フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
RiverDuck is an amazing casual game. Try to get as far down the river as possible and collect stars to get points. The speed of the game increases over time. As the game progresses you can collect a bonus to destroy obstacles on the river: The Rocket Launcher. The online highscore system enables you to compare your skills with people all around the world. Features: - 3D graphics - Smooth animations - Online highscore Control the game with your keyboard: - arrow left / right: move to left / right - arrow up: jump - space bar / arr...
[ ミュージック ]
'Razor Blade Babies' is a remake of the original song 'Razor Blade Baby' which appears on the CD 'Ron Jarzombek - PHHHP! Plus' Music composed and performed by Ron Jarzombek Illustrations by Karolina Lubkova IDE programming by Ron Jarzombek and Gurpreet Singh Matharoo Produced, mixed and engineered by Ron Jarzombek Midi programming by Ron Jarzombek Also available: 'Razor Blade Babies' and 'Razor Blade Baby' from various downloading/streaming outlets. 'Razor Blade Babies' appears via the App 6 track audio player designed by Ro...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Fagtesangbogen indeholder 22 fagtevideoer, hvoraf de 2 er gratis, primært for børn mellem 0 og 5 år. Musikken er professionelt produceret og den er skabt på børnenes præmisser, dvs. tydelig sang og et tempo hvor alle børn vil kunne følge med. Fagtesangbogen er ideel for hele familien, så I sammen kan øve sangene og fagterne. Appen er så enkelt opbygget, at den også nemt kan betjenes af børnene uden en voksen. Fagtesangbogen indeholder: · 22 fagtevideoer hvoraf de 2 er gratis · Brugervenligt interface · Flot og ...
[ ゲーム ]
Eine Welle von raffinierten Raubzügen hält das ganze Land in Atem. Dahinter soll die gut getarnte „Chamäleonbande“ stecken. Seltsamerweise decken sich Orte und Zeiten der Einbrüche mit dem Tourneeplan eines angesagten Gesangduos. Stecken die Musiker hinter den Verbrechen? Bob geht mit auf Tour und ermittelt undercover. Aber wo stecken Justus und Peter? Können die drei ??? den ganz großen Coup der Räuber verhindern und die Bande überführen? Ermittle in einem spannenden Fall zwischen Rocky Beach, dem kalifornischen Weinanbaugebiet u...
[ エンターテインメント ]
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: BEMÆRK! Fagtesangbogen Pro er primært blevet udviklet til skoler, børnehaver, dagplejeinstitutioner o.a. der benytter sig af Mobile Device Management (MDM). Find gratis-udgaven her: https://itunes.apple.com/dk/app/fagtesangbogen-sanglege-for/id590293943?mt=8 Fagtesangbogen Pro adskiller sig ikke rent indholdsmæssigt fra vores gratis-udgave “Fagtesangbogen - Sanglege for børn”. Kun betalingsdelen er forskellig. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Fagtesangbogen indeholder 22 fagtevideoer, primært for...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
-------------------------------------------------- ------------- AtmoHear Summer Sale! -------------- For all the folks, who haven't had the chance to spend vacation, for all who want some quality relaxing time during their holidays and for all who spend the summer time working in the office, we offer you AtmoHear at only 0,99 Cent. Get now your everyday life recreation and let our business coaches guide you. -------------------------------------------------- AtmoHear is an application developed by psychologists and business coa...
[ ゲーム ]
Trolle in Rocky Beach? Ein Teenager ist verschwunden und seine Schwester vermutet eine Entführung durch einen echten Troll. Wer ist der merkwürdig aussehende Mann, den nicht nur die kleine Elenya gesehen hat? Was hat es mit Mathildas angeblichem Lottogewinn auf sich? Und wer hat das Haus von Eudora Kretschmer verwüstet? Sind die drei ??? auf eine Parallelwelt gestoßen und können sie alle Verwicklungen bis ins letzte auflösen? Ermittle mit Justus, Peter und Bob in einem „trolligen“ Fall! • Detektiv-Adventure um mystische Sagengest...
[ ゲーム ]
Hexlink is a logic game with hexagon tiles. Every edge of a tile has a colored marker. Your task is to match the colored markers of each tile. You do this by rotating each hexagon until all markers match on every side. The interaction is very simple. Just tap on a tile to rotate it. Find the right edges as fast as you can! The faster you solve a level, the more stars you get. In the Free version there are 6 levels which get successively harder to play. Start right now!
[ ユーティリティ ]
WinRemote is an application which lets you control every Windows-PC in your network. Use your iPhone or iPod touch as full featured remote touch pad so you can control nearly all of the desktop functions which lets you stay mobile. Change TV-channels sitting on the sofa or change transparencies during a presentation (e.g. PowerPoint, Acrobat Reader, OpenOffice, photo shows, ...) without standing next to your PC or notebook all the time. Just connect your iPhone with the PC or notebook over WiFi and stay mobile. WinRemote Features:...
[ ユーティリティ ]
WinPointer is an application to present in a simple way. You can easily connect to your Windows PC or notebook and use your iPhone or iPod touch as a virtual laser pointer, so you can bring up the content closer to your audience. Just one tab on your screen will display a red point in your presenation screen. Switch easily between your slides or photos without doing it at your PC. This makes your presentation fluently and avoids breaks. WinPointer is comapatible with most of the known presentation programs (e.g. PowerPoint, Acroba...
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