フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
ヒアリの来日により緊急事態となっているこの頃. 在来のアリは外来種に対し侵入を抑制する働きがあるが, ヒアリと間違って駆除してしまうと,未曾有の危機に繋がりかねない... そこで!ヒアリとそれ以外の紛らわしいものとを瞬間的に見分ける技術を養う為, このアプリが急遽制作された! <遊び方> 火アリと,それに似た紛らわしいモノが出てくるので 即座にヒアリかそうでないかを判断して,ボタンを押します もし間違えると... 専門知識が手に入ります、 間違えずに続けると,どんどん制限時間が短くなります。 <シェアしよう> twitterやfacebookで結果をシェアす...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Offshore Radio ■ NEW Feb. 23rd 2013 : Radio Veronica even is presented with an unique slideshow The mid 1960s to the mid 1970s were the mainyears of offshore broadcasting, better known as Pirate Radio Stations. This App shows all offshore broadcasting stations from 1958, beginning with the Swedish Radio Mercur until now. In words accompanied with historic photos and original audiosamples the following stations are featured in detail: ■ Britain Radio ■ Britain's Better Music Station (BBMS) ■ Capital Radio ■ CNBC (Commercial Neu...
[ ミュージック ]
A 15 de Setembro, a Optimus D’bandada traz ao Porto mais de 40 bandas que vão atuar nos locais mais míticos da cidade Invicta. Este projeto, que conta com a parceria da Câmara Municipal do Porto, através da PortoLazer, espera a presença de milhares de pessoas na Baixa do Porto e promete ser, uma vez mais, o São João da Música. Os concertos são de entrada livre e distribuídos pela zona das Galerias de Paris, Clérigos, Jardim da Cordoaria, Praça dos Leões. Com uma lógica de navegação simples e intuitiva, a aplicação permite consut...
[ エンターテインメント ]
iWatches HD is a collection of watches with beautiful photos, specifications and prices. You can browse watches from the most famous brands, compare, add to favorites, view photos in slideshow and play quiz game to test your knowledge. Why you should have iWatches HD: * Photos (iPad Optimized) and detailed info about watches * Gestures navigation (next / prev - swipe right / left) * Easy user interface * Favorites watches * Compare watches * Slideshow * Quiz * 53 Brands * Almost 1500 watches Brands: - Seiko - Fossil - Invicta - B...
[ スポーツ ]
The First MMA App for the TRUE Hard Core MMA Fan! "We made an App just for you . . . The TRUE Hard Core MMA Fan!" - Big John McCarthy BIg John's MMA Fight Club App! An app where MMA fans can truly interact, learn and earn bragging rights based on how much YOU know Current MMA! Big John McCarthy has refereed some of the biggest fights in MMA History for the Ultimate Fighting Championship, UFC, Strikeforce, Bellator, Invicta FC and More! Now he is right at ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
iWatches is a collection of watches with beautiful photos, specifications and prices. You can browse watches from the most famous brands, compare, add to favorites, view photos in slideshow and play quiz game to test your knowledge. Features: * Photos and detailed info about watches * Gestures navigation (next / prev - swipe right / left) * Easy user interface * Favorites watches * Compare watches * Slideshow * Quiz game * 53 Brands * Almost 1500 watches Brands: - Seiko - Fossil - Invicta - Bulova - Diesel - Swiss Army - Sector ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
至高の美を体現する伝説の名車をiPhoneで!臨場感あふれるエンジン音、運転席からのビュー、美しい内外装などを存分にお楽しみください。 曲線的なフォルムが美しい英国車、実用的な機能美が特徴のドイツ車、エスプリがきいたフランス車、広大なボンネットに大きなエンジンを搭載したアメリカ車・・・半世紀もの時を経た現在でも色褪せることがないクラシックカーを多数収録しています。 写真、動画の他にも、クラシックカーライブラリなど、さまざまな機能をお楽しみいただけます。 機能/特徴: 1)数えきれないほどのフォト 2)1000を超えるクラシックカー動画(YouTu...
[ スポーツ ]
Questa applicazione mostra le partite, i risultati e la classifica (aggiornamento automatico) delle squadre dalla provincia di Grosseto, Toscana. La terza categoria, i giovanissimi ed Juniores Provincale Ci sono mappe dei paesini di ogni squadra. Le squadre della terza categoria sono : Aldobrandesca, Atletico Arcille, Massa Valpiana, Braccagni, Campagnatico, Civitella, Montemerano ASD, Barbanella, Punta Ala, Orbetello Scalo, Scarlino, Roccastrada, Sticciano, Massetana Calcio, Castiglioni Della Pescala,Casotto Pescatori Marina. ...
[ スポーツ ]
The First MMA App for the TRUE Hard Core MMA Fan! "We made an App just for you . . . The TRUE Hard Core MMA Fan!" - Big John McCarthy Big John's MMA Fight Club App! An app where MMA fans can truly interact, learn and earn bragging rights based on how much YOU know Current MMA! Big John McCarthy has refereed some of the biggest fights in MMA History for the Ultimate Fighting Championship, UFC, Strikeforce, Bellator, Invicta FC and More! Now he is right at your fingertips with this MMA Fight Fan's Ultimate App! FEATURES>> >...
[ スポーツ ]
Avec Sponso+, gagnez de l'argent en sponsorisant le club de sport de votre choix lors de vos achats quotidiens. Sur simple présentation de votre carte, vous bénéficiez de réductions et avantages exclusifs immédiats dans le réseau d'entreprises-partenaires affiliées. Dans le même temps, l’association sportive que vous avez désignée reçoit une partie du montant de votre achat. Sponso+ contribue ainsi à développer le commerce de proximité et à soutenir le tissu associatif de votre ville, tout en augmentant votre pouvoir d'achat. Comm...
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