フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ユーティリティ ]
Handy utility from Jason Withers created to easily find the ring size in the different countries. There are some unique features supported by the app: - choose metric or imperial units - choose diameter or circumference - use visual guides for more precise measuring - supports sizes of the USA, Australia, United Kingdom, Europe, Japan and China - easily share your ring size on social networks Also we have integrated our "Engagement & Wedding Rings" catalogue and Instagram feed from Jason Withers into this app. You can request qu...
[ ゲーム ]
The First-Jason-3D-Action Game Supported devices: iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 4, iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPad 2 ***OUT NOW - The Mac App Version 1.2 of the game!*** FREE Download link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/jason-vs-zombies-free/id444919078?mt=12 Coming 2012: - New mobile version 1.4 with better grafics, new level and much better performance You need a internet connection for playing this game! On the iPhone 3GS the game runs a little bit slow and jerky and sometimes it crashes! Tip: Switch of fog and sky in the options for bett...
[ ゲーム ]
Scary Jason 3D:Horror Screamへようこそ! 怖いジェイソンを処理します。 人々を誘nするためのトリックを知っているので、誰も彼女から勝ちませんでした。 建物全体がとても怖くて神秘的で、一度に自動で照明が消えます。 深夜にスクラムと不気味な音が聞こえます。 警戒! あなたは、長年彼らを誘kidした恐ろしいキャラクターから人々を救うためにここにいます。 あなたは彼からすべての人々を無事に逃れました。 ジェイソンの使命は、人々をだまし、彼らの建物で彼らを捕まえることです。 彼らは幽霊の恐怖から家を出る。 彼らは恐ろしいキャラクターが黒魔術の専門家だと...
[ ゲーム ]
Are you ready to face the true evil - the scary killer Jason.Will you be able to solve all the puzzles that are waiting for you on the path to escape from where no when escape from years, are you a survivor and open the gate to escape.You will have to play hide and seek with that monster and go through all the hard quests in order to survive throughout the night! In this scary horror puzzle game you have to survive from the scary Jason. This is scary house survival game.you have to survive and escape from the scary house. Be quiet ...
[ ゲーム ]
This is the second part of the retro feeling game "Jason vs Zombies" here in the AppStore. A cool creepy zombie shooter slaying game with a total of 11 weapons like chainsaw, sniper, machete etc. Jason you have to kill more Zombies on this world. You play a guy named Jason. There exists no humanity on this world. The world is full of zombies and you (Jason) are the only man who can save the world if you find and kill all zombies. Have fun with Jason. NOTE: You are optionally able to share zombie content from this app to your...
[ ゲーム ]
***FREE VERSION*** The First-Jason-3D-Action Game It's not Friday the 13th but you can feel like Jason as a Zombie Killer! NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUR iMAC WITH AMAZING PERFORMANCE AND SPECIAL 3D EFFECTS ***PLAY WITH JOYSTICK OR KEYBOARD AND MOUSE*** ***KILL ZOMBIES IN FULLSCREEN*** Watch the release video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpcQnXkQ6rg Get also the FREE iPhone-, iPad- and iPod - version here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/jason-vs-zombies/id419687544?mt=8 ***GAMEPLAY*** You play a guy named Jason. There exist...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
OVER 1 MILLION JASON VALE APPS HAVE NOW BEEN SOLD!   LOSE UP TO 5LBS IN 5 DAYS and recharge your body and mind without restricting what you can eat or drink at the weekend. Jason Vale's 5-Day Juice Diet app is a fresh approach to juicing and the ultimate guide to kickstarting rapid, healthy weight loss, boosting energy levels and maintaining optimum health.    The 5-Day Juice Diet app brings to life Jason Vale's easiest and most effective juice plan book – 5lbs in 5 Days (aka the 5-Day Juice Challenge) - and features everything you...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Jason is a JSON browser. It takes a JSON data, displays it visually in a native view, and lets you interact with it.
[ スポーツ ]
▶ #1 Universal Baseball Video Instructional App for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch ▶ Hard-hitting, fast-paced tips and drills from Jason Giambi & MLB Players From the makers of Golfshot: Golf GPS and Golfplan with Paul Azinger, Shotzoom Software presents iTunes first Universal Baseball Instructional App – Baseball Gameplan® (BGP) with Jason Giambi. Power up your baseball skills with the knowledge of an AL MVP and expertise of the BGP coaching staff whether you’re sitting in the stands as a parent or hitting in the cages as a ballpla...
[ 教育 ]
Cartoonist Bill Amend has written an app! Exercise your math brain as you take quiz after quiz with FoxTrot's Jason Fox cheering you on. Four levels of difficulty and customizable operator settings allow challenging questions for users of all ages. Earn gold stars to unlock original cartoons, and use the app’s stats section to show off your growing genius* to friends. *Genius growth not guaranteed.
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