フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ビデオ ]
Drylab Dailies is a powerful dailies distribution system you can incorporate into any workflow, and that's simple to use anywhere. It has been developed by industry professionals, with first-hand knowledge of practical issues and security requirements, and has already been used on international productions such as Stella Days (starring Martin Sheen) and A Thousand Times Goodnight (starring Juliette Binoche). No other system on the market is so versatile, so user friendly, or so secure.
Digital filmmaking was supposed...
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[ ブック ]
ビジュアル系のNEW GENERATIONを呼び覚ますフリーマガジン
『Gab.』(ガブ)は、ビジュアル系音楽シーンの今後を担う、新進気鋭のバンドを応援するフリーマガジンです。ファンには嬉しい楽屋や撮影のオフショットを中心に、自社イベントライブ「stylish wave」公演のレポートなど、『Gab.』ならではの企画やインタビュ—が盛りだくさん。WEB『Gaboo!』も連動して、ビジュアル系バンドの最新情報をお届けしています! ジィーコネクションから毎偶数月1日に発行、全国CDショップやライブハウスで配布中です。
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[ 旅行 ]
L'application Carros Tourisme regroupe toutes les informations utiles pour une simple halte ou un plus long séjour à Carros.
Retrouvez ainsi la description, les heures d'ouverture, la localisation géographiques, les coordonnées et des images sur :
- Les points d'intérêts comme le Centre International d'Art Contemporain, le village de Carros (Les oratoires, le moulin, la médiathèque André Verdet, le Forum Jacques Prévert, la salle de spectacle Juliette Gréco, etc.
- Les sites de sports ou de détente : la piscine, le tennis club, l...
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[ 教育 ]
Campus Richter vous permet de rester connecté à l'Université de Montpellier, depuis n'importe quel endroit.
Cette application étudiante à pour objectif de faciliter la vie des étudiants du Campus Richter, au sein de l'Université de Montpellier.
Accédez à tout moment aux Emplois du Temps, Bons Plans, Événements & Informations Utiles de l'Université de Montpellier.
Vous serez informé instantanément grâce à l'onglet Actualités !
Au sein de l'Université de Montpellier, le Campus Richter regroupe 3 UFRs :
• La faculté d'Administrati...
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Drylab Dailies is a powerful dailies distribution system you can incorporate into any workflow, and that's simple to use anywhere. It has been developed by industry professionals, with first-hand knowledge about practical issues and security requirements, and has already been used on international productions such as Stella Days (starring Martin Sheen) and A Thousand Times Goodnight (starring Juliette Binoche). No other system on the market is so versatile, so user friendly, or so secure.
Digital filmmaking was suppo...
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[ フード/ドリンク ]
L'application Pizza Pronto Gif-sur-Yvette vous permet de commander en ligne ou par téléphone via votre application. Vous pouvez consulter notre carte et choisir vos produits.
Zones de livraison:
Minimum de commande 12 € :
Bures-sur-Yvette 91440, Gif-sur-Yvette 91190, Gometz-la-Ville 91400, Gometz-le-Chatel 91940, Saint-Aubin 91190, Villiers-le-bacle 91190,
Minimum de commande 25 € :
Saint-Remy-les-Chevreuse 78470,
Minimum de commande 30 € :
Chevreuse 78460, Magny-les-Hameaux 78114,
Horaires d'ouvert...
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[ 旅行 ]
Welcome to the Savannah Tour! Discover the heart of Georgia’s oldest city with this self-guided walking tour. Stroll cobblestone streets along a picturesque riverfront filled with historic architecture, charming shops, and inviting restaurants. Dive into Savannah’s layered past, from Native tribes to abolitionists and enslavers.
Your tour starts at the Visitor Center and heads to the waterfront, where you'll uncover stories from Savannah’s pre-colonial days. Visit landmarks like the Ships of the Sea Museum and the First African Ba...
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[ ゲーム ]
My daughters ages 4 and 6 wanted to play a game with a princess riding a unicorn. I asked them to describe the game and we built Majestic together.
Tap the screen to keep the unicorn and princess in the air collecting as many cherries as possible. Avoid the walls that start showing up at 10 points along with the apple core that will cost you 5 points.
Description via my 6 year old Juliette:
"Its very fun but hard to learn. If you play a lot it will be easy as counting to 1."
Description via my 4 year old Adelina:
"Play it with som...
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