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[ ニュース ]
Atra Materia Mobile permet de ne rien rater de l'actualité astronomique en français. Vous y trouverez des commentaires détaillés sur les dernières publications scientifiques, tout en restant accessible au plus grand nombre. Vous y trouverez également des articles à vocation plus pédagogique, tentant d'éclaircir des notions parfois compliquées. Atra Materia Mobile donne accès au site Atramateria.fr: - un mode hors ligne pour avoir accès à l'actualité sans connexion; - les réactions aux articles; - la possibilité de partager les ar...
[ ゲーム ]
Muchos materiales existen en nuestro planeta, ¿pueden tener toda clase de formas y sufrir cambios? ¿Qué es la fragilidad de un objeto?¿Qué materiales son conductores de electricidad? ¡Adivina en qué material estoy pensando usando tu lógica! Materia es + Es un videojuego educativo de Ciencias. + Es sobre de Física y Química. + Está dirigido a niños de primaria alta (de 11 a 12 años). + Está disponible para jugarse en: español e inglés. Contenido pedagógico + Materia es videojuego que permite conocer la estructura, composición y pr...
[ ビジネス ]
App oficial de Restaurante Materia Prima. ¡Descárgatela para acceder a promociones exclusivas y reserva online preferente! Materia Prima es un nuevo concepto de Restauración en el que la comida viaja del mercado a la mesa. Elige tú mismo los productos frescos de temporada de nuestro mercado y degústalos en nuestro restaurante o llévatelos a casa. Estamos en: C/ Doctor Fleming 7 - 28036 Madrid Teléfono - 91 344 01 77
[ ショッピング ]
Materia是一款时尚流行信息分享购物平台,是唯一一个可以浏览全球最时髦买手店分享的信息的App,在这里您可以直接从喜欢的图片信息中直接购买商品。 跟着买手店店主们去了解、探索最新潮流趋势,您可以发现买手店店主的精心搭配,这里既有奢华单品,也有简约却不平凡的百搭品,等待您的到来。 加入我们精选买手店和fasion迷的群体,跟着Materia一起去觅寻表达自己最美丽的方式,这里每周都会有新的买手店的加入~ 我们目前只支持微信支付和支付宝支付,更多支付方式和好玩的即将开通! Materia is the only place to shop and browse photos shared by the most stylish boutiqu...
[ メディカル ]
Shifa-Kent 3.0 The Shifa – Kent Repertory is a complete repertorising tool. A handheld repertory couldn’t be easier to use. A perfect application for homeopaths who wants a powerful yet easy to use application offline. Quick search allows you to quickly go through the whole repertory. Each chapter and rubrics are arranged alphabetically for easy navigation. Clean and intuitive design allows for easier navigation and quick reference. This version offers the whole repertory with direct reference to remedies in a particular rubrics. I...
[ メディカル ]
A complete study guide and reference source for the Homeopathic Materia Medica. Contains the full text of Boericke's Materia Medica in easily searchable form, plus study guides to help you in acquiring Materia Medica expertise, a video gallery related to major homeopathic remedies, and a database to store your notes. Find any remedy in the materia medica with just 3 taps. Study materia medica with the masters. Keep notes of your studies in the built-in database.
[ メディカル ]
Materia Medica Live Mobile App is World's 1st multi-media presentation app to learn homeopathic materia medica remedies. The Mobile app has Organized Evolutionary Charts of 22 Remedies in the form of videos for easy and quick understanding of homeopathic remedies. It is a novel way of understanding each homeopathic remedy, wherein the user feels the remedy coming alive. This makes the visualisation of a similimum easier when the patient is in front of you! There are thousands of books written on the Homeopathic Materia Medica… bo...
[ メディカル ]
Homeopathic MMLive Lite - Materia Medica App is World's 1st multi-media presentation app to learn homeopathic materia medica remedies. The Mobile app has Organized Evolutionary Charts of 22 Remedies in the form of videos for easy and quick understanding of homeopathic remedies. It is a novel way of understanding each homeopathic remedy, wherein the user feels the remedy coming alive. This makes the visualisation of a similimum easier when the patient is in front of you! There are thousands of books written on the Homeopathic Mater...
[ メディカル ]
Hompath FireFly Prime is a Homeopathy Repertory Software, with 11 repertories including Q-Rep, Repertory of Mental Qualities by Jeremy Sherr, Kent, Boericke etc, 109 Homeopathic books from Allen, Rajan Sankaran, Farokh Master etc. Ideal app to manage your patients' cases, Repertorise, Prescribe; anytime, anywhere. The all new Innovative Homeopathic Mobile App has the widest array of features in the world of Homeopathy. - 11 Repertories to Search, Browse & Record from including Q-Rep, Repertory of Mental Qualities by Jeremy Sher...
[ メディカル ]
香港中藥材標準計劃(“港標”)於2002年展開,目的為香港常用的中藥材發展安全和品質標準。直至現時為止已制定了60種中藥材標準,並分成3冊出版。 為方便中藥業界、中醫師及科研人士使用港標第一冊所收載的八種中藥材的專論,衞生署特此推出港標第一冊iPhone/iPad應用程式。 香港中藥材標準第二冊以及第三冊的iPhone/iPad應用程式已在製作中,詳情及具體推出時間將於稍後公佈。 The Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards (HKCMMS) project was initially launched in 2002 for the development of safety and quality standards for Chinese herbs commonly used in Hong Kon...
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