フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Ximarc Studios Inc is proud to bring you Khan Academy Linear Algebra 6 (videos 101-120). Khan Academy Linear Algebra allows students to learn Linear Algebra through various videos which are downloaded directly on your iPhone or iPod touch and in the future to your iPad. Students can watch the video anywhere, anytime, all the time and NEVER be concerned about having access to the internet while you are going through a Khan Academy lesson. Ximarc Studios will continue to bring you great video lessons from the Khan Academy. Khan Ac...
[ 教育 ]
Ximarc Studios Inc is proud to bring you Khan Academy Linear Algebra 4 (videos 61-80). Khan Academy Linear Algebra allows students to learn Linear Algebra through various videos which are downloaded directly on your iPhone or iPod touch and in the future to your iPad. Students can watch the video anywhere, anytime, all the time and NEVER be concerned about having access to the internet while you are going through a Khan Academy lesson. Ximarc Studios will continue to bring you great video lessons from the Khan Academy. Khan Acad...
[ 教育 ]
From research we know that students have difficulty understanding multiple representations of the same information. This app allows students to explore how changes in the formula or graph or table will impact the other two. Another nice feature of the graph is the ability to watch how a change in the scale will not change the formula or table but will change the graph appearance. The app allows you to enter a linear equation to be displayed on the graph, but you can also use the dots on the line to move it around yourself. You can...
[ 教育 ]
Ximarc Studios Inc is proud to bring you Khan Academy Linear Algebra 1 (videos 1-20). Khan Academy Linear Algebra allows students to learn Linear Algebra through various videos which are downloaded directly on your iPhone or iPod touch and in the future to your iPad. Students can watch the video anywhere, anytime, all the time and NEVER be concerned about having access to the internet while you are going through a Khan Academy lesson. Ximarc Studios will continue to bring you great video lessons from the Khan Academy. Khan Acade...
[ 教育 ]
Ximarc Studios Inc is proud to bring you Khan Academy Linear Algebra 2 (videos 21-40). Khan Academy Linear Algebra allows students to learn Linear Algebra through various videos which are downloaded directly on your iPhone or iPod touch and in the future to your iPad. Students can watch the video anywhere, anytime, all the time and NEVER be concerned about having access to the internet while you are going through a Khan Academy lesson. Ximarc Studios will continue to bring you great video lessons from the Khan Academy. Khan Acad...
[ 教育 ]
Ximarc Studios Inc is proud to bring you Khan Academy Linear Algebra 3 (videos 41-60). Khan Academy Linear Algebra allows students to learn Linear Algebra through various videos which are downloaded directly on your iPhone or iPod touch and in the future to your iPad. Students can watch the video anywhere, anytime, all the time and NEVER be concerned about having access to the internet while you are going through a Khan Academy lesson. Ximarc Studios will continue to bring you great video lessons from the Khan Academy. Khan Acad...
[ ゲーム ]
***The lite version is ad free for a limited time. Get it while it lasts!*** You are stationed at a remote outpost and your mission is to guard the border. It has been quiet for several years as you have never even seen another soul. Your life is about to change. Headquarters has detected a massive enemy attack that is headed straight for you. Wave after wave of enemy tanks are rolling towards your lonely outpost and it is your job to stop them! Use your finger to fire your mounted cannon at the attacking tanks. During each a...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Use Linear Solver to solve every system of linear equation. No matter whether overdetermined, underdetermined or with one unique solution. Linear Solver is designed for school, business and private use, as well. Version features: Lite - 3 unknowns - 2 decimal places Basic - 4 unknowns - 3 decimal places Pro - 5 unknowns - 4 decimal places
[ ユーティリティ ]
Use Linear Solver to solve every system of linear equation. No matter whether overdetermined, underdetermined or with one unique solution. Linear Solver is designed for school, business and private use, as well. Version features: Lite - 3 unknowns - 2 decimal places Basic - 4 unknowns - 3 decimal places Pro - 5 unknowns - 4 decimal places
[ 教育 ]
The application for matrices, vectors operations and system of linear equations, it is very useful tool. This app is designed for students and engineers who use operations with matrices and vectors in their studies or work. The program, using the necessary formulas, will perform step-by-step calculations and display a detailed solution. This app also includes a random number generator to quickly create sample expressions with random numbers. The application perform following operations: Matrix operations: - Matrix addition - Matr...
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