フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Stuck on a long flight with a terrible in-flight movie? Want to get your brain bubbling on a cross-country road trip? Cramming for a big test on your walk to school? Prepping for a final while waiting in line for your fourth cup of coffee? Shmoop's analysis of Moby-Dick by Herman Melville is everything you need to dig into and better understand the book for your upcoming class, paper, test, book club meeting, whatever. Our content goes deeply into the who's, what's, when's, where's and why's of the book. It is written for tod...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Also contains - “The Dick Van Dyke Show” The Night the Roof Fell in This multi-function app contains 50 minutes worth of film content. * Once downloaded this self-contained 'film in an app' does not require a Wi-Fi or 3G connection to be viewed. * Fully functioning TV episodes / Films within the app * Synopsis page / information page function within the app * Director biography page Hustling the Hustler When Buddy’s brother Blackie pays a visit, Buddy tells him to get lost. Blackie, the black sheep of the family and a pool shar...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
With more than 310,000 menus and 55,000+ grocery, convenience and retail stores across 4,000+ cities in the U.S., Canada, and Australia, DoorDash offers the greatest online selection of your favorite restaurants and stores, delivered wherever you are. Plus, enjoy $0 delivery fees for your first order. Restrictions apply: https://drd.sh/tF5uns/ IT’S ALL HERE - Restaurants: Local and national favorites - Grocery: Everything from fresh produce to household items - Convenience: Snacks, drinks, OTC medicines, and more - Retail: Includ...
[ ゲーム ]
◆◆◆事前登録で話題沸騰◆◆◆ 本邦初の「自衛隊」戦略シミュレーションゲームが登場 ○実装備画像が120種800枚以上登場! ○みぶなつき氏原案・監修の制服娘が勢揃い! ○高度な戦略を駆使して、白熱のバトル! 「目指せ幕僚長! 800枚以上の自衛隊装備カードを駆使して、 リアルタイム対戦バトルで全国制覇せよ!」 ◆装備は全部ホンモノ 「ふるさと自衛隊」は、装備カードを集めて部隊を強化していくゲームです。 装備品の写真はすべて自衛隊の協力のもと撮影されたもので、 現在自衛隊が装備しているものはもちろん、過去装備していた退役装備や、 未来の装備も登場!? 全部で120...
[ ユーティリティ ]
PSN Friends let's you view your Playstation Network Friends list for FREE. Because it's cool to see who's online but not cool to pay for it. PSN Friends is very straightforward. (Playstation.com is slow so it can take a while to load your friends, even on WIFI.) Similar to the other PSN app's you will not be able to send messages, because unfortunately, it is not supported by Playstation. You can contact me on Twitter: @PSN_Friends_app Facebook: http://facebook.com/PSNFriends/
[ ブック ]
101 Classic Novels *Books Included* -Flatland -Little Women -Emma -Mansfield Park -Northanger Abbey -Persuasion -Pride and Prejudice -Sense and Sensibility -Peter Pan (Peter and Wendy) -Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz -The Wonderful Wizard of Oz -Jane Eyre -Wuthering Heights -The Thirty-Nine Steps -A Princess of Mars -Tarzan of the Apes -The Gods of Mars -Alice's Adventures in Wonderland -Through the Looking Glass -Don Quixote -The Mysterious Affair at Styles -The Secret Adversary -Fanny Hill -Heart of Darkness -The Last of the Mohic...
[ ニュース ]
Newsmax is a premier news platform that offers comprehensive news coverage, breaking news, and real-time updates on topics that matter to you. Forbes calls Newsmax "a news powerhouse," and The New York Times describes it as a "potent force in U.S. politics". It is America’s fastest-growing news channel. From the corridors of the White House to the halls of Congress, our reporting covers every aspect of US political life. We provide trusted news on health, personal finance, faith, and freedom issues, reflecting our commitment to ...
[ ブック ]
Oodles has 50000 FREE books and audiobooks Enjoy FREE 50000 classic books and audiobooks on iPhone and iPad. Join over 5 million users! With Oodles, you can + Read world's best authors for free + Browse books in over 100 categories + Take your library anywhere with you + Read books offline + Listen to audiobooks offline + Read books in night mode Listen to free audio books only on Oodles. Read free books only on Oodles. Our top categories - Fiction books, Romance books, Fantasy books, Adventure books, Science fiction, Chris...
[ ゲーム ]
UPDATED and IMPROVED!! – New controls, new ride zones, new challenges. Ride the ramps and stick those trixx as you ride with Coco Foxx and Air Jesus sticking Decade Airs and Tail whips. Featuring 56 different challenges, across 8 different ride zones, unlocking new stunts and new riders as you progress. *Now with access to your own music (iPod library music) and OPENFIENT Achievements so you can compete with your friends. FEATURE LIST: • MODES: Grab the challenges and unlock the ride zones, Pass n Play to challenge friend...
[ ブック ]
Read classic books in daily bite-sized bits!  Serial Reader helps you fit more reading into your busy life. Choose from more than 900 books — or add your own! — and the app delivers a new issue from the book every day. Build great reading habits and tackle daunting classic books. Each daily issue can be read in 20 minutes or less, making it easy to fit reading into your spare time! Picked as one of Apple's Best New Apps and Best New App Updates in 2016, 2018, and 2019. "This free app will make you ridiculously well-read in 20 mi...
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