This application is GPS and coordinate systems helper especially for military personnel.
It is also a complete helper for mountaineering, trekking and hiking, cross running, scouting, hunting, fishing, geocaching, off-road navigation and all other outdoor activities and sports.
With satellite navigation systems such as GPS, GALILEO and GLONASS (GNSS) supported by your device and your sensors, you can see your most accurate position on different map layers.
*Import/Export KML
Topcon Field Mobile is globally known and relied on as a visual and intuitive solution for collecting and accurately laying out field data. Its user-friendly interface and simple but powerful controls help you work faster and more precisely.
Topcon Field Mobile app is focused and ready to drive Topcon/Sokkia Total Stations and GNSS receives for precise design layout needs as well as quick and intuitive options for field measurements.
Topcon Field Mobile provides assisted navigation to any point, line/area, surface or feature on y...
Greenbox per MV è la App dedicata ai possessori di una MV Agusta dotata del dispositivo di localizzazione Mobisat® e completa l’offerta di servizi per la tua “Connected Bike” MV Agusta.
La App localizza la moto in modo continuo e garantisce al 100% la tua privacy in quanto i dati di localizzazione sono una tua proprietà e tu sarai l’unico a potervi accedere.
Greenbox per MV ti consente di avere sempre tutto sotto controllo, ti sembrerà di avere la tua moto in tasca!
Una ricca varietà di servizi innovativi:
- Localizzazione in te...