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[ ミュージック ]
Award-Winning Pianist, James Lent, brings you some of the best "Classical Piano" Music & Ringtones from the U.S. cellular networks, directly to all your devices.
FEATURED COMPOSERS: JS Bach, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Franz Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johann Pachabel.
√ Play All 14 Full Track MP3's (press "white square buttons")
√ Play All 20 Ringtones (press "white square buttons")
√ Download All 14 Full Track Music MP3's in Bundles
√ Download...
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[ ミュージック ]
Simple Piano music box.
01. Elvira Madigan / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
02. Fantasie Impromptu / Fryderyk Chopin
03. Liebestraum / Franz von Liszt
04. Nocturne Op 9-2 / Fryderyk Chopin
05. Moonlight Sonata 1st / Ludwig van Beethoven
06. Waltz Op.64-2 / Fryderyk Chopin
07. The Maiden's Prayer / Badarzewska
08. Turkish March / Wolfgan Amadeus Mozart
09. Pathetique Sonata 2nd / Ludwig van Beethoven
10. Fur Elise / Ludwig van Beethoven
11. Rautchor / Richard Wagner
12. Etude Op.10-3 / Fryderyk Chopin
13. Plasir D' Amour / Martini
14. Sil...
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[ ブック ]
The treatment of Hypnotherapy Habits Elimination with audible stimulation in infrasound level´s is performed through Sound Bites of classical music´s with content´s and subliminal recommendations in determined frequencies of wave: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta, That produce changes in the behaviour and reactions subconscious and mood that facilitate the control and elimination of some Habits, In this treatment of Elimination of Habits will find:
1.Stress Management Hypnotherapy – Air on the G String - Johann Sebastian Bach
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[ ブック ]
O tratamento com hipnoterapia para o Desenvolvimento Pessoal com som níveis subsônico de estimulação, É através da música clássica, com conteúdo de áudio subliminar e recomendações em determinada freqüência de ondas beta, alfa, theta e delta que produzem as mudanças na conduta e nas reações subconsciente e Psicológica que facilitam o controle e o desenvolvimento de determinadas atitudes, neste tratamento o Desenvolvimento Pessoal vai encontrar:
1.Hipnoterapia ao Stress do Controle – Air on the G String - Johann Sebastian Bach
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Symphony No. 5 in C minor of Ludwig van Beethoven, Op. 67 featuring coloring and music. Four movements play as you meditate and color your stress away.
• Full Symphony No. 5 in C minor of Ludwig van Beethoven, Op. 67 Album
• Airbrush color flowers as music plays
• Change brush sizes, and change music tracks
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[ ブック ]
Ipnositerapia trattamento dei livelli di arricchimento personale con infrasuoni stimolazione sonora è stata eseguita attraverso audio di musica classica e le raccomandazioni contenute subliminale alcune frequenze delle onde Beta, Alpha, Theta e Delta, che producono cambiamenti nei comportamenti e reazioni subconscio e stato d'animo che facilitano il controllo e lo sviluppo di certi atteggiamenti nel trattamento della crescita personale, troverete:
1.Ipnositerapia gestione dello stress – Air on the G String - Johann Sebastian Bach
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[ ブック ]
Ipnositerapia trattamento dei livelli di arricchimento personale con infrasuoni stimolazione sonora è stata eseguita attraverso audio di musica classica e le raccomandazioni contenute subliminale alcune frequenze delle onde Beta, Alpha, Theta e Delta, che producono cambiamenti nei comportamenti e reazioni subconscio e stato d'animo che facilitano il controllo e lo sviluppo di certi atteggiamenti nel trattamento della crescita personale, troverete:
1.Ipnositerapia per smettere di fumare – Air on the G String - Johann Sebastian Bach...
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[ ミュージック ]
- Over 500 world's MOST beautiful and famous MASTERPIECES of all times!
- It's a MUST HAVE for Classical Music lovers!
- The BIGGEST Classical Music collection available on the App Store!
- Enjoy OVER 500 masterpieces that were professionally handpicked by music experts and performed by famous orchestras around the world!
- Browse through the BIOGRAPHY of legendary composers!
- Discover stunning compositions of 36 BEST composers ever known!
- Familiarize with the classical essentials in an HD format!
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[ 教育 ]
Die Neue Nationalgalerie zeigt die bildende Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts aus der Sammlung der Nationalgalerie, welche noch fünf weitere Standorte hat: Alte Nationalgalerie, Friedrichswerdersche Kirche, Museum Berggruen, Sammlung Scharf-Gerstenberg und Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart.
Die Neue Nationalgalerie war das letzte Bauwerk des international berühmten Architekten Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Mit der gläsernen Oberen Halle des Museums vollendete er seine langjährige Beschäftigung mit dem fließenden, offenen Raum...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Die Walhalla bei Donaustauf ist das bekannteste und eindrucksvollste deutsche Nationaldenkmal des 19. Jahrhunderts. König Ludwig I. von Bayern hat sie 1830-1842 als nationale Ruhmeshalle errichten lassen. In ihr werden Herrscher, Feldherren, Wissenschaftler, Künstler aber auch andere wegen ihrer herausragenden Leistungen mit einer Porträtbüste oder einer Gedenktafel geehrt. Nach dem Wunsch des bayerischen Königs sollten die Geehrten in ihrer Gesamtheit die Größe und die Bedeutung der Nation verkünden und den Patriotismus und das Na...
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