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[ ライフスタイル ]
Dwutygodnik Gala to ekskluzywny międzynarodowy magazyn o gwiazdach. Prezentuje sylwetki znanych i lubianych poprzez szczere wywiady oraz wyjątkowe zdjęcia.
Galę można podzielić na cztery działy. "Gwiazdy" to najważniejsza część pisma poświęcona rozmowom z gwiazdami ilustrowanym sesjami zdjęciowymi. „O tym się mówi” to najciekawsze wydarzenia i gorące informacje z życia gwiazd. „Życie” prezentuje nowości kulturalne oraz relacje z wydarzeń towarzyskich. "Styl" pokazuje modę, urodę, design i ciekawe miejsca.
Gala inspiruje do lepsz...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
Gala is the new and exciting way to send Cards, Gifts and Money to Friends, Family & Loved ones around the world. Someone have a birthday or wedding coming up? Forgot to get a card? Download Gala today!
Using Gala is as simple as Picking a Card, Customising the card by adding photos, a video and a message, choosing your contact, processing payment and clicking Send!
It's instantly available in your contacts GALA Account, or it's sent to them via text message if they haven't downloaded the app yet.
If the person you're sending the...
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[ ゲーム ]
Here comes a new series from Kitty Gala —— Marshmallow Link! This simple addicting puzzle game can lead you to endless enjoyment.
Just link the pairs of numbers with less than 3 line segments! The higher the level, the more challenging you will get. There are 8 different size of game boards for difficulty and each size contains different levels as well.
Keep an eye on all the different series from Kitty Gala and you will be amazed!
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[ ゲーム ]
Welcome to Candy Gala Heroes to explore a miraculous and colorful candy kingdom. Funny, attractive and extremely brains. This is a extremely amazing match-3 game with hundreds of incredible levels. You can combine similar candy into a row to get points, crush candy, crush jelly, crush sugar, crush block,…
Game features:
- Very beautiful graphics
- Easy and fun to play and more difficult challenge to master
- Hundreds of incredible levels in the Candy Kingdom - more added every weeks!
- Integrate facebook to share or invite friend...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Gala Manoeuvres was a series of three live performances by internationally acclaimed performance artist Tim Brennan, inspired by the memories of older generations and younger people’s views of the annual Durham’s Miner’s Gala. Intended as a walking tour guide, and based around a set of three interactive maps, this app delivers the Gala Manoeuvres experience through a combination of text, image, audio and video content. To improve the user experience, content can be pre-downloaded to the user's device using a wifi connection.
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[ ブック ]
• The Official Salvador Dalí App. Unique on the App Store!
• The best Dalí Books and Movies to help you interpret his works.
• All about the greatest surrealist artist’s life, paintings, places and symbols.
• Curated by the Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation’s Centre for Dalinian Studies.
• Free contents included, don't miss out!
This is the official Salvador Dalí app published by the Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation and curated by the Centre for Dalinian Studies.
• If you’re looking for more than just an image gallery or a set of pictur...
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[ ビジネス ]
The official mobile application for the Private Equity Forum and Awards Gala aims at improving networking opportunities within the event. It also allows you to be always up-to-date with everything that is going on. This easy-to-use app makes it easier to socialize the conference in real time, enhancing interactions between you, other attendees and organizers. The app helps to navigate the conference with the options of setting personal agendas, instant messaging, feedback and constant updates.
- Keep track of agenda updates and c...
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[ ミュージック ]
L’application, c’est le Gala de l’ADISQ à portée de main …
Amateurs de musique québécoise, retrouvez sur cette application l’ensemble des artistes en nomination au prochain Gala de l’ADISQ et à L’Autre Gala. Accédez directement à leur site officiel, leur calendrier spectacle et écoutez leur musique.
Accédez aussi à toutes les nouvelles qui seront publiées par le Gala au cours de l’automne, découvrez les lauréats en temps réel le soir du Gala et votez dès maintenant pour les artistes de l’année en vous rendant directement sur le sit...
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[ 雑誌/新聞 ]
GALA, das Premium People- und Lifestyle-Magazin, berichtet jede Woche aktuell über Stars aus aller Welt. GALA präsentiert mit gut recherchierten Hintergrundinformationen die Geschichten hinter der Meldung. Mit exklusiven Bildern, einfühlsamen Storys, ehrlichen Interviews und brillanten Fotostrecken schafft GALA eine intime, aber immer respektvolle Nähe zu den Stars und setzt Woche für Woche Standards für stilbildenden, glamourösen Journalismus.
Die App bietet folgende Funktionen:
• Alle Artikel der gedruckten Ausgabe
• Inhaltsver...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
Téléchargez gratuitement la toute nouvelle application du magazine Gala et profitez de la nouvelle liseuse.
• Retrouvez tous les anciens numéros de Gala à la vente
• Retrouvez, à tout moment, même sans connexion internet, tous vos numéros téléchargés et archivés dans votre bibliothèque
• Soyez alerté de chaque nouveau numéro grâce aux pushs notifications pour smartphone et tablette
En vous abonnant à Gala, entrez dans l'intimité des célébrités et découvrez leur actualité grâce à des reportages inattendus, des interviews vérité et d...
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