フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ライフスタイル ]
Consulta tota la informació de la Més Típica des de les quatre seccions principals. Consulta els actes que es duran a terme, ubica’ls al mapa i si algú t’agrada molt afegeix-lo al llistat de preferits i no et preocupis que l’app t’avisarà uns minuts abans que comenci. Les principals novetats: - Rebràs avisos a l’instant informant de qualsevol canvi per part dels Administradors. - Si no disposes de connexió a internet no et preocupis, l’app funciona sense connexió també. - Podràs organitzar-te la festa com vulguis, afegeix els act...
[ ミュージック ]
Major Scales Bass Guitar includes music printed exercises to become a better musician on your instrument. Good bass guitarist know their scales, read in TAB or music notation and learn the right patterns! A metronome is included in Major Scales Bass Guitar to help with timing. iPhone users just scroll for more exercises. All the scales look great and easy to read. Selection of each scale is simple; touch the scale and the clef...the Major Scale Bass Guitar and technical exercises are neatly displayed.
[ ミュージック ]
Major Scales Guitar includes music printed exercises to become a better musician on your instrument. Good guitarist know their scales, read in TAB or music notation and learn the right patterns! A metronome is included in Major Scales Guitar to help with timing. iPhone users just scroll for more exercises. All the scales look great and easy to read. Selection of each scale is simple; touch the scale and the clef...the Major Scale Guitar and technical exercises are neatly displayed.
[ ミュージック ]
Simple C6 Major and Minor Chord Locator Simple chord locator for some basic Major and Minor chords on 8 string Lap Steel Guitar. This application is a simple chord locator for some of the basic Major and Minor chords on an 8 string Lap Steel Guitar. Listen to chord sounds to help train your ears to hear the correct pitches. The tuning on the particular guitar used in the app is C6 and goes from Low to High: A - C - E - G - A - C - E - G. To make Major chords, play combinations of the C - E - G strings with the bar positions sh...
[ ミュージック ]
Major Scales Piano includes music printed exercises to become a better musician on your instrument. Basic scale patterns and extension exercises are available. Just choose the scales you want and practice till perfect. A metronome is included in Major Scales Piano to help with timing. iPhone users just scroll for more exercises All the scales look great and easy to read. Selection of each scale is simple; touch the scale and the clef...the Major Scale Piano and technical exercises are neatly displayed.
[ ゲーム ]
Grab your copy for 50% off only for the next 48 hours! Want to learn the Tarot Card Meaning Guide? Need to know Major Arcana Tarot Card Say About Their Meanings Grab your copy of the Tarot Card Meaning Guide: Minor Arcana Tarot Card Meanings, Court Cards Tarot Card Meanings & More app and learn Tarot Card Meanings. This app features: Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings · Fool Tarot Card Meanings · Magician Tarot Card Meanings · High Priestess Tarot Card Meanings · Empress Tarot Card Meanings · Emperor Tarot Card Meanings · Hi...
[ スポーツ ]
The schedule of 2015 season is already in the calendar. See your favorite team/s schedule with your appointments: This application subscribes (at no extra cost) to the selected Major League Baseball team's public calendar provided by Yahoo. The selected Major League Baseball team schedule will be integrated in your native IPhone calendar with your appointments. Your calendar will automatically be updated if schedule change. The following is the list of Major League Baseball (MLB) teams: Arizona Diamondbacks Atlanta Braves Baltim...
[ ブック ]
サンデーうぇぶりは、サンデーが誇る国民的名作からここでしか読めないオリジナル作まで幅広く楽しめるマンガアプリです! - サンデーうぇぶりの特徴 - ■基本無料!いろんな作品を毎日無料で読める!■ サンデーうぇぶりでは、チケット/コイン/ポイントの3種類のアイテムを使って漫画を読むことができます。 チケットは1枚につき1話を読むことができ、各作品ごとに23時間に一度回復します。 つまり、毎日全作品で1話分をチケットで読むことができます! もちろん、コインやポイントを使用してひとつの作品を読み進めることもできます。 ■単行本も買える■ サンデー、ゲッサン...
[ ゲーム ]
MLB公式ライセンス取得の本格野球アクションゲーム新登場! 「メジャスピ」の舞台はあこがれのメジャーリーグ。 「プロ野球スピリッツ」シリーズで培われた最高の試合の臨場感を 指一本のカンタン操作で存分に楽しみつくそう! ◆実在のメジャーリーガーが登場  各チームや活躍しているスタープレイヤー達はもちろん実名で登場! お気に入りの選手をスカウトで獲得してロスターに編成し、理想のチームを作り上げましょう。 ◆本場のスタジアムの雰囲気を体感 MLB全30チームのホーム球場やユニフォームも細かく再現! 実況音声(日本語、英語)や場内アナウンスなど豊富なサウンド...
[ ゲーム ]
その手で勝利を掴め! 最強のスマートフォン野球ゲーム、MLB:9イニングス25! 日本のスーパースター「鈴木誠也」が選んだ究極の野球ゲーム! MLB公式ライセンス取得スマホ野球ゲーム!MLB:9イニングス25! ◈ MLB:9イニングス25の特徴 ◈ メジャーリーグ史を彩った選手たちに出会えるチャンス! Rickey Henderson, Warren Spahn, Ivan Rodriguez, Roy Halladay, Sammy Sosa 一世を風靡した歴史的な選手を指先で操作できます! # メジャーリーグをモバイルで! 2024シーズンの球団ロゴマーク、ユニフォーム、球場など最新情報を反映 フル3Dグラフィックでリアルに表現された...
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