手制作 - 由香港手工皂協會頒發手工皂培訓師 - 超過四年經驗 - 過萬個客人信心保證 主要功能 1. 最新消息及優惠 2. 產品詳情 3. 網上即時購買 4. 支持Paypal及信用卡付款 5. 提供海外郵寄服務 Shop Miya's Works Skincare products anywhere and anytime!! Miya's Works - HONG KONG NATURAL SKINCARE COMPANY by PROFESSIONAL HANDCRAFTED SOAP MAKER - Certificated by Hong Kong Handmade Soap Association - More than 4-year experience - Over te...
[ ステッカー ]
Meet Miya the Bear, use this cute loving character to express yourself on iMessage with more emotion and add fun to your conversations. This set contains 20 animated stickers that cover eating, listening to music, taking selfies, and many more everyday moments. Stay tuned for more! *Miya the Bear designed by Tu-Anh Nguyen
[ ゲーム ]
It’s a big day for little Miya as she turns 5 today. She is super excited for her birthday. Miya wants give a big birthday party to her friends. This is really very nice. Come and help little Miya to arrange her birthday party. Take part of every step of birthday preparation. Be a little chef and prepare healthy breakfast for Miya’s parents. Miya wants to make yummy delicious chocolate cake. Prepare sweet chocolate cake. Make attractive invitation card. Go to the shopping with her. Her her to get fresh and arrange gorgeous and b...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
現在、大人は1日に平均4時間をスマホに費やしていると言われています。スマホのせいで仕事や勉強への集中力が低下していませんか?睡眠や運動の時間が削られていませんか? スマホを使う時間を減らすだけであなたの有意義な時間がグッと増えます。このアプリを使ってゲームを楽しむようにスマホ依存を解消しましょう! ーー使い方ーー 1.画面下のメニューからダンションをタップし、ステージを選びます。 2.集中する時間を設定します。 3.タイマーが開始されるのでその画面のままスマホをスリープ状態にし、作業に集中してください。途中でホームに戻ったり、別のアプ...
[ ゲーム ]
Miya is a pretty japanese girl, enjoy dressing her up
[ ステッカー ]
Join Moe a former lab mouse's in his daily life with Miya a Cat who has horns instead of ears. 24 animated stickers you can use in your iMessage!
[ ライフスタイル ]
米娅——承君此诺,倾情一生 我们不只是一家珠宝商,更是个性化情感首饰的解决方案专家。 我们专注于婚戒情侣首饰领域,致力于挖掘首饰的情感价值,让珠宝以及珠宝文化更好地融入人们的生活。 作为中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会常务理事单位和一个有社会责任感的企业,MIYA引领珠宝首饰行业电子商务的发展。 我们突破工艺上的难题,让指纹也可以雕刻在钻石婚戒上。作为专利技术产品,“指纹婚戒”凝聚了MIYA几年经营创新的心血。 该APP完美地展示了企业动态和样品,让用户清楚了解企业实力和品牌价值,拥有“Hot资讯”、“品牌誌”、“产品”、“VIP会馆”四...
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「iPhone & iPad アプリランキング」は、最新かつ詳細なアプリ情報をご紹介しているサイトです。 お探しのアプリに出会えるように様々な切り口でページをご用意しております。

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