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[ メディカル ]
「生活習慣病iPadグラフィックアプリシリーズ」第二弾。 「脂質異常(LDL-C)チェッカー」。 「総コレステロール」「HDLコレステロール」「トリグリセライド」の値を入力すると LDLコレステロール値の計算結果をグラフィカルに表示します。 診療の際、患者さんへの説明にお役立てください。
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
The Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease at Johns Hopkins has developed this app to provide automated calculation of LDL cholesterol by the method published by Martin and colleagues in the Journal of the American Medical Association (doi:10.1001/jama.2013.280532). The inputs are the three direct measures from the standard lipid profile: total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. Rather than the traditional one-size-fits-all approach of dividing triglycerides by a fixed factor, the Martin e...
[ メディカル ]
EBMcalc Nutrition EBMcalc is the most popular and comprehensive Medical Calculator system on the web. It has been highly acclaimed, reviewed and tested over the last 25 years. As a trusted resource it has been integrated into many prestigious websites for Medical Education, Medical Literature, Pharmacology, Nursing and more. Now you can put this invaluable resource in the palm of your hand! EBMcalc users should not make any medical decisions based on app content without seeking their doctor's advice. EBMcalc Nutrition encompasse...
[ メディカル ]
Triglyceride-rich lipoproteins and high-density lipoprotein in cardiometabolic disease: Therapeutics old and new - M. John Chapman and Henry N. Ginsberg on behalf of the EAS Consensus Panel. Elevated triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRL), for which triglycerides are a marker, and low plasma concentrations of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), often referred to as atherogenic dyslipidaemia, is a common risk factor for cardiometabolic disease, even among individuals who achieve target level of low-density lipoprotein chole...
[ メディカル ]
The ACC Lipid Manager app (formerly LDL-C Manager) provides 4-tools-in-1 to help clinicians manage a patient’s triglycerides and LDL-C from therapy initiation through treatment calibration with the goal of lowering ASCVD risk: -ASCVD Risk Estimator: Calculate pretreatment ASCVD risk and determine the appropriateness of statin therapy for the patient -LDL-C Lowering Therapy tool: Assess response to a statin, and determine if other therapies should be considered and in what order -Statin Intolerance tool: Evaluate the patient for...
[ メディカル ]
EBMcalc Endocinology EBMcalc is the most popular and comprehensive Medical Calculator system on the web. It has been highly acclaimed, reviewed and tested over the last 25 years. EBMcalc users should not make any medical decisions based on app content without seeking their doctor's advice. EBMcalc Endocrinology encompasses numerous pertinent medical equations, clinical criteria sets, decision tree tools and dose/unit converters used every day by Endocrinology specialists. With the growing emphasis on Evidence-Based Medicine, the...
[ メディカル ]
South African Dyslipidaemia Guideline Consensus Statement A joint statement from the South African Heart Association (SA Heart) and the Lipid and Atherosclerosis Society of Southern Africa (LASSA) The European Society of Cardiology together with the European Atherosclerosis Society published updated dyslipidaemia guidelines in 2011. SA Heart and the Lipid and Atherosclerosis Society of Southern Africa officially adopt these guidelines. This statement adapts aspects of the guidelines to the South African situation. Using the updat...
[ ライフスタイル ]
血液検査、ダイエット、医療費を管理してグラフで確認できる健康管理アプリです。 ・検査項目の追加、編集、並び替え可能。正常値も修正可能。数値ならなんでもグラフ化! ・オフラインでさくさく操作(各種データのエクスポート機能を除く) ・体脂肪量(kg)やBMIも自動計算 ・検査、ダイエット、医療費データ(確定申告データ)のCSVファイルエクスポート機能 ・通院予定のお知らせ機能 ・検査結果やダイエットの推移をグラフで一目で確認 ・複数のグラフを1画面に表示する「マルチグラフモード」機能(App内課金) ・数値の記録は1画面で一括登録 ・片手でも操作しやすい!(よく使う...
[ メディカル ]
血圧、血液検査、ダイエット、医療費をグラフで確認できる健康管理アプリ 動脈硬化や脳卒中、心疾患リスクの指標もグラフで確認できます。 ・平均血圧(*1)、脈圧(*1)、ME差(*2)、ME平均(*2)、体脂肪量(kg/lb)、BMIを自動計算 ・データのエクスポート機能(CSVファイル出力) ・ダイエットや検査の項目を追加、編集可能。数値ならなんでもグラフ化! ・血圧やダイエットの推移をグラフで一目で確認 ・複数のグラフを1画面に表示する「マルチグラフモード」機能(App内課金) ・最新の測定値をウィジェットで確認 ・血液検査結果や医療費(確定申告データ)も記録可能 ・血圧測定時刻と...
[ メディカル ]
[ Unit of measurement : mmol/L ] This application can calculate LDL cholesterol from total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglyceride. It's simple and very useful not only for the specialist in medicine, but also the patient who have the problem about cholesterol; especially, in many countries that use "mmol/L" unit as measure.
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