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[ ゲーム ]
Our hero – Joe Hollywood is back, this time he is going to walk you through Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. Meet all your iconic movie stars from your favorite movies, and learn interesting trivia straight from them! Enjoy beautifully crafted hand crafted original artwork our super talented team that you can Guess the Movie from. Get the Movie Wall of Fame with Hollywood Hero today, we bet that it will be the most awesome movie trivia game you've played recently. From the makers of the hit game "Guess the Movie" and "Think"
[ ナビゲーション ]
The perfect guide to locate any star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Find your favorite Star on the Walk of Fame using location services to give you directions to every star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Search over 2400 stars covering 3 miles of Hollywood, the GPS Guide will take you to each star on the Walk Of Fame and gives you a description and filmography about each Star. Use the Create Own Star feature to create your very own Star with your name and category to share with all your friends. Find the stars for your favorit...
[ 旅行 ]
Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Walk Map Companion is a light and simple app to help you find and track your favourite celebrities in the Walk of Fame in Hollywood. Just browse through the list of categories and celebrities and see their Star's location on the map. You can also make your own list of preferred celebrities to access them faster. Send us your feedback and suggestions to support us and we will add new cool features such as biographies and route planner.
[ エンターテインメント ]
Fame飞梦,最炫酷的才艺展示点评社区!你行你秀名师助力,热辣点评PK不停!任何泯灭才华的行为都是耍牛忙,实力才是判定一切滴唯一标准!呦呦,切克闹,下载Fame客户端,现在就给才华一个舞台吧! 功能简介: 1、最炫酷的才艺展示点评社区——无论是渴望被指引的表演者,还是见解独到的辣嘴评委,都分分钟点燃你的激情! 2、Show才艺——歌唱&舞蹈&演奏......各种才艺引爆全场!更有名师助力,专业指导!不要再犹豫,有梦就要秀出来!秀到根本停不下来! 3、互动投票——情有独钟,为TA转身!慧眼识金中意就要投! 4、点评PK——金玉良言vs中规中矩,温言鼓励vs无情点评,究竟哪句话让...
[ 教育 ]
We connect art / celebrity / app to create new tools for worldwide foundations. Follow our journey. Download our App and support Hall of Fame thanks to our charity AUCTION inside Boxing Hall of Fame App. The front of the historic Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey, set alongside the beautiful backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean at Brighton Park, will be the setting for the inaugural Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame event on Memorial Day weekend in May 2017. Inductees include Mike Tyson, Larry Holmes, Michael Spinks, the lat...
[ ゲーム ]
With the application Fame Simulator you can now find out how is it like to be a star. With Celebrity Mode you can choose how popular you want to be and then start fame simulation. You can feel yourself like you are the most popular person in a high school and everybody likes you. Feel that people are watching you, they need your advice and admission. Being instafamous is not anymore a prerogative of Selena Gomez, you can become celebrity yourself! Don't forget to make fun of your friends by sending them a screenshot which shows tha...
[ ゲーム ]
So, you think you know Celebrities? How about before they were famous? Can you guess your favorite stars from baby pictures, yearbook photos or way, way, way (did we say way enough) before they became household names? Before The Fame Name Game takes your trivia senses on a wild ride! Are you a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Oprah? Well, let's see how well you know your idols before they were famous! Starts easy gets harder! Over 600 Celebrities. The more puzzles you complete, the more coins you ge...
[ ステッカー ]
Get your twerk on with these official emojis from the Queen of Bounce, Big Freedia! Brought to you by Emoji Fame, the premier celebrity emoji & sticker factory. Check out our other stickers: http://apps.emojifame.com More by Emoji Fame: Ziggy Marley Cypress Hill Hieroglyphics Zakk Wylde GG Allin Bout That Life 4:20 Memes & Things Trae Tha Truth Got Game? NOTHING Random THOTS New Mexico Naughty Valentine's Day Big Freedia 21 Savage
[ ゲーム ]
"夢を生きて、自分だけの美とファッションの帝国を築き上げよう!VIP達に会って彼らの支援を取り付け、ビジネスを推進しよう!最も有名なビジネスウーマンの地位をめぐって他のプレイヤーたちと競い合おう。これはあなた個人のProject Fame!豪華さ、スタイルまたは名声、どれを追い求めていようともこのアプリには全てがあります! 名声、運そして愛があなたとあなたの女友達を待っている。Project Fameは、キーを一つたたくだけで、すぐそこにあります! あなたが次の勝ち組ビジネスウーマンになるためのものを兼ね備えていることを世界に示そう。 楽しんで、美しくそして...
[ ステッカー ]
Put some zing in your texts with the latest memes in sticker form! Brought to you by Emoji Fame, the premier celebrity emoji & sticker factory. Check out our other stickers: http://apps.emojifame.com More by Emoji Fame: Ziggy Marley Cypress Hill Devo Big Freedia Hieroglyphics Zakk Wylde GG Allin Bout That Life 4:20 21 Savage Dinosaur Jr. Memes & Things Trae Tha Truth Got Game? NOTHING Random THOTS New Mexico Naughty Valentine's Day
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