フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ユーティリティ ]
P-vakten är appen som räddar dig från dyra P-böter!
Du har parkerat bilen på gatan och på morgonen ska du köra till jobbet. När du närmar dig bilen ser du P-boten i vindrutan. Du hade ju glömt bort att parkera om bilen inför städdagen...
P-vakten hjälper dig undvika P-böter genom att påminna dig om när det är städdag på just dina gator. En påminnelse skickas ut till dig i god tid innan städdagen så du hinner parkera om bilen. I P-vakten lägger du enkelt till vilka städdagar som gäller där du brukar parkera. Lätt som en P-lätt!
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[ 教育 ]
Hans Wikkeling Tricks Varitations Instructional iPhone App
Twisting in the air like a video-game character, Hans Wikkeling is a master at aerial martial arts and here he shares his expert knowledge and techniques on how to replicate his jaw-dropping moves. From Five-Fouty to Raiz, Pops to Twist-Hyperswipe-Round Offs, this is one instructional video that is just as entertaining to watch as it is to follow along with.
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[ エンターテインメント ]
M was directed by Fritz Lang in 1931. It is film is nothing less than a masterpiece, a highly structured and stylized film about a serial killer. It created the serial kill genre, which includes such entries as Psycho and Silence of the Lambs. Alfred Hitchcock (the director of Psycho) was a disciple of Lang as were Jacques Tourneur (The Leopard Man (1943)) and Michael Powell (Peeping Tom (1960.))
A group of children are playing a game involving a song about a child murderer. This foreshadows the appearance of Hans Beckert (Peter L...
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Hidden Image is a challenging visual pictorial game. The objective is to find 5 images within an image under a given time.
This game is designed to improved your observation skills and attention to detail.
Extra features like Hints and Time Extended are provided to help you beat the clock.
Enjoy the beautiful imagery of masterpieces by created by 100 famous painters while playing Hidden Image.
This game is packed with 100 pictures including....
01. Pablo Picasso
02. Giotto Di Bondone
03. Leonardo Da Vinci
04. Paul Cézanne
05. Rem...
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[ ブック ]
**** Release Special Price for limite time ****
This App is an amazing way to enjoy all works of Grimms Brothers, designed exclusively for iPad. This App includes the most complete catalog of Grimm's Brothers, where you can read his best titles and deepen a little more about his work anytime. Browse his titles on a beautiful interface, tap a book to open it, flip through pages with a swipe, and bookmark your favorite chapters.
• Enjoy the most complete collection of the works of Grimms Brothers.
• Quick access of your...
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[ ブック ]
More than HUNDRED Folk and fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault, and Hans Christian Andersen with full text search!!!
You can read these stories to your kids when they are going to sleep or just to spent a bit time with princesses, magic, and various fabulous creatures!
Have you ever wondered what is the real Cinderella story, why Sleeping Beauty is actually asleep, who has defeated Snow Queen? You will find all answers within these wonderful books.
Filled with masterful detail all these fairy tales provide the m...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
BuC - eine legendäre Abkürzung für Baumann und Clausen
Mit dieser App für das iPhone, iPad und iPod-touch können Sie die tagesaktuelle
Radiocomedy-Folge von Baumann und Clausen als Erster vor allen anderen hören.
Auf einem Kalenderblatt wählen Sie die Radiocomedy-Folge ab 0:00 Uhr zum Abspielen
aus oder Sie suchen nach aktuellen Terminen der Baumann & Clausen Theatertournee.
Dieser Service ist exklusiv für alle App-Anwender. Direkt aus der Neddelhastedtfelder
IT-Abteilung im Rathaus.
Die Fans wissen es bereits: bei Baumann & Cla...
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Was meinen Sie, wer uns alles besuchen möchte? Fernsehteams zum Beispiel, um für einen Krimi mit der Kamera kurz durch einen der Zellengänge zu fahren. Die Knast-Szene spielt dann zwar nicht in Stamm-, sondern Stadelheim – aber im Abspann soll ‚Stammheim’ stehen, das Gruselwort.
Kurt Oesterle, Stammheim (2003)
„Stammheim existiert in der Anschauung nicht. Vielmehr evoziert die Nennung des Stuttgarter Vortortes auch dreißig Jahre nach dem sog. Deutschen Herbst im kollektiven Gedächtnis unweigerlich eine metaphorische...
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[ ブック ]
Great Gift for Kids!
• "Fairy tale iPad app is pure magic!" - Huffington Post
• Selected among Top Ten Children's Book Apps by Kirkus Review
• Featured among 2010 Hot Trends in Interactive Books by Apple
• "We chuckle when Apple calls the iPad magical, but there are a handful of apps that really make it feel that way. This is one of them." - Gizmodo.com
• "This interactive story book is the promise of the iPad delivered. Nothing short of a revolution in children’s books." - TheNextWeb.com
• "Interactive book at its best." - iP...
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[ ブック ]
Nu finns Bamses klassiska sagor som e-böcker. Här får man uppleva de klassiska, älskade Bamse-berättelserna skrivna och tecknade av Rune Andréasson på ett nytt sätt. Spännande bakgrundsljud och musik förhöjer upplevelsen av illustration och berättelse. Sagorna läses upp av Olof Thunberg.
Välj mellan sex olika sagor, se beskrivning nedan. Varje musiksaga innehåller, förutom sagan, också Bamses signaturmelodi och 2 - 3 andra Bamsesånger, vilka kan spelas upp fristående från sagan. Första berättelsen, ”Bamse och Lejonet” får du tills...
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