フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
This tutorial demonstrates the basics of using Inkscape. This is a regular Inkscape document that you can view, edit, copy from, or save. The Basic Tutorial covers canvas navigation, managing documents, shape tool basics, selection techniques, transforming objects with selector, grouping, setting fill and stroke, alignment, and z-order. For more advanced topics, check out the other tutorials in this app. Today. Price app from $9.99 sale off to $1,99 only today. Download now!
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
OffiInkはOffiDocsが提供するInkScapeアプリを含むベクターグラフィックスエディタです。イラストレーション、アイコン、ロゴ、図、地図、ウェブグラフィックスなどの幅広いグラフィックを作成するために、世界中のデザイン専門家や愛好家によって使用されています。これは、ファイルマネージャの機能とグラフィックス用のオープンソースソフトウェア、InkScapeを組み合わせたものです。 OffiInkには2つの主要なモジュールが含まれています: A)InkScapeを使用したベクトルグラフィックスエディタモジュール。次の機能を提供します。 - 鉛筆、ペンツール、書道ツールを使っ...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
iPhone Vector Graphics Please leave a 5 star review, to help continue development. miniDraw© is a fully functional mobile vector graphics drawing application. Designed for the iPhone and iPod Touch, miniDraw© offers a dedicated set of vector tools, delivered in an intuitive and streamlined user interface. Use it to produce artwork on-the-go and later export it as a .svg file to use in any vector graphics package (Adobe Illustrator/Flash, Corel Draw, Inkscape). Features: - Layers - Tools: Pen Tool, Clone, Mirror, Weld, Break, ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Whiteboard drawing is the fastest way to communicate your ideas. Draw with vectors, import your sketch in Adobe Illustrator or InkScape or share it with Evernote, Dropbox, Campfire or e-mail. EXPORT TO ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR AND INKSCAPE Export your vector drawing as PDF and fine-tune it in most vector-editing programs, such as Adobe Illutrator or Inkscape. QUICK IDEA SHARING Evernote, Dropbox, Campfire or e-mail: take your pick and share with one click. BEAUTIFUL HANDWRITING Draw and take notes at the same time. Each pen stroke is...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
iPad Vector Graphics Please leave a 5 star review, to help continue development. miniDraw© is a fully functional mobile vector graphics drawing application. Designed for the iPad, miniDraw© offers a dedicated set of vector tools, delivered in an intuitive and streamlined user interface. Use it to produce artwork on-the-go and later export it as a .svg file to use in any vector graphics package (Adobe Illustrator/Flash, Corel Draw, Inkscape). Features: - Layers - Tools: Pen Tool, Clone, Mirror, Weld, Break, Transform (scale & ro...
[ グラフィック/デザイン ]
誰もが今年のiPad Proアプリ賞を受賞したuMakeでインスピレーションを3次元作品に換えることができます。 フル機能で使いやすく、3D CADのプロと初心者の両者に能力を与え、教師だけでなく学生にも魅力的なアプリです。クイックスケッチや基本的な描画をちょっと行うだけで、アイデアを3次元のモデリングに変換することができます。スケッチ、編集、エクスポート、視覚化、レンダリング、そしてiPhoneやiPadの自由な世界からの作品をシェアしながら、正確でインスピレーションたっぷりの結果を得ることがきます。 趣味や教育、仕事、またはビジネス向けなど、3次元モデルを作...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
"The Best App for Making Comics: ComicBook!" - Mac|Life ComicBook! is YOUR Creative Superpowers! Transform the ordinary to share-worthy extraordinary easy as: B.A.M! Arm yourself with the best graphic effects, 105 inspiring layouts, 374 hand-drawn* comic Stickers, 12 caption and text tools, and auto-content from Flickr, and you have the superpowers to Rule the Universe - in Your stories! TOP-SELLING COMIC BOOK CREATION APP AWARDED iTUNES BEST PHOTO APP OF 2011 WAS APP OF THE WEEK WORLDWIDE YOUR IMAGES YOUR WAY Import images from ...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Vector Q, (before known as Imaengine) is a fast and powerfull Raster to Vector translator and a complete Vector Editor. The definitive VECTOR TOOL! Turn your pixel-format pictures into fully editable vector drawings. With custom filters you can get from a standard vectorization with unlimited colors, crispy grayscale images, two-tone stencils, original Pop-Art drawings and amazing polygonal shapes. New redesigned EDITOR, probably the most powerfull vector editor for iPhone and iPad with exclusive and unique features: - COLOR CU...
[ グラフィック/デザイン ]
Create beautiful vector artwork on your iPad with Inkpad. Draw with accuracy and speed. Quickly align new or existing objects either to a grid, points, or path edges. Alternatively draw freehand bezier paths using the brush tool. Select, scale and rotate hundreds of objects with high performance in real time. Cutout elements of artwork, photographs or patterns with masks. Flexible typography effects. Position text at any angle or to follow along paths. Apply multiple effects to text, with stroke, fill, shadow and opacity al...
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