フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ユーティリティ ]
★ Contacts AIO [ SMS, E-Mail Multi Groups, Group SMS, Group E-Mail( with Easy CC/BCC ),Integrated Recent Contact list (including calls),Location Information, Large & Pattern Keyboard ]
★ I usually call someone who I sent SMS just before and usually send SMS to someone who I called. E-Mail is the same. ( including CC / BCC )
Also, I don't like to type every single word repeat.
How about you? This is the App you want!
★★ Contacts AIO ★★
▶ Functions
- Send SMS / E-Mail directly in App. ( will not close the App )
- Send Grou...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
E-Max突破傳統商場模式,以目標休閒購物概念設計。E-Max共有8層樓面,佔地超過90萬平方呎, 其中包括48條世界標準球道的香港保齡球城、25多萬平方呎的九龍灣綜合名車展、20萬平方呎的家居博覽、搜羅世界知名酒莊的紅酒中心等商戶、一站式婚禮配套等;你可容納高達3,600人的室內大型表演場館「匯星」及其他展覽設施配套隨時為你安排多完化演唱會及文化藝術展覽等, 滿足你的創意娛樂素求。當然,我們亦為你安排多選擇的餐廳及小食,帶給你非一般的全面購物消閒新體驗。除擁有方便的交通配套, 駕車一族消費滿指定金額,即可享有免費泊車優惠(時租車位400個)。
With over 900,000 sq....
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[ ユーティリティ ]
Do you have a BFF (Best Friend Forever)?
If you do, then "My BFF" is the app 4 you!
With "My BFF" you can get in touch with your BFF in just a few seconds! You can Call, Text or even E-Mail your BFF FAST and EASY!
Not only does "My BFF" provide EASY and FAST access to your BFF, but it also shows your BFF how much he/she means to you!
Do you change your BFF as often as you change your underpants?
No problemo!
You can easily change your BFF any time you want!
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[ エンターテインメント ]
This app allows you to send postcards to all your friends e-mail.
The postcards are organized in five different folders and each one correspond to an event type:
- Anniversary
- Wedding
- Graduation
- Courtship
- Birthday
Use the Preview feature to check out the postcard and look like it is after you insert the message.
You can send a postcard to a friend or you can send it to a group.
When you buy the app you must create a new user that will be associate with your device. After that, you'll automatically receive in your accoun...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
This application allows you to call, send an SMS or e-mail promptly to your sweetheart!
Simply fill the phone number, email address of your love and configure the SMS /E-mails. The body of the message is filled automatically when you choose the text-message to send (Image 3).
Our commitments to quality:
Each application is the subject of special attention especially on the "Test Features".
Our tests are conducted:
-on simulators (iPad 3G/3GS iPhone, iPhone 4)
-on a real iPhone 4 to verify that everything works properly (Camera...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
This application allows you to call, send an SMS or e-mail promptly to your sweetheart!
Adding a new feature: ability to fully customize four SMS!
Simply fill the phone number, email address of your love and configure the SMS /E-mails. The body of the message is filled automatically when you choose the text-message to send (Image 3).
Our commitments to quality:
Each application is the subject of special attention especially on the "Test Features".
Our tests are conducted:
-on simulators (iPad 3G/3GS iPhone, iPhone 4)
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Mailtag lets you create and send awesome text art e-mail messages to your friends!
With many different pre-prepared greeting designs for every celebration, it's easy to find the right message for an occasion. If this isn't enough you can use the textart generator to turn your own words into artwork, with over ten different styles available.
Key Features:
- Choose from lots of different categories, including all of the big celebrations throughout the year.
- Choose from the many pre-prepared text art items, to find the right messa...
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[ ビジネス ]
The E-Mall iPhone app brings to you the great shopping experience of Saudi Post's E-Mall http://www.e-mall.com.sa
The app provides an easy-to-use intuitive interface to browse all your favorite stores on E-Mall and buy your products conveniently.
-Browse by category, sub-category
-Browse by Store
-Search (Arabic\English keyboard)
-Filter product list
-Load previous shopping session
-Login\Logout, remember account
-Flip through product variations (colors, sizes, etc)
-Edit items in Shopping Basket
-Support fo...
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[ 旅行 ]
A Mobilparkolás & E-matrica egy szolgáltatás igénybevételét egyszerűsítő alkalmazás, amellyel könnyedén parkolhat Budapesten és az ország legtöbb vidéki nagyvárosában is! A felszíni területek mellett, már több zárttéri parkolóban is elérhető a szolgáltatás.
Az applikációt az EME Zrt. regisztrált ügyfelei és az Ad- hoc Mobilparkolás használatára jogosultak vehetik igénybe, ami igazi stressz oldó élményt biztosít a parkoló autósok számára. A parkolás elindításához már nem kell külön zónakódokat megjegyezni, mivel a rendszer a GPS fun...
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