フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ブック ]
“Collezionare Rolex Milgauss, Turn-O-Graph, Yacht-Master, Explorer” rappresenta una nuova avventura, un viaggio attraverso questi modelli che nessuno prima ha mai “ESPLORATO” così a fondo. Questa app dedicata a una delle seguenti tipologie: - Rolex Turn-O-Graph: promemoria del Tempo passato Referenze 1625, 6202, 6206, 6309, 6609, 16250, 16253, 16258, 16263, 16264, 116261, 116263, 116264 - Rolex Milgauss: l’orologio dello scienziato Referenze 1019, 6541, 6543, 116400, 116400GV - Rolex Yacht-Master: l’orologio dello skipper Refer...
[ 教育 ]
A fun learning app that helps young children learn about letters and phonics. Children are encouraged to collect and recognise letters, sounds and spell simple high frequency words. While this app is educational and fun, it comes to life with the purchase of the iLearn 'N' Play Adventure Explorer toy. Use Bluetooth to pair with the Adventure Explorer toy, place your Apple device in the toy and enjoy the experience of using the steering wheel and controls to interact with the app. FEATURES Curriculum-based learning through play G...
[ ナビゲーション ]
The Journey Explorer is an app for when you want to loose yourself in the environment without getting lost. Wander and explore your surroundings confidently. Immerse. Don’t worry about route or exact location. Enjoy the experience. - Always be able to find your way back again - Explore the environment on your way to your destination We happily admit we’re not the first to offer something to avoid getting lost. However we believe the journey is at least as important as the destination, and that makes us different. The Journey Expl...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Never worry about not finding anything good to watch again! The DISH Explorer app helps you discover relevant content, control your Hopper, and engage with your favorite shows and movies. See the most popular shows based on real time tv viewership in your location, or what's trending on social sites, or even the most exciting sports events on now. You can also use the universal search to find content whether its on live TV, your DVR, or in the On Demand catalog. Once you've found what you want to watch, simply press the thumbnail...
[ 天気 ]
Buoy Explorer, created specifically for surfers, kayakers, fishermen, boaters, and water sports enthusiasts. Provides marine weather conditions for 100s of locations worldwide. Easily view swell height, swell period, swell direction, water temperature, wind strength, wind direction, and air temperature. Download Buoy Explorer now to have quick access to critical marine data. Features: ◆ Quick access to marine conditions for any NOAA and NDBC buoy location in the world ◆ 5-day historical wind and swell data for many stations ◆ ...
[ ビジネス ]
Homegate Explorer enthält die grundlegenden Funktionen für deine Immobiliensuche, aber nicht alle Funktionen der Haupt-App. Mit Homegate Explorer testen wir neue Funktionen, ein frisches Design und Änderungen in der Bedienung. Deine aktive Teilnahme und dein Feedback tragen dazu bei, die endgültige Version der Haupt-App zu gestalten. Möchtest du eine Wohnung mieten, ein Haus kaufen oder suchst du gar ein Chalet, eine Reihenhauswohnung oder ein stylisches Loft? Wir haben das Richtige für dich. Mit über 100'000 Inseraten und mehr al...
[ ユーティリティ ]
本款软件能增加你在地震或其他灾害情况下获得成功救援的希望。 -1- 打开手机蓝牙,装有E-Explorer的两台设备能在没有任何外界网络的情况下实现通讯和聊天,范围30m左右(无障碍时)。 -2- 地震发生时,请进入软件填写个人信息。E-Explorer能将被困状态,位置等个人重要信息传递给附近的人,增加被成功营救的几率。你还可以通过E-Explorer向附近的人求救。 -3- 软件内附地震逃生须知,可供参考。 -4- 地震发生后,进入烈度调查界面,填写相应问卷,并点击提交,你可以为地震烈度评估与救援作出贡献。
[ 仕事効率化 ]
ES File Explorer File Manager is the app organize and view all your files on your iPhone or iPad. It is like the Windows Explorer on your PC or the Finder on your Mac. Always have your important files with you. DOWNLOAD CONTENT Getting your documents onto your iPhone or iPad is really easy. You can save your files from your computer using iTunes or import them from Dropbox. You can also open files from E-mail or browse the web for content to save. Import options are: -iTunes -Dropbox -Email -From other apps ORGANIZE DOCUMENTS...
[ 旅行 ]
The Explorer Dimag Reader A „The Explorer Dimag Reader” Magyarország első digitális magazinolvasójának, a „Dimag Reader 2 for IPAD” szoftvernek The Explorer magazinra optimalizált newsstand változata, amely segítségével a The Explorer magazin olvasható digitálisan bárhol, bármikor. A magazinolvasó alkalmazás ingyenesen letölthető. Az olvasó alapfunkciói: - magazinok megnyitása - álló ás fekvő nézetben olvasási lehetőség - nagyíthatóság - interaktivitások kiadványonként változó mennyiségben: videó és galéria tartalmak, belső é...
[ ゲーム ]
Play Baby Hazel Nature Explorer game for free. Go along with Baby Hazel for a nature walk to explore the beautiful nature and its creation. It is an exciting and educative nature walk with Baby Hazel and her cousin, Ashley. The kids need to collect few items from the nature to complete Ashley's class assignment. After collecting the required materials, they have to make crafts and collages. Can you assist them in completing the class assignment? Help cousins to pack their necessities before journey. Enjoy eating fresh fruits, e...
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