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[ ニュース ]
Il Quotidiano Pluris per iPhone e iPad.
Scarica gratuitamente “Notizie Pluris" e scopri come accedere facilmente e velocemente alle news del Quotidiano Legale di Pluris.
Una App indispensabile per Avvocati, Uffici legali, Notai e Magistrati che hanno la necessità di avere a disposizione, anche in mobilità, contenuti e informazioni utili per la propria attività professionale.
Rimani aggiornato in tempo reale e naviga News tratte da “Il Quotidiano Legale Pluris”, strumento di aggiornamento indispensabile, da Cedam, Utet giuridica ...
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[ ファイナンス ]
Deze app bevat alle voor de MKB-adviseur - accountant, belastingadviseur of administrateur - relevante tarieven. De tarieven worden dagelijks gebruikt bij het verwerken van gegevens en het opstellen van adviezen.
Op dit moment is app alleen beschikbaar voor relaties waarmee Kluwer een collectieve afspraak is overeengekomen. Ook een collectieve overeenkomst? Mail naar fiscaalplus@kluwer.nl
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[ ニュース ]
Securities Regulation Daily from Wolters Kluwer Law & Business provides subscribers with mobile access to same day reporting and analysis of federal and state securities breaking news plus the latest rulemaking, enforcement, litigation and other SEC activity. Wolters Kluwer attorneys and editors distill, analyze and organize this information to highlight what securities practitioners need to know on a daily basis. Summaries include links to the full text of cited documents, to help attorneys bridge from news of new developments ...
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[ ニュース ]
Products Liability Daily from Wolters Kluwer Law & Business provides subscribers with mobile access to same-day coverage of breaking news and developments on the latest federal consumer product safety legislative activity, regulatory and administrative events, product recalls, agency enforcement activities and more. Wolters Kluwer attorneys and editors distill, analyze and organize this information to highlight what practitioners need to know on a daily basis. Summaries include links to the full text of cited documents, to help at...
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[ ビジネス ]
In de app van JWB (civiel) vindt u de samenvattingen van de meest actuele civiele uitspraken van de Hoge Raad en de eerder gepubliceerde uitspraken. JWB (civiel) is met name bedoeld voor de juridische professional.
JWB (civiel) is de mobiele applicatie van de website www.JWB.nl. Bekijk deze site ook vanaf de computer.
Deze applicatie maakt gebruik van automatische verlenging van aangeschafte commentaarabonnementen.
Dit is beschikbaar voor: Commentaar.
Bij aankoop van een abonnement is het mogelijk om het commentaar van een desk...
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[ ビジネス ]
Smarteca is de nieuwe, geavanceerde e-book reader van Wolters Kluwer en daarmee de vervanger van eDis. De applicatie is bestemd voor klanten van Wolters Kluwer met een eDis/ Smarteca gebruikers account. Smarteca biedt deze klanten een elektronische Boekenplank voor hun Wolters Kluwer tijdschriften en boekseries.
De Boekenplank wordt automatisch bijgewerkt met de nieuwste versies. Smarteca biedt diverse zoek- en sorteer mogelijkheden. Ook het aanmaken van favorieten en archiveren van uitgaven is mogelijk. Een publicatie wordt geope...
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
For Nurses who want to help Veterans with PTSD - hope begins with you!
The PTSD Toolkit App is a FREE e-learning resource for nurses for treatment of veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, providing clinical information combined with interactive simulations. This resource was developed by the American Nurses Foundation (ANF) and Penn Nursing Science, and was made available as a mobile application in partnership with the Lippincott Solutions team at Wolters Kluwer.
Available on mobile devices, the new PTSD App Toolkit e...
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[ ニュース ]
Insurance Law Daily from Wolters Kluwer Law & Business provides subscribers with mobile access to same day reporting and analysis of federal and state cases plus the latest state and federal laws and state agency regulatory activity. Wolters Kluwer attorneys and editors distill, analyze and organize this information to highlight what insurance practitioners and compliance officers need to know on a daily basis. Summaries include links to the full text of cited documents to help attorneys bridge from news of new developments into ...
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[ ニュース ]
Il Quotidiano Pubblica Amministrazione per iPhone e iPad
Scarica gratuitamente “Notizie PA” e scopri come accedere facilmente e velocemente alle news de "Il Quotidiano per la Pubblica Amministrazione" di LEGGI D’ITALIA!
Una App indispensabile per Dirigenti e Funzionari della Pubblica Amministrazione centrale e periferica e degli Enti locali che hanno la necessità di avere a disposizione, anche in mobilità, contenuti e informazioni utili per la propria attività professionale.
Rimani aggiornato in tempo reale e naviga nelle News t...
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[ ニュース ]
Il “Quotidiano On Line" il fisco per iPhone e iPad.
Scarica gratuitamente “Notizie il fisco” per iPhone e scopri come accedere facilmente e velocemente alle news del "Quotidiano On Line" Sistema il fisco!
Una App indispensabile per Commercialisti, Esperti contabili e Consulenti del lavoro, che hanno la necessità di avere a disposizione, anche in mobilità, contenuti e informazioni utili per la propria attività professionale.
Rimani aggiornato in tempo reale e naviga nelle News tratte da “Quotidiano On Line”, strumento di aggiorn...
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