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[ ファイナンス ]
Money Diary แอปที่ช่วยวางแผนด้านการเงินที่ถูกออกแบบมาให้ใช้งานง่ายและรวดเร็ว บันทึกและคำนวณรายรับ - รายจ่ายประจำวัน มาพร้อมกับการจัดเรียงข้อมูลและดีไซน์ที่สามารถเข้าใจได้ง่ายเป็นระเบียบสบายตา รองรับการเก็บข้อมูลรูปภาพ สลิปรายการสำคัญๆ ปฎิทินแสดงยอดรวมวันต่อวันและยอดรวมในแต่ละเดือนของทุกบัญชี Money Diary คำนวณและเรียบเรียงข้อมูลที่ได้มีการบันทึกไว้และแสดงผลออกมาได้ในแบบปฎิทินที่สามารถแยกแยะได้ง่ายตามยอดจำนวนรายรับ-รายจ่ายของแต่ละบัญชี และสามารถกำหนดวันเวลาที่ต้องการให้เป็นวันเริ่มต้นของเดือนที่เหมาะกับการใช้งานในแบบต่างๆหรือการติ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
FULL METAL JACKET DIARY (FMJD) has been called an "appumentary" by Entertainment Weekly, “something Stanley Kubrick would be proud of" by Wired Magazine, and named "iPad App of the Week” by Gizmodo. It was selected as one of the "Best Book Apps of 2012" by Kirkus Book Reviews, won the "Best App" award at the 2013 New Media Film Festival, and received the "Best Mobile Media Programming" Award of Merit from The Accolade Competition. "In 1985, Stanley Kubrick encouraged me to take photos and keep a journal while playing the lead role...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
AI Diary & Journal Now document your life with Journal. Never miss a beautiful memory – A sanctuary for your mind and soul Track your goals, mood and happiness. From once-in-a-lifetime events to everyday moments, Journal’s elegant interface makes journaling about your life a simple pleasure. Why you need to jounaling your life? Journaling might be the most underrated activity that can boost your productivity and well-being in just a few minutes a day. Just jot your thoughts down or record what happened during the day for a simpl...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
NOTICE: - If you can't add any event, then check whether there are calendars in iOS Calendar. If there are no calendar, add a new calendar. And make the calendar checked in S-Diary calendar set. ( month-view -> the folder icon (second on top) -> edit -> check event section. manage events, tasks and memos with one app, S Diary! FEATURES: -----Events Management-------------------------- . all events sync with iOS calendar . possible to set different color for each event . custom RGB color support . copy/cut/paste suppor...
[ ライフスタイル ]
*PetitDiary for iPhone/iPad available in iTunes App Store * Keeping a traditional, private diary is different from blogging on the web,It's about finding your inner-most feelings instead of sharing stories with your friends. Writing down your true feelings and reviewing them later will allow you to get to know yourself more and act as a memory of your experiences to look back on in the future. Furnishing with delightful original graphics, Petit Diary is not only a beautiful work of art but also a great tool for keeping your di...
[ ライフスタイル ]
If you are looking for a convenient way to keep a journal you have found what you were looking for. Just download Simple Daily Diary and see for yourself. Using Secure Diary App you will never forget important moments of your life and will have a chance to experience them again. You can share your records by using e-mail, an instant messenger or post them in social networks without leaving the app. This gives you the ability to quickly share your momentous, funny or simply interesting items with your friends and family without le...
[ ライフスタイル ]
DiaryMS is a very handy and fully functional diary APP. In this version we introduce a new anonymous social networking module - Anonymous Diary, which allows you to publish your diary anonymously, it helps you to safely share your mood,secret,love,feeling,story etc from your private diary without being known,you may also get helps from others through it. DiaryMS has both local and online diary services. With online diary service, Online Anonymous Diary is an brand new anonymous social networking module : 1. You can publish y...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
このアプリは、毎日ピルや薬を服用したかどうかを記録するためのダイアリーアプリです。OC(ピル)ユーザーをサポートする女子アプリです。 ◎通常のビル、プラセボ(偽薬)または、飲み逃しを記録し分ける事が出来ます。 ◎毎日指定した時間にポップアップリマインダーでお知らせします。 ◎その日の体調やちょっとしたことをメモすることも出来ます。 ◎カレンダー表記なので、飲んだか飲み忘れたかのチェックが一目瞭然です。 ◎記録したメモはいつでも修正可能です。 ◎28日タイプor21日タイプで4周期に色分けされて表示されるので、周期が分かりやすい。 ◎錠剤マークに、今何番...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
常常搞不清楚危險期、安全期怎麼算?想避孕/懷孕又怕算錯時間?別擔心,《Girl’s Diary 女孩日記》不但可以幫妳/你解決上述的困擾,更會主動提醒,讓妳/你隨心所欲、輕鬆自在! 使用須知: 《Girl’s Diary 女孩日記》適用對象為月經規律之使用者,如您的月經期不規律,不建議使用本App來預測安全期、易孕期、排卵日等狀況。 關於安全期或排卵期、易孕期等的日期推算僅供參考。因每位女性身體狀況不同,本應用程式推算之排卵日為理論上的排卵日,實際上仍有可能提早或延後。且因每個人的身體狀況不同(例如服藥或旅遊產生的時差),建議在預測的安全期中進行性行為時,想避孕的...
[ メディカル ]
The Blood Pressure Diary App by MedM is the most connected blood pressure monitoring app in the world, designed to simplify blood pressure management at home, when travelling, or in another setting. This smart blood pressure tracking assistant enables users to log data manually or to automatically capture readings from over 200 supported smart BPMs via Bluetooth. The app has a clean and intuitive interface and works with or without registration. Users decide if they want to keep their health data on their smartphone only, or addi...
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