フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ライフスタイル ]
Experience the Gant world on your iPhone.
Get the latest Gant news before everyone else. Take a closer look at new
garments and styles. View footage from the runway shows. Immerse yourself
in selected highlights from the latest collections. Browse our video
library for the full stories behind the collections and find the nearest
Gant store no matter where you are in the world.
In short, enjoy exclusive material about all things Gant - anytime,
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[ ファイナンス ]
Ask Derick
The Ask Derick mobile application is a powerful tool that gives users the ability to get the latest personal finance news, tools and ask direct questions.
With this easy to use program, users can ask questions that pertain directly to their financial situation and get a tailor made answer. The program provides the latest podcast and news stories to keep users in the know.
Ask Your $ Questions
Regular Financial News
Money Quiz
Podcast Solutions
Planning Calculators
Access to Planning Guides
Who is Deric...
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[ ゲーム ]
★★★★★ Arload ispisial evit ar vugale... hag o zud ! ★★★★★
Dizoloiñ tro-gaer Loïc ha Soazic gant c'hoari an diforc'hioù.
15 dachennoù orin (skol, liorzh-loened, menez...) ha zri liveoù ispisial evit diduellañ gant ho vugale da adkavout an diforc'hioù etre an daou skeudennoù.
Trugarez da Palpix ha Design d'O evit sikouret ac'hanomp gant ar krouidigezh grafik ha d'hor arbennigour Betty evit kinnig c'hoarioù da vugale (4 vloaz ha muioc'h : hon eus testet !)
Trugarez da Matyas evit al troidigezh !
Roll an dachennoù :
- an traezhenn...
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[ スポーツ ]
Vom 20.-28. August 2011 finden die Gant Euro Hockey Championships der Damen und Herren im WARSTEINER HockeyPark in Mönchengladbach statt.
Über Mönchengladbach nach London 2012. Das direkte Qualifikationsturnier für die Olympischen Spiele.
Mit dieser App kannst Du ein Teil der spannenden Leistungen dieser insgesamt 16 teilnehmenden Mannschaften sein.
Folgende Feature werden Dir geboten:
- Mehrsprachigkeit: deutsch & englisch
- News rund um das Turnier
- Spielplan
- LiveTicker
- Tabelle
- Torschützenliste
- Teaminformatio...
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[ 教育 ]
The 24K LIFE CODE is Money and Performance Coaching 24/7/365 days in the palm of your hand. We provide LIVE STREAMED coaching sessions along with virtual course content to help you manage and grow your money, mind, business, and brand.
"Master your mind and you will always be free." Derick Gant
With The 24K Life Code, you get access to over 30 years of financial, business building, and accountability support all in one source without breaking the bank.
Discussing money and success is taboo but with professional help, you don't...
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[ 旅行 ]
Un arload ofisiel kinniget gant Kastell duged Breizh, mirdi istor Naoned
Dizoleiñ kastell Anna Vreizh, un hentad videoheñchet eus Kastell duged Breizh
Gant an dug Frañsez II hag e verc’h Anna Vreizh e voe savet ar c’hastell e-kreiz al lodenn goshañ eus Naoned. Palez an dug e maen tuf gwenn-kann ha kinklet kaer zo disheñvel bras diouzh ar mogerioù-difenn rust zo tro-dro. Evit lakaat ac’hanoc’h da glevet istor ar palez-kreñv e vo pemp kompagnun asambles ganeoc’h : ur soudard da Frañsez II dug Breizh, un itron a gompagnunezh da Anna ...
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[ 教育 ]
-> Croeso i Ap Antur Cyw, lle i blant ddysgu, chware a chael hwyl.
-> Welcome to the Antur Cyw App, a place for kids to learn, play and have fun.
-> Dynnargh dhe App Aventur Kyw, tyller rag fleghes dhe dhyski, gwari hag omlowenhe.
-> Degemer mat e Troioù-kaer Kiou, un arload savet evit ar vugale : dezho da zeskiñ, da c'hoari ha da gaout plijadur.
Wy ti’n gallu helpu Cyw i gwblhau’r GEIRIAU yn y ffair?
Wy ti’n gallu CYFRI ar y fferm?
Beth am daith ar y trên SILLFAU?
Beth am gyfansoddi CERDDORIAETH?
Beth am fod yn g...
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[ スポーツ ]
Vom 20.-28. August 2011 finden die Gant Euro Hockey Championships der Damen und Herren im WARSTEINER HockeyPark in Mönchengladbach statt.
Über Mönchengladbach nach London 2012. Das direkte Qualifikationsturnier für die Olympischen Spiele.
Mit dieser App kannst Du ein Teil der spannenden Leistungen dieser insgesamt 16 teilnehmenden Mannschaften sein.
Folgende Feature werden Dir geboten:
- Mehrsprachigkeit: deutsch & englisch
- News rund um das Turnier
- Spielplan
- LiveTicker
- Tabelle
- Torschützenliste
- Teaminformationen
- Vide...
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[ フード/ドリンク ]
Cuisiner va devenir un jeu d’enfant car vous simplifier la vie en cuisine est la mission que nous nous sommes fixée !
Trouvez des recettes à partir des ingrédients que vous avez dans vos placards et votre réfrigérateur en un clic. Découvrez la recette du jour, toujours de saison et toujours délicieuse ! Pour les indécis, notre menu de la semaine vous apportera des inspirations adaptées au temps dont vous disposez (peu en semaine, plus le week-end).
Quelles que soient vos attentes et vos contraintes (pas de temps, petit budget ou gr...
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[ ショッピング ]
Your dream wardrobe is just one tap away – discover an online shop with an impressive variety of fashion, beauty and home products and brands, available anywhere and anytime.
Download the Fashion Days app so you can:
•Shop your favorite brands’ latest collections and find special offers;
•Never miss a sale: you will receive real-time alerts about campaigns kick-off and special promotions;
•Enjoy high-quality full-screen product images and 360° product videos, because every detail matters;
•Filter your unlimited options: narrow...
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