フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ユーティリティ ]
- Monitore os status dos seus servidores; - Saiba a cada 1 minutos se seu servidor está online ou offline; - Receba notificação por "push" e "email" em tempo real quando seu servidor ficar offline e após quando voltar online; - Tenha a porcentagem de uptime do seu servidor por dia, semana ou mês. - Monitoramento via porta 80 ou ping (icmp) ou qualquer outra porta que desejar. Assine mensal e tenha 7 dias grátis para testar o app. Assine anual e tenha 30 dias grátis para testar o app. Assinaturas serão aplicadas na sua conta iTun...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Scan subet : 24bits-32bitsのサブネットをICMPなどでスキャンしホストをアクティブな検出します。 Ping stats : Ping応答時間の統計値を取得し、グラフに傾向や分布を描画します。 Traceroute : トレースルートを実行、ホップ毎の統計値を取得し、グラフに表示します。 Web stats : 指定したURLのHTTPSリクエストを実行し、TCP /TLSのコネクション時間、HTTP GETの応答時間をそれぞれ描画します。 CIDR calc : 複数CIDRの集約を計算し、またあるCIDRから別のCIDRを除外した結果のCIDRを計算します。
[ 教育 ]
Introducing our SmartStudy iOS app, a powerful and intuitive tool designed to enhance your learning experience. Our app is designed to help you efficiently memorise and retain information in a fun and interactive way. SmartStudy comes with a preloaded set of Network+ flashcards specifically designed to help you prepare for the Network+ certification exam. These flashcards are created by experts in the field and cover a wide range of topics related to networking. The preloaded Network+ flashcards cover key concepts, protocols, te...
[ ユーティリティ ]
「Dev Star」は、暗号化、ハッシュ化、デバイス情報、ネットワークスキャンなどの開発者向け究極のツールです。使いやすさ、堅牢なセキュリティ、滑らかなデータ共有機能を組み合わせ、プレーンテキスト情報を手のひらでしっかりと鍵で保持します。 *これは何か* Dev Star は、以下の機能を備えたユーティリティツールです: 1. SHA-1、MD5などの標準に従って任意のユーザーが平文を暗号化できる機能。 ユーザーはテキストボックスに任意のテキストを入力するだけで、アプリがそれを暗号化し、適切なセクション(MD5、SHA-など)にハッシュを表示します。 暗号化後、ユーザー...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Network test utility. Display ICMP Ping status at graphic mode. Immediately understand the situation of the network. Support different size of packet. Configure and save up to five web side name or IP address . Saving report after every measure. Totally free.
[ 教育 ]
Need a basic primer on networks? In this video, network designer presents an introduction to networking for those who are just getting started or need a refresher. You'll come away with a broad understanding of how networks operate and what?s required to build them, along with some knowledge of how to use specific tools to build various topologies. Bruce introduces network standards and vendors, such as ITU-T, IEEE, IETF, Cisco, Juniper, and Avaya, as well as various network components including the Network Interface Card (NIC), a...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Pingy is a free ping (ICMP echo request/reply) utility with a clean interface and no ads. It's designed to be a lightweight, quick, and easy to use utility to check for basic network connectivity. It calculates sent/received counts, packet loss, and minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation statistics for round trip time. It also features a ping sound option that will allow you to hear when a ping is successfully received.
[ ユーティリティ ]
Try it! ############################# *** Tap on App Support button and watch demo video! *** Execute a search and get PDF reports you can email or send to a host via SSH ########################## HostExplorer can be used as Internet or Network scanner. There are some features like geoip and whois that are intended to query internet hosts only. Other ones like port scanner, ping and trace root can be used in both internet and local networks. ############################# Version 1.3 =========== * Now you send your PD...
[ ユーティリティ ]
■ ヘルスチェック - Healtch Checker お持ちのiPhoneから任意のサーバにヘルスチェックを実施するアプリです。 バージョン1.0では、下記のプロトコルに対応します。 ・HTTP 将来的には、 ・ICMP ・SSH ・MySQL 等のメジャーなプロトコルに対応する予定です。 尚、iOSの仕様上、アプリがバックグラウンドモードに入ると、10分後に動作が停止してしまうため、監視も停止します。 (フォアグラウンド動作の場合は監視は止まりません) 次バージョンでは、通知機能にてこの点を解消する予定です。
[ ユーティリティ ]
Ping tool that supports IPv6. Ping uses ICMP Echo Message on IPv4 network and uses ICMPv6 Echo Request Message on IPv6 network. In addition, TCP protocol can also be used for ping on both IPv4 and IPv6. [Note] 1. If your DNS server is compatible with IPv6, it is displayed a list of name resolution result in the A record and AAAA record. 2. If your network environment that supports IPv6, you can ping to each IPv6, IPv4 address that is displayed in the results list. 3. If your network environment is IPv4 only, you can use IPv4 ...
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