フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Automatically creates a romantic mood & ambiance in your picture Romantic Photo creates a romantic mood or setting automatically from any picture. Using exquisite lighting and design, your photos will look like they were taken using the highest professional techniques & camera filters. Romantic Photo gives you 30+ combinations of award-winning photography styles that will capture a feeling, create a mood, or hold a moment in time. With just one click this time saving app gives your photo the look and feel of a romantic ambiance,...
[ エンターテインメント ]
2,000 編以上の blドラマ [テコンドーの呪いを解いて] [The Time of Fever]のような最上レベルの韓国 bl ドラマから [ Cutie Pie]、 [My Beautiful Man]など時間が経っても視聴したい名作 [4 MINUTES], [ Pit Babe ]のような刺激的なドーパミン満載の新作まで! ヘブンリーで毎週アップされるblドラマを思い切り楽しんでください! ヘブンリーが一番早い! 大胆で強烈なタイのbl、ストーリーが興味津々の韓国bl、繊細で感性豊かな日本bl、初々しくてドキドキ感満載の台湾BLドラマ。全世界から集めたBLドラマを韓国で一番先に公開します。 あなた好みのロマンス 純情、執着、...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
= Make glamorous photos with smoother skin = Dreamy & heavenly softener/toon effects If you've ever wondered why the models in magazines always have such perfect skin, here's your answer: Face Makeover is remarkably effective at transforming your photos into something that could quite easily go into a copy of Vogue. Now you can do it easily on your iPhone! Face Makeover includes softener effects that glamor photographers use to smooth skin imperfections. Adding softener effects to a photo gives it a soft, dreamy haze that leaves...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Automatically creates a romantic mood & ambiance in your picture Romantic Photo creates a romantic mood or setting automatically from any picture. Using exquisite lighting and design, your photos will look like they were taken using the highest professional techniques & camera filters. Romantic Photo gives you 30+ combinations of award-winning photography styles that will capture a feeling, create a mood, or hold a moment in time. With just one click this time saving app gives your photo the look and feel of a romantic ambiance,...
[ ゲーム ]
Pilfer from pirates, conspire with cardinals and perform miracles with an incompetent magician. The Procession to Calvary is a Pythonesque adventure game made from Renaissance paintings, and a spiritual successor to the critically acclaimed Four Last Things. Huzzah! The holy war is over! Your oppressors have been vanquished, the churches of the Old God lay in ruin and thousands of innocent people have been murdered! But it's not all good news; the tyrant Heavenly Peter has escaped your clutches, and you have been tasked with the m...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
= Make glamorous photos with smoother skin = Dreamy & heavenly softener/toon effects If you've ever wondered why the models in magazines always have such perfect skin, here's your answer: Face Makeover is remarkably effective at transforming your photos into something that could quite easily go into a copy of Vogue. Now you can do it easily on your iPhone! Face Makeover includes softener effects that glamor photographers use to smooth skin imperfections. Adding softener effects to a photo gives it a soft, dreamy haze that leaves...
[ ライフスタイル ]
美容雑誌やメディア、同業者からも絶賛される銀座・表参道の人気サロン「青の家」などを展開する「Blue house」グループの公式Appアプリです。 【Blue house【ブルーハウス】のご紹介】 【青の家 表参道店】メディアや美容雑誌、同業者からも”毒出しリンパのカリスマ“と絶賛される『青の家 本店』。 【青の家 銀座店】「リンパ排毒法」で脂肪・セルライトを徹底撃退で美しいボディラインを作る実力派サロン。 【Heavenly Tokyo】強力揉みだし〔骨毒排泄リンパ〕とハイパーナイフで理想のボディライン造形が人気の痩身専門サロン。 【メンズエステティックサロンCREW】お客様...
[ ゲーム ]
The most delicious casual game is finally here! Cake Crush Sugar Smash is a fun and exciting game where you have to draw a line and match 3 cookies, cakes, ice creams or other heavenly desserts. You will be accompanied by Granny and her Grumpy Cat in your journey inside this crazy kitchen. If you want to have some cupcakes and cookie party, then come and join us now! Cake Crush Sugar Smash is a match three connecting game with sweet bakery theme. If you love cupcakes, ice creams, chocolate chip cookies, and other heavenly dessert,...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Guidance Cards is a deck of 60 heavenly realized cards. They help you to find answers to your inner questions and give you precious messages about how you can improve your life, health, relationships, job, spiritual path - and even more. So use that source of wise counsel: Ask for guidance, close your eyes and then read a Guidance Card. You’ll see: Small changes can make a big difference in your life. You only have to believe in the power - and the power will lead you and also give you the power to live in love, happiness and harm...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Heavenly Wallpapers gives you a collection of amazing,awesome,ultimate Wallpapers. Don’t waste time going through a collection of photos that requires you to connect to the internet each time. Get the ultimate collection of pre-selected high quality wallpapers for your phone that is available all the time. Features: -no internet connection required for downloading images -all the images are self-contained and always available for viewing -double tap on any image to see the fullscreen view -press the save button to save it your p...
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