フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ビジネス ]
Here places helps you to find any place near to your location, it will help you to find any near by ATM, Bank,School,Cafe,... The result list of places will also show you information and direction to each place from your location.you can set distance to find Here places support multi language You can also add and manager places yourself You can also mark some results as favorites and use them later Here places brings every possible details of the places on your phone
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Help Here ist eine Plattform, auf der Bürger Hilfsbedürftigen in Deutschland helfen können. DAS ERSTE SOZIALE NETZWERK. Help Here ist Deutschlands soziales schwarzes Brett. Auf Help Here trifft ehrenamtliches Engagement auf die konkreten Bedürfnisse von karitativen Einrichtungen und Menschen in Not. Einfach, kostenlos, lokal und in vielen Sprachen. ANGEBOTE EINSTELLEN UND IN ANSPRUCH NEHMEN. Jeder, der etwas zu geben hat, kann Sach- oder Zeitspenden einstellen. Sei es eine Kleiderspende, Spielzeug oder ein Kinderfahrrad – oder ei...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
“Here In” is an app that lets you connect with people, meet friends, and discover more about all the things around you. “Here in” uses Bluetooth protocols to turn your iPhone into a location-based messenger, letting you talk to anyone else using the app within a 70-foot radius. Using proximity, you can automatically identify which friends are up to, and easily get notified when friends poke you and send messages, always up-to-date. * Internet connection required. * iPhone 4S or above required. * iPod Touch 5th Generation or abov...
[ スポーツ ]
「Workout Here & Now」アプリによって、簡単でも効果的な練習をどこでも、いつでもやってください!自分の体を向上するのは多くの方法があって、トレーニングするためにジムがかならず必要ではありません。「Workout Here & Now」アプリをチェックして、家とかオフィスとか、どこにいっても今こそトレーニングのための休憩をしてください!アプリは特殊装置が要らない練習を10以上含んで、素晴らしい個人トレーナーになります。そして、アプリのカレンダーを使うことができて、トレーニングを追うことができます。 使い方: まず、あなたの能力に応じる難易度を選んでくださ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Welcome to UFO Truth Magazine, a 96 page colour bi monthly Ezine for people who believe that some UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin. Brought to you by internationally award winning Ufologist Gary Heseltine from the UK, he has assembled a host of some of the world’s top UFO researchers to act as regular columnists and guest contributors. In addition to these columns the magazine will review the best of UK sightings, worldwide sightings, look at the Ancient Aliens enigma, Science and Space News etc. As a former police detective Gar...
[ メディカル ]
The Start Here app is designed to be a simple way for patients and their companions to gain familiarity with concepts related to hearing aids as well as address common questions and concerns about their hearing journey. The Start Here app gently guides the patient through a range of topics that better prepares them for subsequent discussions with their HHCP. For the companion, the Start Here app prepares them for what their loved one will be going through on their hearing journey and how they can help them. Patients who arriv...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Here Comes Everybody is a locative artwork and story developed by Close and Remote. You can listen to the story at home or away as twelve mp3 chapters, or if you're in London experience it as a GPS enabled story set along the banks of the River Pool in Lewisham. This atmospheric artwork, inspired by James Joyce's novel Finnegans Wake, leads you along the Riverpool Linear Park. The new story intertwines multiple narratives that drift between contemporary references and urban landscapes. Original story and artwork by Sophie Mellor ...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
The Beer Up Here is an iPhone app that features every brewery in Alaska and the beer they make. This easy to use, ad-free app presents a simple, elegant interface that includes vital information and high-quality photography of each beer. Each brewery has a custom page that includes a list of their beers, hours of operation, and links to call, visit their website and open up directions in maps. Touch the name of any beer and detailed information appears: style, ABV, IBUs, color, malts, hops and adjuncts. Tap the screen again and a...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Tired of endless meetings and discussions with your colleagues? Your precious time is constantly been wasted by chats and meaningless small talk? Here is the solution: Let "Get Me Out Of Here" get you out of there! Create a fake call that allows you to escape these dull, time consuming encounters. Just set a time and who shall call you and you're ready to go! The best thing about it? Anyone can call you! Just create an exciting contact (your wife, your mom, Abraham Lincoln, Homer Simpson, ...) and let him or her, (or it?) call you...
[ スポーツ ]
Sport, the award-winning FREE weekly magazine, available on the move and direct to your pocket with Sport. Access the latest sports news including superb insight, big name interviews, brilliant imagery and previews of all the weekend’s action, along with the latest male lifestyle news. Features: - weekly editions every Friday - stunning photography - Easy navigation between pages - quick to download The weekend starts here – Download now! All content in Sport is copyright UTV Media plc 2011. All rights reserved. ---------------...
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