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[ ユーティリティ ]
XIM MATRIX Manager is the configuration companion app for XIM MATRIX. XIM MATRIX is our ultimate multi-input adapter that unlocks your true potential in the shooters you play on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC! Supports mice, keyboards, gyro controllers, cross console controller use, and any combination thereof. Features our proprietary Smart Translator precision aim system and our Smart Actions advanced macro engine. Unsurpassed by quality, ease-of-use, and flexibility, XIM is the perfect companion...
[ ファイナンス ]
JFX株式会社が提供する「MATRIX TRADER iPad edition 」の練習用アプリ 「MATRIX TRADER iPad edition (バーチャルトレード)」をリリース! iPadならではの大画面を最大限に活かしたFX取引専用ツールです。 PC版に劣らない多彩な注文方法に高性能なチャート機能。 さらに最速1タップでの取引ができるクイック注文を搭載し、時々刻々と変化する為替市場を指先1つで直観的に体感していただけます。 1,000通貨からのお取引・魅力的な低スプレッド・高機能かつ抜群の操作性 と取引に必要な要素は全て兼ね備えている「MATRIX TRADER iPad edition (バーチャルトレード)」で快...
[ 教育 ]
"Matrix Game" helps develop visual perception skills such as visual discrimination. It also helps develop attention and concentration, spatial orientation and principles of classification and categorization. Furthermore, it helps develop executive functions such as planning and perseverance. "Matrix Game 1" is designed for children aged 4+. "Matrix Game 2" is designed for children aged 5+. "Matrix Game 3" is designed for children aged 6+. HOW TO PLAY: The aim of the game is to arrange the matrix. Each card is a combination of s...
[ 教育 ]
Matrix Game helps develop visual perception skills such as visual discrimination. It also helps develop attention and concentration, spatial orientation and principles of classification and categorization. Furthermore, it helps develop executive functions such as planning and perseverance. "Matrix Game 1" is designed for children aged 4+ "Matrix Game 2" is designed for children aged 5+ "Matrix Game 3" is designed for children aged 6+ HOW TO PLAY: The aim of the game is to arrange the matrix. Each card is a combination of shapes...
[ ミュージック ]
An expressive, matrix-controlled arpeggiator designed to play with your thumbs. Control super fast arpeggios with precision, and apply pitchbend, tremolo, and vibrato with the iPad’s accelerometer. • "Arpeggionome makes amazing patterns in arrays of pulsing circles" (Peter Kirn, Create Digital Music) • "A masterpiece in design and functionality" (smitematter.com) • Rated as the "Most Creative MIDI App" by iPadMusic.com • "Arpeggionome Pro is a very very powerful arpeggiator that can really take your music to the next level" (Ch...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Nilは基本的なMatrix機能(暗号化など)をサポートするだけでなく、オンラインGIFピッカー、Memojiステッカーピッカー、メッセージフォルダー、RSSリーダー、ローカルAIチャット、カスタマイズ可能なリアクション絵文字、カスタマイズ可能な通知音、複数アカウントのサポートなど、多くの機能を備えています! Nilは、Matrixや他の世界を飛び回るのを助ける未来的なクライアントを目指しています! 共通機能: ・ユーザー名とパスワードを使用してMatrixチャットアカウントにログイン ・通常および暗号化されたルームの表示。テキスト、画像、ビデオの送信。 ・アバター画像と...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Matrix Lab is scientific calculator that, among others, performs calculations on real and complex matrices of any size and on complex numbers. Like the best scientific calculators, Matrix Lab uses the Reverse Polish Notation which facilitate long and complex calculations. The calculations are further simplified by the simultaneous display of all elements of the stack. The available matrix operations are as follows: * Inverse * Determinant * Transpose * Transpose conjugate (M*) * Product * Addition and subtraction * Scalar and ma...
[ 教育 ]
Matrix Game helps develop visual perception skills such as visual discrimination. It also helps develop attention and concentration, spatial orientation and principles of classification and categorization. Furthermore, it helps develop executive functions such as planning and perseverance. "Matrix Game 1" is designed for children aged 4+ "Matrix Game 2" is designed for children aged 5+ "Matrix Game 3" is designed for children aged 6+ HOW TO PLAY: The aim of the game is to arrange the matrix. Each card is a combination of shapes...
[ ミュージック ]
Your iPhone / iPod touch is not a toy ! iTM turns it into a hi tech midi controller for your DAW or VJ tools Networked computer running iTouchMidi OSX / WIN required available from device or download from www.itouchmidi.com Compatible with: OSX 10.4/10.5/10.6 WIN XP/VISTA 32/64/ WIN 7 iTM Matrix is one of the iTM suite classics A button matrix that you can use to trigger samples, play notes or perform any operation in your midi software Features: Unlimited Matrix layouts (1 X 1 -> 8 X 8) with Midi Feedback Auto Server Use...
[ 教育 ]
SalonTechnologies patented Hair Color Formulating software will automatically calculate a hair color formula with step-by-step instructions, including the amount of color and developer, timing, and when to double process. Our formulas will calculate for underlying warmth and full grey coverage for "Perfect Color Every Time." Now any stylist, student, or educator will be able to formulate like a seasoned professional. These formulas are only for reference and should not replace formal education. Our formulations are to be used with ...
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