フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
エリック・カールが生み出したはらぺこあおむしや、個性豊かなキャラクターと楽しく遊びながら学習しましょう。 この美しい3Dポップアップアプリには、タブレットとスマートフォンでお子様にお楽しみいただける8種類のゲームが含まれています。学習の初期段階にあるお子様は、はらぺこあおむし、タツノオトシゴのとうさん、だんまりこおろぎの他、エリック・カールの名作「くまさんくまさんなにみてるの?」「ごちゃまぜカメレオン」「10このちいさなおもちゃのあひる」に登場するキャラクターと一緒に遊びながら学ぶことにきっと夢中になるでしょう。 お子様は楽しく遊び...
[ ライフスタイル ]
ワードローブを最大限に活用しましょう! Stylebook には、ワードローブを活用しながら所持している衣料品の魅力を最大限に引き出せるよう、90 種類以上の機能が搭載されています! すべてカスタマイズ可能なこのアプリで実際の衣服をインポート、雑誌スタイルの服装を作成、着る服のプラン、パッキングリストの作成をしながら、1 着あたりのコストなどのデータを利用して、ワードローブをしっかり把握しましょう! Stylebook は Vogue ファッションクローゼットのインターンとしてキャリアを積み上げてきたファッション業界人が作成したワードローブ整理と管理ツールのエキス...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Featured on: The TODAY Show, CBS-News, ESPN, and many more. Decades of sleep research have produced a sleep app that's better than white noise. The neurosensory algorithms in Sleep Genius help your brain get ready for sleep, guide your brain through each stage in the sleep cycle, and wake you with a gentle, refreshing alarm. The Sleep Genius app was developed by experts in neuroscience, sleep, sound, and music following our research helping NASA get astronauts to sleep. BENEFITS TO YOU: Enjoy the physical, emotional and menta...
[ ミュージック ]
528 Frequency Radio streams 528Hz frequency "Medicinal Music" 24/7/365 for people who want the "good vibration" of LOVE, need healing, and appreciate the "healing power of LOVE/528" that resonates at the heart of everything, including rainbows, sunshine, green grass, your "heart chakra," and the air we breathe. The App enables a growing number of 528 Radio Network stations to be received and broadcast from your phone that not only is enjoyable and entertaining, but relaxing and healing due to the frequency adjustment (transpositi...
[ ゲーム ]
*Awarded The Kirkus Star For Books of Exceptional Merit* Wake Up Mo! is a morning routine app for tablets and mobile phones. It is the follow-up to the best-selling bedtime app Goodnight Mo (#1 in US and 40 other countries worldwide). As the sun rises and a new day begins, Mo, a cute little monster, gets ready for school. Beautiful imagery, gently rhyming narration, and a cheerful soundtrack make this the perfect way for little ones to learn how to get ready for the day ahead. Wake Up Mo! helps young children build a routine by...
[ 教育 ]
Three award winning StoryToys book titles, combined into one great app! Enjoy all of the content from StoryToys Rapunzel, StoryToys Red Riding Hood and StoryToys Hansel and Gretel. Each classic Grimm's tale has been reimagined for a modern, young audience and is presented in 3D form, just like a real pop-up book. Between the pages of text are interactive scenes carefully woven into the fabric of the tale. In these scenes young readers become involved in the story through a series of fun games and actions. Each book also comes w...
[ ブック ]
LEARN TODAY'S MOST IN-DEMAND SKILLS ON KNOWABLE ... an audio-first knowledge community of 40,000+ founders, professionals, creators, and everyday know-it-alls getting smarter every day. MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR TIME AND LEARN ON-THE-GO ... with 15-minute, self-paced, screen-free audio lessons made to fit your busy life. FUEL YOUR AMBITION WITH 1,000+ EXCLUSIVE LESSONS ... on professional success, startup entrepreneurship, the creator economy, venture capital, marketing, sales, growth, social media, community management, copywritin...
[ ブック ]
Thanksgiving Sale! Get into the festive spirit with Holiday Countdown, a free 3D pop-up app. Bring the holidays to life with all your favourite StoryToys characters. Count down to the holidays with a new scene to create and play with each and every day from 1 December to 25 December - all FREE! Brimming with holiday cheer, there are over 150 stickers and 25 scenes to play with. A new scene is unlocked each day. Each scene can be decorated and customised with a variety of stickers. The sticker collection builds with each new day ...
[ 教育 ]
allocateIQ is a game that teaches how to diversify savings between stock, bond and commodity investments through simulation. Players build a portfolio allocating a hypothetical $100 between purchases of stocks, bonds and commodities. Each investment is represented by a benchmark such as the S&P 500 or AAA Corp Bonds. When the player is ready, "Portfolio Test" is selected. The portfolio is then tested against randomly selected historical data. Five (5) years of testing occurs with results displayed on the screen. Players will be ...
[ 教育 ]
Explore artist James McNeill Whistler’s famed Peacock Room in the Smithsonian’s Freer Gallery and learn about its dynamic, cosmopolitan history in this fully interactive, visually stunning app. A scrolling panorama offers a virtual tour of the room as it is installed today. Tap on the paintings, ceramics, or decorative elements for more information and related multimedia content, such as audio guides by Freer|Sackler curators. An interactive timeline illuminates the room’s changing appearance as it moved from Victorian London to Gi...
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