フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
If you use REDUCE, you can now perform your computations anywhere on your iOS device of choice. iCAS is a complete and native implementation of REDUCE with all of its major packages, including the gnuplot package. If you have an iPhone 4/iPad or later devices, you can even use the iCAS screen mirroring feature to share your results/plots with your colleagues, walk a class through computations, etc. If you're not familiar with REDUCE, it is an extremely powerful and flexible computer algebra system with a track record spanning ov...
[ ビジネス ]
For four days each year, the ICAS Convention is the center of the air show business universe. Hundreds or industry professionals gather in Las Vegas each year to renew business relationships, conduct business and learn about the exciting world of air show operations and management. This year, the ICAS Convention will be held on December 8, 9, 10 and 11 at the Rio All-Suites Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. ICAS will offer nearly 50 different educational sessions during the 2015 ICAS Convention. The topics and the format of this exten...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Toda la Cultura de Sevilla en tu móvil. Desde ICAS (Instituto de la Cultura y las Artes del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla) ponemos a tu disposición de manera gratuita la agenda cultural de nuestra ciudad a través de esta aplicación. Una herramienta de referencia para estar informado del pulso artístico y cultural de Sevilla, con especial atención a los espacios ICAS, y con una serie de funcionalidades que favorecen la utilidad y fácil manejo por parte del usuario: - Agenda (todo el calendario de actividades distribuidos por meses o sem...
[ 教育 ]
The 10th International Convention of Asia Scholars 20-23 July 2017, Chiang Mai, Thailand The International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) is the largest international gathering in the field of Asian Studies. ICAS attracts participants from over 60 countries to engage in global dialogues on Asia that transcend boundaries between academic disciplines and geographic areas. Experts in the field of Asian Studies will meet in the delightful Northern Thai city of Chiang Mai, famous for its rich cultural heritage. Events will include...
[ エンターテインメント ]
iCAS Ticino è l'applicazione del Club Alpino Svizzero Sezione Ticino, che permette di: visualizzare news e programmi del Club, visualizzare le informazioni di contatto, prenotare le capanne gestite dalla sezione Ticino del CAS, inviare la richiesta di adesione. La Sezione Ticino del Club Alpino Svizzero (CAS) è stata fondata l’11 aprile 1886 a Bellinzona. Con quasi 2.000 soci, la Sezione ha un’attività molto varia, in grado di suscitare l’interesse di tutte le età, dai più piccini agli anziani. Vengono infatti proposte gite di escu...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Con esta aplicación podrás mantenerte siempre informado de la actualidad de Castilleja de la Cuesta e ICAS el Partido Independiente de la localidad formado por vecinos que quieren cambiar la situación política local. La aplicación te permite leer las noticias que el Partido publica en su página web y recibir notificaciones con avisos importantes sobre la actualidad del partido y Castilleja de la Cuesta.
[ ビジネス ]
The CA is the monthly member magazine of ICAS, covering the world of finance and management for a readership of world-class business professionals. Each issue features interviews, analysis and news across a wide spectrum of accountancy and business disciplines. Content is free to ICAS members and can be accessed through the "Subscription" tab. * The CA App offers availability to editions of the publication by incorporating subscriptions allowing the purchase of one month's subscription to the magazine. This subscription is a...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
iCas storiaの公式アプリです。 全国料理コンクール準優勝シェフが、無肥料、無農薬の本物のオーガニック野菜を用いて、素材の旬をお皿の上で再創造する、iCasstoria店の公式アプリです。  【特徴】 -店舗情報 -予約 -特典 などが閲覧できます!   【注意・お願い】 ・GPS機能を有効にしていただき、インターネットへ接続できる事を確認してご利用ください。 ・端末や通信の状況により位置情報の特定が不安定になる場合がありますのでご了承ください。 ・「お知らせ」はプッシュ通知受信時、一覧として閲覧することが可能です。
[ 教育 ]
Hej där, Gillar du också grönsaker och frukt? Vad kul! Varmt välkommen till Papricaklubben-appen! Här vill vi lära ut och skapa intresse för grönsaker och frukt. Våra papricor Grönis, Gulis och Rödis hjälper gärna till med det genom roliga spel och sånger. I Papricaklubben-appen kan ditt/dina barn: - Spela vårt spel "Skördefesten" och skörda frukt och grönt med lekfulla Grönis. - Skapa sin egen måltid med matglada Rödis. - Spela vårt spel "Trädgårdsfynd" med smarta Gulis. - Samt lyssna på och sjunga med i Papricasången. Vi hop...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
The International Council of Air Shows held its first convention in 1967. Since then, the air show community has gathered every year to exchange ideas, conduct business and begin the process of planning the upcoming air show season. This year, the ICAS Convention will be held December 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 at Paris Las Vegas in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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