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[ ミュージック ]
Native Instruments’ Kontakt is a powerful engine for creating and playing sampled instruments. Join NI expert Matt Vanacoro in this course from Ask.video, and learn to harness the industry-standard sampler: NI Kontakt 6!
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
A KONTAKT Tolmácsszolgálat egy Európában is új és korszerűnek számító videó-tolmácsolási rendszer hallássérültek számára. Célja, hogy a hallássérültek az ország minden pontján azonos eséllyel, azonos színvonalú, akadálymentesített kommunikációs szolgáltatásokhoz jussanak. A szolgáltatás használatához aktív SINOSZ-tagság és előzetes regisztráció szükséges. Látogassa meg honlapunkat bővebb információért: www.skontakt.hu ============ KONTAKT is a sign language interpretation system for Hungarian people with hearing loss, hearing ...
[ ミュージック ]
Kontakt 5, the super-sampler from NI, is the most Komplete sampler ever designed. From its vast collections of custom instruments to your own custom sample tweakology, Kontakt brings a powerful set of tools to the sonic table. Make those tools your tools!
[ メディカル ]
FIND YOUR ANGEL! KONTAKT MIT DEINEM ENGEL AUFNEHMEN MIT HYPNOSE • Sich für die spirituelle Energie öffnen und den eigenen Engel kontaktieren • Verbindung zur geistigen Welt aufbauen • Eine andere Bewusstseinsebene kennenlernen Sie glauben daran, dass jeder Mensch einen persönlichen Engel hat. Sie haben vielleicht schon einmal in gefährlichen Situationen erlebt, dass eine Art “Schutzengel” zugegen war? Und Sie wissen auch, dass es so etwas wie Geistführer oder spirituelle Lehrer gibt. Doch wie gelingt es Ihnen, mit diesen kosmisch...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Kontakt Meter works along side your film camera, by allowing you to test compositions and exposures without wasting film. Kontakt Meter gives you a true to life preview of exactly what your current camera settings will look like on film. ・Full Exposure Controls: so that you can match settings with your film camera - Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO - adjusting the exposure of the preview screen accordingly. ・You have full control of the film format, and lens focal length - so that the preview screen will show you the exact com...
[ ミュージック ]
This advanced instrument design course, by Scott Freiman, gives you the knowledge to unleash the programming power in Native Instruments' Kontakt. Learn how to create the Kontakt instrument you've always dreamed of!
[ ミュージック ]
Kontakt Smart Controller allows you to control your bank sounds ,transpose, Octave and more for Kontakt (Native Instrument) via your mobile with intuitive graphic interface. How to install (Important): Please refer to the video and site below: - YouTube : https://youtu.be/V4h7yHmZlxA - Site : https://voltimusic.com/kontakt.html Features: - Control Bank sounds (128 sounds per bank) - Control Transpose - Control Octave - Control Pitch Bend (Riban) - Control Scale (-50 to 50) Compatibility : - IOS with Mac OS ...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Did you ever wonder how Kontakt instruments are created? If so, you've discovered the right course! Learn everything you need to know about creating your first sample instrument in this advanced Kontakt course by Scott Freiman. Building your first Kontakt instrument begins with learning all the ins-and-outs of sampling. In this initial course in our new advanced Kontakt series, trainer Scott Freiman breaks down the process of building a sample instrument while demystifying the art of sampling. First you see how a Kontakt instrume...
[ ビジネス ]
3Kontakt er en mobilapplikation, der hjælper dig med kommunikation og overblik i arbejdsdagen. 3Kontakt gør det let for dig at håndtere alle dine opkald - også når du er optaget eller i møde. Vores brugervenlige app giver dig og dine kolleger mulighed for at opdatere jeres status, når I er utilgængelige (f.eks. "møde" eller "frokost"), så alle indgående opkald bliver håndteret korrekt. På den måde bliver du ikke forstyrret, og virksomhedens kunder kommer automatisk igennem til den rette person - hver eneste gang. Med 3Kontakt ka...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Description With version 1.0, you can expect completely new features and major improvements: - Add and setup Beam and Portal Light - Bulk Configurations and Firmware Updates - No need to sync with the cloud: Your configuration data will be automatically pushed - Support for Beacon Pro and Card Beacon - Integrated Software Gateway - More precise error descriptions to help you track issues - Updated beacon list view, with changeable discovery interval for better responsiveness - Rewritten device details view with inline validation - ...
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