フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ユーティリティ ]
Convert Documents を使用すると、ほぼすべての既知のドキュメント形式を DOC、DOCX、SWF、HTML、ODT、PDF、RTF、TEX、TXT、LaTeX、ConTeXt、Markdown などに変換できます。既存のドキュメント、画像、またはその他のファイル形式をこれらのドキュメント形式に変換します。変換後は、複数の方法でそれらを共有できます!
携帯電話のほぼすべてのファイルをどのように変換できますか?さて、変換はファイルをクラウドにアップロードすることで達成され、そこでオンライン変換され、携帯電話にダウンロードされます (そして変換サーバーから削除されます)。これはすべて非常に高速...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
TeX is a high-quality, popular means of typesetting complex mathematical formulas. It is popular in mathematics, computer science, economics, engineering, physics, statistics and quantitative psychology.
The TeXiT app will not be very useful to you if you do not "speak" TeX. There are, however, resources on the internet to help you. Search for the LaTeX project, which provides a lot of help with the TeX system. LaTeX itself goes way beyond mathematical formulas so there will be more information there than you need.
The TeXiT app ...
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[ ビジネス ]
### Free - All you need to write. Truly write. On a Retina display.
"Less is more", as minimalist architect Mies van der Rohe says.
Not only is this aphorism true in architecture,
it’s true in writing as well.
Enter Free,
software specifically designed with you, the writer, in mind.
Free's predecessor - the very successful and widely used myTexts was the very first App of its kind. The first distraction free text only writing tool with paragraph highlighting, background patterns to better work with glossy screens and a Mar...
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[ ゲーム ]
Tired of cheap dress-up apps that bombard you with ads and in-app purchases for every piece of clothing and color? Want to create and design instead of repetitive buying and mini-games?
Then you'll LOVE Figuromo Dress Doll!
We focus on image quality and a relaxing user experience with no ads or in-app purchases. With a simple UI and an amazing 3D figure you can focus your inner designer and create a 3D Beauty to share or build your personal collection.
Dress Doll is a new 3D figure collection combining dressup and clothes, patter...
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[ 教育 ]
An easy to use interface:
Organize your cards in decks, folders and smart decks. When selecting a deck, its cards will be shown in a table. Each card has a progress indicator so that you see your overall performance at a glance.
Smart decks, LaTeX formulas and exporting to iPhoto
Smart decks allow you to specify a set of rules that determine which cards the deck will contain. For example, you could have a smart deck that always contains cards you recently studied and answered wrong.
Flashcards comes with a formula editor. The fo...
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[ ビジネス ]
Writing and Compiling TeX files right on your device. No internet connection needed!
- Plain TeX / LaTeX Base + AMS + revtex4-1 + IEEEtrans and more
- Automatically BibTeX/MakeIndex
TeX Expert lets you write, compile and preview TeX documents right on your iPad. Compilation happens on your device, no internet connection is required. It has a very straight forward user interface that can get you started in seconds. With Dropbox syncing support, you can share the TeX files among different devices, including your desktop computers. ...
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[ ビジネス ]
Glovemart offers a competitively priced quality range of industrial gloves and workwear direct to the business consumer ranging from scaffolders, building & construction, glass handling, plumbing and many more.
Our range of gloves include Latex palm coated grip gloves, Nitrile palm coated, PU palm coated, Cut 5 gloves and many more.
In addition Glovemart has a range of disposable latex and nitrile gloves including black nitrile for tattoo artists etc
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
Goodnotes 6で未来のノートテイキングに踏み出そう。 最先端のAIテクノロジーと高度なデジタルツールを備えたGoodnotesは、アイデアのメモ、ドキュメントの整理、メモの共有、他者とのコラボレーションに最適なノート作成アプリです。
• Ask Goodnotesを使用して、ノートに記載されている情報についての質問に回答したり、AIを使用して練習用クイズを作成できます
• 数学アシストを使えば、ノート上のどの場所でも、等号をタップするだけで手書きの計算問題を解くことができます
• 手書きの数式をLaTeX形式に変換できます
• 学習セットを使って、単語や手書...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
Pagesは、モバイルデバイスのためにつくられた最も美しい文書作成Appです。手始めにAppleがデザインしたテンプレートを使って、豪華なレポート、デジタルブック、履歴書、ポスターなどを素早く作成してみましょう。空白の書類を使って独自のデザインで作成することもできます。画像、ムービー、オーディオ、表、グラフ、図形も簡単に加えることができます。Apple Pencil(サポートしているデバイス)や自分の指を使って描画したり注釈を挿入することもできます。PagesはiPad、iPhone専用に設計されています。
Apple Pencilや自分の指を使って描画や注釈を挿入
• ペン、鉛筆、ク...
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