フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
A special doosra edition just in time for the Indian elections! The developers of all-times hits, Games2win, have joined forces with India Today’s Politoon So Sorry, to bring you the next massive Indian sensation - Cricket Battle Politics 2019! Get back to real street cricket fun, now with a political spin, delivered especially in time for the upcoming national elections. Take your pick from all too well-known characters of So Sorry! Whether you’re a communist or a right-wing liberal, here’s your chance to take it to the streets a...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
*BRAND NEW IN 2014!* EASILY REGISTER TO VOTE FOR ALL CT ELECTIONS RIGHT FROM YOUR APPLE DEVICE Experience a totally new way to register to vote in Connecticut.  With just a valid CT DMV ID you will be able to register to vote in the next CT Election.  Designed and developed by the Secretary of the State’s Office, Connecticut residents will now have an easy way to update and maintain their voter registration information with this app. ** Upcoming Election Dates in Connecticut: ** Primary- April 26th Polls Open 6:00a to 8:00p Ge...
[ ライフスタイル ]
How long until Election Day? Perfect for national elections, local elections, and student council elections! • Add a Photo! • Customizable! • No Ads! • Share via Twitter/Email/SMS/Facebook! Features: ✓ Set the Date Add the election date really easily and watch the countdown begin, it automatically calculates how long until you vote! ✓ Add a Photo Choose a photo from you camera roll or take a photo using the built-in camera! ✓ Share the Countdown Keep your friends and colleagues up to date by sharing your election countdow...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
CashOnHand Now there's an easy way to track candidates and how much money they've raised. In just a few seconds, you can check on your favorite candidates for the House or Senate. Search by: * name * party * state * senate or house race This application contains information for each candidate who has registered with the United States Federal Election Commission or appears on an official state ballot for an election to the U.S. House of Representatives or U.S. Senate during 2013 or 2014 (including special elections). Fin...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
TCS iElect is a unique sentiment analysis and data visualization App on Indian General Elections 2014. TCS iElect performs real-time analysis of Twitter data using Big Data Analytics in Cloud and delivers through Mobile App. The users of iElect will have access to an array of live insights and data on what people are thinking about Indian Elections. Features: * Real-time analysis of millions of Tweets: > 5 million Tweets already analysed
 * Share of Voice of leading politicians
 * Sentiment analysis of Key Politicians and Parti...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
إنتخاباتي (My Elections) يقدم هذا البرنامج وسيلة سهلة للوصول إلى أماكن اللجان الانتخابية الخاصة بالمواطن عن طريق الرقم القومي الخاص به. أيضا يوفر البرنامج بعض المعلومات الهامة التي قد تهم المواطن قبل وأثناء علمية الانتخاب. هذه المعلومات مقدمة من خلال موقع اللجنة العليا للانتخابات على الانترنت. جميع المعلومات المتاحة من خلال برنامج (إنتخاباتي) مقدمة ومملوكة من قبل اللجنة العليا للانتخابات. تم تطوير هذا التطبيق من قبل (خدمات فودافون الدولية) (Vodafone International Services). البرنامج لا يقوم بحفظ أية نتائج بحث قد تنتج عن إستخدا...
[ ゲーム ]
Warm up your knuckles and get ready for the fight! Choose between Donald Trump’s bloc or the democratic bloc and show us who the best patriot is. Play against the machine or challenge your friends with the two player mode. LOTS OF FIGHTERS Are you a democrat or a republican? It doesn’t matter! Fight with or against Donald Trump or one of its many versions, or choose Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Johnson the rapper, Clovin the Irishman, Frank the obese, Pancho the Mexican mariachi… And so on up to 20 powerful fighters. Will you be...
[ ゲーム ]
Welcome to the Indian Celebrity Beard Shave Salon!!!! The biggest indian celebrities need a beard makeover for an upcoming political elections and they have to look the most decent man in the crowd.  As a celebrity makeover artist help these celebrities to give a perfect style to their beard and make it look the most stylish in your own beard salon. Let’s shave it and make hairy face go shine like a political celebrity star. Open your own barber shop, meet your political clients at the top hairiest salon.  Features : - Use Razor...
[ ニュース ]
Texas Election Source provides frequent, insightful updates to our subscribers about the state of elections in Texas. We’re tracking more than 630 candidates for statewide office, Congress, the Texas Legislature and the State Board of Education. During elections, push notifications will be sent to your iPhone with the latest results from the ballot box. We also follow special elections, important local elections and constitutional amendment elections. If you’re interested in Texas politics, then let Texas Election Source be your g...
[ ニュース ]
The Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) of IRAQ is a professional, governmental, independent and neutral body supervised by the Council of Representatives. It is exclusively responsible for organizing, implementing and supervising all kinds of elections and referendum in IRAQ. المفوضية العليا المستقلة للانتخابات هيئة ، مهنية ، حكومية ، مستقلة ومحايدة تخضع لرقابة مجلس النواب ، لها المسؤولية الحصرية في تنظيم وتنفيذ والاشراف على كافة انواع الانتخابات والاستفتاءات According to Article No. 102, the IHEC is a constitutional i...
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