フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
読者の心を揺さぶるマンガは、アイデアだけでは生まれません。 斬新なアイデアは、きちんとしたストーリー構成に組み込まれて初めて輝きます。 drillは、ストーリー構成の基礎体力を磨くトレーニングメニューを提供します。 ■ drill (ドリル)とは マンガを「おもしろく」するストーリーの構成力を鍛えるためのトレーニングアプリです。 ストーリー構成力を考えるための知識を「レッスン」を読むことで学び、それぞれのレッスンに対応した「回答」を書くことで、ストーリー構成力を鍛えます。 レッスンは、多数の連載獲得作家・新人賞受賞者を輩出する実践派マンガ教室「い...
[ ゲーム ]
武器を用意!Drill Punch 3Dで自分の存在意義をかけた最大のチャレンジに挑む時が来た。 Drill Punch 3Dでは、君は手に金属の道具を持った素晴らしいのスーパーヒーローだ。 道具を使って敵と戦い、障害物に立ち向かい、ゲーム内の課題を完了してレベルをクリアしよう。ボスや壁、敵などに立ち向かっていく、驚くほど楽しいアドベンチャーゲーム。 特徴 - 様々なレベルをご用意 - 簡単な操作で楽しく遊べる - 半分人間で半分武器の最高のゲームが登場
[ ゲーム ]
Uncover hidden riches as you wield a powerful drill, extracting coal, iron, gold, and diamonds. Upgrade your drill and switch between attachments like wooden shovels, stone shovels, iron pickaxes, and diamond pickaxes for optimized resource extraction. GAME FEATURES: - Drill Upgrades: Evolve your drilling capabilities, from basic to unstoppable. - Resource Extraction: Mine coal, iron, gold, and diamonds for wealth and opulence. - Economic Strategy: Manage resources to build and expand your mining empire. - Casual Gaming: Enjoy sim...
[ スポーツ ]
Smart Drill is an administration tool for coaches or teachers to manage your athletes in all different teams, classes or groups you are responsible for. It helps you keep track of your athletes individual performances, attendance, given trainingsessions, and billing. ● Set up your training groups Add your participants to your group or just import them from an already existing group. Store all relevant data like contact information, address or notes and set their individual performance index. ● Keep track of your training sessions...
[ ゲーム ]
Help make learning addition, multiplication, subtraction or division fun with this entertaining app. Math Drill Racing features an interactive game mode, which quizzes you on either addition, subtraction, multiplication, division or a combination of these. This math app consists of a multiplication game, an addition game, a subtraction game and a division game all rolled into entertaining math game. Along with gaming, you can also choose a practice mode which has 9 different levels, appropriate for children in grade 1, grade 2, ...
[ 教育 ]
Flash Drill connects two or more supported devices (iphone, ipad or ipod) via bluetooth or wifi to do flash card drills using digital flash cards. One of the devices can see both the questions and the answers for a flash card set, while all other users connected to the session only see the questions and have to come up with the answers. This is a great application for learning processes that require intensive drill, such as math tables, languages, etc. Flash card sets can be easily created and modified at will within the program....
[ 教育 ]
Are you learning a language where every noun has completely unpredictable grammatical gender or plural form that you just have to memorise? Are you learning a language where conjugation system seems too complicated to be summed up in a simple rule of thumb that you can easily apply every time you try using a new verb? If the answer is “yes”, “Lexicon Drill” is something you cannot miss. It has been designed by a language learner to get rid of a serious limitation that traditional flashcards apps impose. Namely when you are putting ...
[ 教育 ]
We all know that practice makes perfect. My Math Drill helps improving your math skills by solving as many mathematical problems as you wish. It also features timed drills so you can test how fast you are in solving problems. --> FEATURES <-- * Multi language support (Croatian, English, German, Spanish) * 30 sec Timed drill (answer as many questions as you can in 30 seconds)
[ ユーティリティ ]
Launch offer of 2.99 only for a few days !!! Drill Meter is the first app that allows you to do safely the small word with the driller. How many times have you had to drill into a wall to hang a picture, make a cable, install a bookcase and much more, but afraid to make a mess for any cables, metal parts or pipes running into the wall? From now youl not have this problem! With this app, you have to simply place the phone on the part that you have to drill, press a button and you will be warned of the presence of obstacles behin...
[ エンターテインメント ]
My Drill Sgt. A Personal Drill Sergeant for civillians! Atten-HUT! Listen up, Maggots. Your new private Drill Instructor is here to get your worthless, lazy hide in top shape! Whether you want to wake up early, start a diet or quit smoking, you now have your own personal Drill Sgt there to motivate you the only way he can. Now on yer faces and give me 20!!
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